# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 MicroPython & CircuitPython contributors (https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/graphs/contributors) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import argparse import os import struct import sys sys.path.insert(0, "bitmap_font") sys.path.insert(0, "../../tools/bitmap_font") from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate USB descriptors.") parser.add_argument("--font", type=str, help="Font path", required=True) parser.add_argument("--extra_characters", type=str, help="Unicode string of extra characters") parser.add_argument( "--sample_file", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="Text file that includes strings to support.", ) parser.add_argument("--output_c_file", type=argparse.FileType("w"), required=True) args = parser.parse_args() class BitmapStub: def __init__(self, width, height, color_depth): self.width = width self.rows = [b""] * height def _load_row(self, y, row): self.rows[y] = bytes(row) f = bitmap_font.load_font(args.font, BitmapStub) # Load extra characters from the sample file. sample_characters = set() if args.sample_file: for line in args.sample_file: # Skip comments because we add additional characters in our huffman comments. if line.startswith("//"): continue for c in line.strip(): sample_characters.add(c) # Merge visible ascii, sample characters and extra characters. visible_ascii = bytes(range(0x20, 0x7F)).decode("utf-8") all_characters = visible_ascii for c in sample_characters: if c not in all_characters: all_characters += c if args.extra_characters: all_characters.extend(args.extra_characters) all_characters = "".join(sorted(set(all_characters))) filtered_characters = all_characters # Try to pre-load all of the glyphs. Misses will still be slow later. f.load_glyphs(set(ord(c) for c in all_characters)) missing = 0 # Get each glyph. for c in set(all_characters): if ord(c) not in f._glyphs: missing += 1 filtered_characters = filtered_characters.replace(c, "") continue g = f.get_glyph(ord(c)) if g["shift"][1] != 0: raise RuntimeError("y shift") if missing > 0: print("Font missing", missing, "characters", file=sys.stderr) x, y, dx, dy = f.get_bounding_box() tile_x, tile_y = x - dx, y - dy total_bits = tile_x * len(all_characters) total_bits += 32 - total_bits % 32 bytes_per_row = total_bits // 8 b = bytearray(bytes_per_row * tile_y) for x, c in enumerate(filtered_characters): g = f.get_glyph(ord(c)) start_bit = x * tile_x + g["bounds"][2] start_y = (tile_y - 2) - (g["bounds"][1] + g["bounds"][3]) for y, row in enumerate(g["bitmap"].rows): for i in range(g["bounds"][0]): byte = i // 8 bit = i % 8 if row[byte] & (1 << (7 - bit)) != 0: overall_bit = start_bit + (start_y + y) * bytes_per_row * 8 + i b[overall_bit // 8] |= 1 << (7 - (overall_bit % 8)) extra_characters = "" for c in filtered_characters: if c not in visible_ascii: extra_characters += c c_file = args.output_c_file c_file.write( """\ #include "shared-bindings/displayio/Palette.h" #include "supervisor/shared/display.h" """ ) c_file.write( """\ _displayio_color_t terminal_colors[2] = { { .rgb888 = 0x000000, .rgb565 = 0x0000, .luma = 0x00, .chroma = 0 }, { .rgb888 = 0xffffff, .rgb565 = 0xffff, .luma = 0xff, .chroma = 0 }, }; displayio_palette_t supervisor_terminal_color = { .base = {.type = &displayio_palette_type }, .colors = terminal_colors, .color_count = 2, .needs_refresh = false }; """ ) c_file.write( """\ displayio_tilegrid_t supervisor_terminal_text_grid = {{ .base = {{ .type = &displayio_tilegrid_type }}, .bitmap = (displayio_bitmap_t*) &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap, .pixel_shader = &supervisor_terminal_color, .x = 16, .y = 0, .pixel_width = {1}, .pixel_height = {2}, .bitmap_width_in_tiles = {0}, .tiles_in_bitmap = {0}, .width_in_tiles = 1, .height_in_tiles = 1, .tile_width = {1}, .tile_height = {2}, .tiles = NULL, .partial_change = false, .full_change = false, .hidden = false, .hidden_by_parent = false, .moved = false, .inline_tiles = false, .in_group = true }}; """.format( len(all_characters), tile_x, tile_y ) ) c_file.write( """\ const uint32_t font_bitmap_data[{}] = {{ """.format( bytes_per_row * tile_y // 4 ) ) for i, word in enumerate(struct.iter_unpack(">I", b)): c_file.write("0x{:08x}, ".format(word[0])) if (i + 1) % (bytes_per_row // 4) == 0: c_file.write("\n") c_file.write( """\ }; """ ) c_file.write( """\ displayio_bitmap_t supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap = {{ .base = {{.type = &displayio_bitmap_type }}, .width = {}, .height = {}, .data = (size_t*) font_bitmap_data, .stride = {}, .bits_per_value = 1, .x_shift = 5, .x_mask = 0x1f, .bitmask = 0x1, .read_only = true }}; """.format( len(all_characters) * tile_x, tile_y, bytes_per_row / 4 ) ) c_file.write( """\ const fontio_builtinfont_t supervisor_terminal_font = {{ .base = {{.type = &fontio_builtinfont_type }}, .bitmap = &supervisor_terminal_font_bitmap, .width = {}, .height = {}, .unicode_characters = (const uint8_t*) "{}", .unicode_characters_len = {} }}; """.format( tile_x, tile_y, extra_characters, len(extra_characters.encode("utf-8")) ) ) c_file.write( """\ terminalio_terminal_obj_t supervisor_terminal = { .base = { .type = &terminalio_terminal_type }, .font = &supervisor_terminal_font, .cursor_x = 0, .cursor_y = 0, .tilegrid = &supervisor_terminal_text_grid }; """ )