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.. _rp2_quickref:
Quick reference for the RP2
.. image:: img/pico_pinout.png
:alt: Raspberry Pi Pico
:width: 640px
The Raspberry Pi Pico Development Board (image attribution: Raspberry Pi Foundation).
Below is a quick reference for Raspberry Pi RP2xxx boards. If it is your first time
working with this board it may be useful to get an overview of the microcontroller:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Installing MicroPython
See the corresponding section of tutorial: :ref:`rp2_intro`. It also includes
a troubleshooting subsection.
General board control
The MicroPython REPL is accessed via the USB serial port. Tab-completion is useful to
find out what methods an object has. Paste mode (ctrl-E) is useful to paste a
large slab of Python code into the REPL.
The :mod:`machine` module::
import machine
machine.freq() # get the current frequency of the CPU
machine.freq(240000000) # set the CPU frequency to 240 MHz
The :mod:`rp2` module::
import rp2
Delay and timing
Use the :mod:`time <utime>` module::
import time
time.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 second
time.sleep_ms(500) # sleep for 500 milliseconds
time.sleep_us(10) # sleep for 10 microseconds
start = time.ticks_ms() # get millisecond counter
delta = time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start) # compute time difference
RP2040's system timer peripheral provides a global microsecond timebase and
generates interrupts for it. The software timer is available currently,
and there are unlimited number of them (memory permitting). There is no need
to specify the timer id (id=-1 is supported at the moment) as it will default
to this.
Use the :mod:`machine.Timer` class::
from machine import Timer
tim = Timer(period=5000, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t:print(1))
tim.init(period=2000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=lambda t:print(2))
.. _rp2_Pins_and_GPIO:
Pins and GPIO
Use the :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>` class::
from machine import Pin
p0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) # create output pin on GPIO0
p0.on() # set pin to "on" (high) level # set pin to "off" (low) level
p0.value(1) # set pin to on/high
p2 = Pin(2, Pin.IN) # create input pin on GPIO2
print(p2.value()) # get value, 0 or 1
p4 = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # enable internal pull-up resistor
p5 = Pin(5, Pin.OUT, value=1) # set pin high on creation
UART (serial bus)
There are two UARTs, UART0 and UART1. UART0 can be mapped to GPIO 0/1, 12/13
and 16/17, and UART1 to GPIO 4/5 and 8/9.
See :ref:`machine.UART <machine.UART>`. ::
from machine import UART, Pin
uart1 = UART(1, baudrate=9600, tx=Pin(4), rx=Pin(5))
uart1.write('hello') # write 5 bytes # read up to 5 bytes
.. note::
REPL over UART is disabled by default. You can see the :ref:`rp2_intro` for
details on how to enable REPL over UART.
PWM (pulse width modulation)
There are 8 independent channels each of which have 2 outputs making it 16
PWM channels in total which can be clocked from 7Hz to 125Mhz.
Use the ``machine.PWM`` class::
from machine import Pin, PWM
pwm0 = PWM(Pin(0)) # create PWM object from a pin
pwm0.freq() # get current frequency
pwm0.freq(1000) # set frequency
pwm0.duty_u16() # get current duty cycle, range 0-65535
pwm0.duty_u16(200) # set duty cycle, range 0-65535
pwm0.deinit() # turn off PWM on the pin
ADC (analog to digital conversion)
RP2040 has five ADC channels in total, four of which are 12-bit SAR based
ADCs: GP26, GP27, GP28 and GP29. The input signal for ADC0, ADC1, ADC2 and
ADC3 can be connected with GP26, GP27, GP28, GP29 respectively (On Pico board,
GP29 is connected to VSYS). The standard ADC range is 0-3.3V. The fifth
channel is connected to the in-built temperature sensor and can be used for
measuring the temperature.
