Which just sets the CPU clock to 200kHz and switches the peripheral clock off. There are two modes: machine.lightsleep(duration_ms) and machine.lightsleep() In any mode any configured pin.irq() event will terminate the sleep. Current consumption in lightsleep for some boards: - 1.5 - 2.5 mA when supplied trough an active USB (Seeed XIAO w/o power LED, Adafruit ItsyBitsy) - 0.8 - 2 mA when supplied through Gnd/+5V (Vusb) (Seeed XIAO w/o power LED, Adafruit ItsyBitsy) - < 1 mA for SAMD51 when supplied trough a battery connector (Sparkfun Thing SAMD51 plus) Related change: move the calls to SysTick_Config() into set_cpu_freq(). It is required after each CPU freq change to have ticks_ms run at the proper rate.