/* * This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "extmod/vfs_fat_file.h" #include "py/gc.h" #include "py/mperrno.h" #include "py/runtime.h" #include "common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.h" #include "shared-bindings/audioio/AudioOut.h" #include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h" #include "asf/sam0/drivers/dac/dac.h" #include "asf/sam0/drivers/dma/dma.h" #include "asf/sam0/drivers/events/events.h" #include "asf/sam0/drivers/port/port.h" #include "asf/sam0/drivers/tc/tc.h" #include "samd21_pins.h" #include "shared_dma.h" #undef ENABLE // Shared with PWMOut // TODO(tannewt): Factor these out so audioio can exist without PWMOut. extern uint32_t target_timer_frequencies[TC_INST_NUM + TCC_INST_NUM]; extern uint8_t timer_refcount[TC_INST_NUM + TCC_INST_NUM]; extern const uint16_t prescaler[8]; // This timer is shared amongst all AudioOut objects under the assumption that // the code is single threaded. The audioout_sample_timer, audioout_dac_instance, // audioout_sample_event, and audioout_dac_event pointers live in // MICROPY_PORT_ROOT_POINTERS so they don't get garbage collected. // The AudioOut object is being currently played. Only it can pause the timer // and change its frequency. static audioio_audioout_obj_t* active_audioout; static uint8_t refcount = 0; struct wave_format_chunk { uint16_t audio_format; uint16_t num_channels; uint32_t sample_rate; uint32_t byte_rate; uint16_t block_align; uint16_t bits_per_sample; uint16_t extra_params; // Assumed to be zero below. }; void audioout_reset(void) { // Only reset DMA. PWMOut will reset the timer. Other code will reset the DAC. refcount = 0; MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer) = NULL; MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter) = NULL; MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance) = NULL; if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event) != NULL) { events_detach_user(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event), EVSYS_ID_USER_DAC_START); events_release(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event)); } MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event) = NULL; if (MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_event) != NULL) { events_release(MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_event)); } MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_event) = NULL; if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event) != NULL) { events_detach_user(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event), EVSYS_ID_USER_DMAC_CH_0); events_release(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event)); } MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event) = NULL; dma_abort_job(&audio_dma); } // WARN(tannewt): DO NOT print from here. It calls background tasks and causes a // stack overflow. void audioout_background(void) { if (MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter) != NULL && active_audioout != NULL && active_audioout->second_buffer != NULL && active_audioout->last_loaded_block < tc_get_count_value(MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter))) { uint8_t* buffer; if (tc_get_count_value(MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter)) % 2 == 1) { buffer = active_audioout->buffer; } else { buffer = active_audioout->second_buffer; } uint16_t num_bytes_to_load = active_audioout->len; if (num_bytes_to_load > active_audioout->bytes_remaining) { num_bytes_to_load = active_audioout->bytes_remaining; } UINT length_read; f_read(&active_audioout->file->fp, buffer, num_bytes_to_load, &length_read); active_audioout->bytes_remaining -= length_read; active_audioout->last_loaded_block += 1; if (active_audioout->bytes_remaining == 0) { if (active_audioout->loop) { // Loop back to the start of the file. f_lseek(&active_audioout->file->fp, active_audioout->data_start); active_audioout->bytes_remaining = active_audioout->file_length; f_read(&active_audioout->file->fp, buffer, active_audioout->len - num_bytes_to_load, &length_read); active_audioout->bytes_remaining -= length_read; } else { DmacDescriptor* descriptor = audio_dma.descriptor; if (buffer == active_audioout->second_buffer) { descriptor = active_audioout->second_descriptor; } descriptor->BTCNT.reg = length_read / active_audioout->bytes_per_sample; descriptor->SRCADDR.reg = ((uint32_t) buffer) + length_read; descriptor->DESCADDR.reg = 0; } } if (active_audioout->bytes_per_sample == 2) { // Undo twos complement. