.. the objects on the gc heap are guaranteed to be alive, as their finali(s/z)er will disable the interrupt.
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#include "peripherals/mimxrt10xx/pins.h"
typedef struct {
gpio_change_interrupt_t *func;
void *data;
} pin_change_interrupt_data;
/* Array of GPIO peripheral base address. */
static GPIO_Type *const s_gpioBases[] = GPIO_BASE_PTRS;
static uint32_t GPIO_GetInstance(GPIO_Type *base) {
uint32_t instance;
/* Find the instance index from base address mappings. */
for (instance = 0U; instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_gpioBases); instance++)
if (s_gpioBases[instance] == base) {
assert(instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_gpioBases));
return instance;
/* to find IRQ based on GPIO */
static const IRQn_Type low_irqs[] = GPIO_COMBINED_LOW_IRQS;
static const IRQn_Type high_irqs[] = GPIO_COMBINED_HIGH_IRQS;
static volatile pin_change_interrupt_data pcid[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(s_gpioBases)][32];
void enable_pin_change_interrupt(const mcu_pin_obj_t *pin, gpio_change_interrupt_t func, void *data) {
int instance = GPIO_GetInstance(pin->gpio);
volatile pin_change_interrupt_data *pci = &pcid[instance][pin->number];
pci->data = data;
pci->func = func;
IRQn_Type irq = pin->number < 16 ? low_irqs[instance] : high_irqs[instance];
if (irq != NotAvail_IRQn) {
pin->gpio->IMR |= (1 << pin->number);
void disable_pin_change_interrupt(const mcu_pin_obj_t *pin) {
volatile pin_change_interrupt_data *pci = &pcid[GPIO_GetInstance(pin->gpio)][pin->number];
pin->gpio->IMR &= ~(1 << pin->number);
pci->data = NULL;
pci->func = NULL;
pin->gpio->ISR = (1 << pin->number); // acknowledge any pending interrupt
static void pin_change_interrupt_common(uint32_t isr, volatile pin_change_interrupt_data *pcr) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (isr & (1 << i)) {
pin_change_interrupt_data cb = pcr[i];
if (cb.func) {
#define GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(name, ptr, instance, offset) \
void name(void); \
__attribute__((used)) void name(void) { \
uint32_t isr = ptr->ISR; \
ptr->ISR = isr; \
pin_change_interrupt_common(isr, pcid[instance]); \
#if defined(GPIO1)
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO1_Combined_0_15_IRQHandler, GPIO1, 1, 0);
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO1_Combined_16_31_IRQHandler, GPIO1, 1, 16);
#if defined(GPIO2)
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO2_Combined_0_15_IRQHandler, GPIO2, 2, 0);
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO2_Combined_16_31_IRQHandler, GPIO2, 2, 16);
#if defined(GPIO3)
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO3_Combined_0_15_IRQHandler, GPIO3, 3, 0);
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO3_Combined_16_31_IRQHandler, GPIO3, 3, 16);
#if defined(GPIO4)
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO4_Combined_0_15_IRQHandler, GPIO4, 4, 0);
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO4_Combined_16_31_IRQHandler, GPIO4, 4, 16);
#if defined(GPIO5)
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO5_Combined_0_15_IRQHandler, GPIO5, 5, 0);
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO5_Combined_16_31_IRQHandler, GPIO5, 5, 16);
#if defined(GPIO6)
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO6_Combined_0_15_IRQHandler, GPIO6, 6, 0);
GPIO_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(GPIO6_Combined_16_31_IRQHandler, GPIO6, 6, 16);