Use the :ref:`machine.ADC <machine.ADC>` class::
from machine import ADC, Pin
adc = ADC(Pin(26)) # create ADC object on ADC pin
adc.read_u16() # read value, 0-65535 across voltage range 0.0v - 3.3v
Software SPI bus
Software SPI (using bit-banging) works on all pins, and is accessed via the
:ref:`machine.SoftSPI <machine.SoftSPI>` class::
from machine import Pin, SoftSPI
# construct a SoftSPI bus on the given pins
# polarity is the idle state of SCK
# phase=0 means sample on the first edge of SCK, phase=1 means the second
spi = SoftSPI(baudrate=100_000, polarity=1, phase=0, sck=Pin(0), mosi=Pin(2), miso=Pin(4))
spi.init(baudrate=200000) # set the baudrate # read 10 bytes on MISO, 0xff) # read 10 bytes while outputting 0xff on MOSI
buf = bytearray(50) # create a buffer
spi.readinto(buf) # read into the given buffer (reads 50 bytes in this case)
spi.readinto(buf, 0xff) # read into the given buffer and output 0xff on MOSI
spi.write(b'12345') # write 5 bytes on MOSI
buf = bytearray(4) # create a buffer
spi.write_readinto(b'1234', buf) # write to MOSI and read from MISO into the buffer
spi.write_readinto(buf, buf) # write buf to MOSI and read MISO back into buf
.. Warning::
Currently *all* of ``sck``, ``mosi`` and ``miso`` *must* be specified when
initialising Software SPI.
Hardware SPI bus
The RP2040 has 2 hardware SPI buses which is accessed via the
:ref:`machine.SPI <machine.SPI>` class and has the same methods as software
SPI above::
from machine import Pin, SPI
spi = SPI(1, 10_000_000) # Default assignment: sck=Pin(10), mosi=Pin(11), miso=Pin(8)
spi = SPI(1, 10_000_000, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(15), miso=Pin(12))
spi = SPI(0, baudrate=80_000_000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, sck=Pin(6), mosi=Pin(7), miso=Pin(4))
Software I2C bus
Software I2C (using bit-banging) works on all output-capable pins, and is
accessed via the :ref:`machine.SoftI2C <machine.SoftI2C>` class::
from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=100_000)
i2c.scan() # scan for devices
i2c.readfrom(0x3a, 4) # read 4 bytes from device with address 0x3a
i2c.writeto(0x3a, '12') # write '12' to device with address 0x3a
buf = bytearray(10) # create a buffer with 10 bytes
i2c.writeto(0x3a, buf) # write the given buffer to the peripheral
Hardware I2C bus
The driver is accessed via the :ref:`machine.I2C <machine.I2C>` class and
has the same methods as software I2C above::
from machine import Pin, I2C
i2c = I2C(0) # default assignment: scl=Pin(9), sda=Pin(8)
i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(3), sda=Pin(2), freq=400_000)
Real time clock (RTC)
See :ref:`machine.RTC <machine.RTC>` ::
from machine import RTC
rtc = RTC()
rtc.datetime((2017, 8, 23, 2, 12, 48, 0, 0)) # set a specific date and
# time, eg. 2017/8/23 1:12:48
rtc.datetime() # get date and time
WDT (Watchdog timer)
The RP2040 has a watchdog which is a countdown timer that can restart
parts of the chip if it reaches zero.
See :ref:`machine.WDT <machine.WDT>`. ::
from machine import WDT
# enable the WDT with a timeout of 5s (1s is the minimum)
wdt = WDT(timeout=5000)
OneWire driver
The OneWire driver is implemented in software and works on all pins::
from machine import Pin
import onewire
ow = onewire.OneWire(Pin(12)) # create a OneWire bus on GPIO12
ow.scan() # return a list of devices on the bus
ow.reset() # reset the bus
ow.readbyte() # read a byte
ow.writebyte(0x12) # write a byte on the bus
ow.write('123') # write bytes on the bus
ow.select_rom(b'12345678') # select a specific device by its ROM code
There is a specific driver for DS18S20 and DS18B20 devices::
import time, ds18x20
ds = ds18x20.DS18X20(ow)
roms = ds.scan()
for rom in roms:
Be sure to put a 4.7k pull-up resistor on the data line. Note that
the ``convert_temp()`` method must be called each time you want to
sample the temperature.
NeoPixel and APA106 driver
Use the ``neopixel`` and ``apa106`` modules::
from machine import Pin
from neopixel import NeoPixel
pin = Pin(0, Pin.OUT) # set GPIO0 to output to drive NeoPixels
np = NeoPixel(pin, 8) # create NeoPixel driver on GPIO0 for 8 pixels
np[0] = (255, 255, 255) # set the first pixel to white
np.write() # write data to all pixels
r, g, b = np[0] # get first pixel colour
The APA106 driver extends NeoPixel, but internally uses a different colour order::
from apa106 import APA106
ap = APA106(pin, 8)
r, g, b = ap[0]
APA102 (DotStar) uses a different driver as it has an additional clock pin.