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < length_read / 2; i++) { buffer[2 * i + 1] ^= 0x80; } } } } static void shared_construct(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self, const mcu_pin_obj_t* pin) { assert_pin_free(pin); // Configure the DAC to output on input event and to output an empty event // that triggers the DMA to load the next sample. MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance) = gc_alloc(sizeof(struct dac_module), false); if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance) == NULL) { mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } struct dac_config config_dac; dac_get_config_defaults(&config_dac); config_dac.left_adjust = true; config_dac.reference = DAC_REFERENCE_AVCC; config_dac.clock_source = GCLK_GENERATOR_0; enum status_code status = dac_init(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance), DAC, &config_dac); if (status != STATUS_OK) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_OSError(MP_EIO); return; } struct dac_chan_config channel_config; dac_chan_get_config_defaults(&channel_config); dac_chan_set_config(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance), DAC_CHANNEL_0, &channel_config); dac_chan_enable(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance), DAC_CHANNEL_0); struct dac_events events_dac = { .generate_event_on_buffer_empty = true, .on_event_start_conversion = true }; dac_enable_events(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance), &events_dac); // Figure out which timer we are using. Tc *t = NULL; Tc *tcs[TC_INST_NUM] = TC_INSTS; for (uint8_t i = TC_INST_NUM; i > 0; i--) { if (tcs[i - 1]->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.ENABLE == 0) { t = tcs[i - 1]; break; } } if (t == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_RuntimeError("All timers in use"); return; } MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer) = gc_alloc(sizeof(struct tc_module), false); if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer) == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } // Don't bother setting the period. We set it before you playback anything. struct tc_config config_tc; tc_get_config_defaults(&config_tc); config_tc.counter_size = TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT; config_tc.clock_prescaler = TC_CLOCK_PRESCALER_DIV1; config_tc.wave_generation = TC_WAVE_GENERATION_MATCH_FREQ; if (tc_init(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer), t, &config_tc) != STATUS_OK) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_OSError(MP_EIO); return; }; struct tc_events events_tc; events_tc.generate_event_on_overflow = true; events_tc.on_event_perform_action = false; events_tc.event_action = TC_EVENT_ACTION_OFF; tc_enable_events(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer), &events_tc); tc_enable(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); tc_stop_counter(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); // Connect the timer overflow event, which happens at the target frequency, // to the DAC conversion trigger. MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event) = gc_alloc(sizeof(struct events_resource), false); if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event) == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } struct events_config config; events_get_config_defaults(&config); uint8_t generator = EVSYS_ID_GEN_TC3_OVF; if (t == TC4) { generator = EVSYS_ID_GEN_TC4_OVF; } else if (t == TC5) { generator = EVSYS_ID_GEN_TC5_OVF; #ifdef TC6 } else if (t == TC6) { generator = EVSYS_ID_GEN_TC6_OVF; #endif #ifdef TC7 } else if (t == TC7) { generator = EVSYS_ID_GEN_TC7_OVF; #endif } config.generator = generator; config.path = EVENTS_PATH_ASYNCHRONOUS; if (events_allocate(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event), &config) != STATUS_OK || events_attach_user(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event), EVSYS_ID_USER_DAC_START) != STATUS_OK) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_OSError(MP_EIO); return; } // Connect the DAC to DMA MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event) = gc_alloc(sizeof(struct events_resource), false); if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event) == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } events_get_config_defaults(&config); config.generator = EVSYS_ID_GEN_DAC_EMPTY; config.path = EVENTS_PATH_ASYNCHRONOUS; if (events_allocate(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event), &config) != STATUS_OK || events_attach_user(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event), EVSYS_ID_USER_DMAC_CH_0) != STATUS_OK) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_OSError(MP_EIO); return; } // Leave the DMA setup to the specific constructor. } void common_hal_audioio_audioout_construct_from_buffer(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self, const mcu_pin_obj_t* pin, uint16_t* buffer, uint32_t