Just another choice for the PHY interface. Added: Keyword option phy_clock=LAN.IN or LAN.OUT to define the source of the 50MHZ clock for the PHY interface. The RMII clock is not enabled if it is generated by a PYH board. Constants: LAN.IN The clock is provided by the PHY board. LAN.OUT The clock is provided by the MCU board. The default is LAN.OUT or the value set in mpconfigboard.h, which is currently set to IN only for the SEEED ARCH MIX board. Usage etc: lan = LAN(phy_type=LAN.PHY_DP83848, phy_clock=LAN.IN)
Port of MicroPython to NXP iMX RT 10xx
Currently supports Teensy 4.0, Teensy 4.1, and the MIMXRT1010_EVK, MIMXRT1020_EVK, MIMXRT1050_EVK, MIMXRT1060_EVK and MIMXRT1064_EVK boards.
- machine.ADC
- machine.I2C
- machine.LED
- machine.Pin
- machine.PWM
- machine.RTC
- machine.SDCard
- machine.SPI
- machine.Signal
- machine.SoftI2C
- machine.SoftSPI
- machine.Timer
- machine.UART
- LFS2 file system at the internal Flash
- SDCard support (not on MIMXRT1010_EVK)
- Ethernet (not on Teensy 4.0 and MIMXRT1010_EVK)
Known issues:
- More peripherals (Counter, I2S, CAN, etc)
- More Python options