len, uint8_t bytes_per_sample) { self->pin = pin; if (pin != &pin_PA02) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid pin"); } if (refcount == 0) { refcount++; shared_construct(self, pin); } self->buffer = (uint8_t*) buffer; self->second_buffer = NULL; self->bytes_per_sample = bytes_per_sample; self->len = len; self->frequency = 8000; } void common_hal_audioio_audioout_construct_from_file(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self, const mcu_pin_obj_t* pin, pyb_file_obj_t* file) { self->pin = pin; if (pin != &pin_PA02) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid pin"); } if (refcount == 0) { refcount++; shared_construct(self, pin); } if (MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter) == NULL && !allocate_block_counter()) { mp_raise_RuntimeError("Unable to allocate audio DMA block counter."); } // Load the wave self->file = file; uint8_t chunk_header[16]; f_rewind(&self->file->fp); UINT bytes_read; f_read(&self->file->fp, chunk_header, 16, &bytes_read); if (bytes_read != 16 || memcmp(chunk_header, "RIFF", 4) != 0 || memcmp(chunk_header + 8, "WAVEfmt ", 8) != 0) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid wave file"); } uint32_t format_size; f_read(&self->file->fp, &format_size, 4, &bytes_read); if (bytes_read != 4 || format_size > sizeof(struct wave_format_chunk)) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid format chunk size"); } struct wave_format_chunk format; f_read(&self->file->fp, &format, format_size, &bytes_read); if (bytes_read != format_size) { } if (format.audio_format != 1 || format.num_channels > 1 || format.bits_per_sample > 16 || (format_size == 18 && format.extra_params != 0)) { mp_raise_ValueError("Unsupported format"); } // Get the frequency self->frequency = format.sample_rate; self->len = 512; self->bytes_per_sample = format.bits_per_sample / 8; // TODO(tannewt): Skip any extra chunks that occur before the data section. uint8_t data_tag[4]; f_read(&self->file->fp, &data_tag, 4, &bytes_read); if (bytes_read != 4 || memcmp((uint8_t *) data_tag, "data", 4) != 0) { mp_raise_ValueError("Data chunk must follow fmt chunk"); } uint32_t data_length; f_read(&self->file->fp, &data_length, 4, &bytes_read); if (bytes_read != 4) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid file"); } self->file_length = data_length; self->data_start = self->file->fp.fptr; // Try to allocate two buffers, one will be loaded from file and the other // DMAed to DAC. self->buffer = gc_alloc(self->len, false); if (self->buffer == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } self->second_buffer = gc_alloc(self->len, false); if (self->second_buffer == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } self->second_descriptor = gc_alloc(sizeof(DmacDescriptor), false); if (self->second_descriptor == NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(self); mp_raise_msg(&mp_type_MemoryError, ""); } } void common_hal_audioio_audioout_deinit(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self) { refcount--; if (refcount == 0) { if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer) != NULL) { tc_reset(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); gc_free(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer) = NULL; } if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance) != NULL) { dac_reset(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance)); gc_free(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance)); MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance) = NULL; } if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event) != NULL) { events_detach_user(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event), EVSYS_ID_USER_DAC_START); events_release(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event)); gc_free(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event)); MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_event) = NULL; } if (MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event) != NULL) { events_release(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event)); gc_free(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event)); MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_event) = NULL; } reset_pin(self->pin->pin); } } static void set_timer_frequency(uint32_t frequency) { uint32_t system_clock = system_cpu_clock_get_hz(); uint32_t new_top; uint8_t new_divisor; for (new_divisor = 0; new_divisor < 8; new_divisor++) { new_top = (system_clock / prescaler[new_divisor] / frequency) - 1; if (new_top < (1u << 16)) { break; } } uint8_t old_divisor = MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)->hw->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER; if (new_divisor != old_divisor) { tc_disable(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)->hw->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER = new_divisor; tc_enable(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); } while (tc_is_syncing(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer))) { /* Wait for sync */ } MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)->hw->COUNT16.CC[0].reg = new_top; while (tc_is_syncing(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer))) { /* Wait for sync */ } } void common_hal_audioio_audioout_play(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self, bool loop) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_get_playing(self); // Shut down any active playback. if (active_audioout != NULL) { tc_stop_counter(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); dma_abort_job(&audio_dma); } else { dac_enable(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance)); } switch_audiodma_trigger(DAC_DMAC_ID_EMPTY); struct dma_descriptor_config descriptor_config; dma_descriptor_get_config_defaults(&descriptor_config); if (self->bytes_per_sample == 2) { descriptor_config.beat_size = DMA_BEAT_SIZE_HWORD; } else { descriptor_config.beat_size = DMA_BEAT_SIZE_BYTE; } descriptor_config.dst_increment_enable = false; // Block transfer count is the number of beats per block (aka descriptor). // In this case there are two bytes per beat so divide the length by two. descriptor_config.block_transfer_count = self->len / self->bytes_per_sample; descriptor_config.source_address = ((uint32_t)self->buffer + self->len); descriptor_config.destination_address = ((uint32_t)&DAC->DATABUF.reg + 1); descriptor_config.event_output_selection = DMA_EVENT_OUTPUT_BLOCK; self->loop = loop; if (self->second_buffer == NULL) { if (loop) { descriptor_config.next_descriptor_address = ((uint32_t)audio_dma.descriptor); } else { descriptor_config.next_descriptor_address = 0; } } else { descriptor_config.next_descriptor_address = ((uint32_t)self->second_descriptor); } dma_descriptor_create(audio_dma.descriptor, &descriptor_config); if (self->second_buffer != NULL) { // TODO(tannewt): Correctly set the end of this. descriptor_config.block_transfer_count = self->len / self->bytes_per_sample; descriptor_config.source_address = ((uint32_t)self->second_buffer + self->len); descriptor_config.next_descriptor_address = ((uint32_t)audio_dma.descriptor); dma_descriptor_create(self->second_descriptor, &descriptor_config); self->last_loaded_block = 0; self->bytes_remaining = self->file_length; f_lseek(&self->file->fp, self->data_start); // Seek to the start of the PCM. UINT length_read; f_read(&self->file->fp, self->buffer, self->len, &length_read); self->bytes_remaining -= length_read; if (self->bytes_per_sample == 2) { // Undo twos complement. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < length_read / 2; i++) { self->buffer[2 * i + 1] ^= 0x80; } } f_read(&self->file->fp, self->second_buffer, self->len, &length_read); self->bytes_remaining -= length_read; if (self->bytes_per_sample == 2) { // Undo twos complement. for (uint16_t i = 0; i < length_read / 2; i++) { self->second_buffer[2 * i + 1] ^= 0x80; } } } active_audioout = self; dma_start_transfer_job(&audio_dma); if (MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter) != NULL) { tc_start_counter(MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter)); } set_timer_frequency(self->frequency); tc_start_counter(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); } void common_hal_audioio_audioout_stop(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self) { if (active_audioout == self) { if (MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter) != NULL) { tc_stop_counter(MP_STATE_VM(audiodma_block_counter)); } tc_stop_counter(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_sample_timer)); dma_abort_job(&audio_dma); active_audioout = NULL; dac_disable(MP_STATE_VM(audioout_dac_instance)); } } bool common_hal_audioio_audioout_get_playing(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self) { if (!dma_is_busy(&audio_dma)) { if (active_audioout != NULL) { common_hal_audioio_audioout_stop(active_audioout); } active_audioout = NULL; } return active_audioout == self; } void common_hal_audioio_audioout_set_frequency(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self, uint32_t frequency) { if (frequency == 0 || frequency > 350000) { mp_raise_ValueError("Unsupported playback frequency"); } self->frequency = frequency; if (common_hal_audioio_audioout_get_playing(self)) { set_timer_frequency(frequency); } } uint32_t common_hal_audioio_audioout_get_frequency(audioio_audioout_obj_t* self) { return self->frequency; }