/* * This file is part of the Micro Python project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2016 Damien P. George * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "py/runtime.h" #include "common-hal/nativeio/PWMOut.h" #include "shared-bindings/nativeio/PWMOut.h" #include "samd21_pins.h" #undef ENABLE uint32_t target_timer_frequencies[TC_INST_NUM + TCC_INST_NUM]; uint8_t timer_refcount[TC_INST_NUM + TCC_INST_NUM]; const uint16_t prescaler[8] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 64, 256, 1024}; // This bitmask keeps track of which channels of a TCC are currently claimed. uint8_t tcc_channels[3] = {0xf0, 0xfc, 0xfc}; void pwmout_reset(void) { // Reset all but TC5 for (int i = 0; i < TC_INST_NUM + TCC_INST_NUM; i++) { if (i == 5) { target_timer_frequencies[i] = 1000; timer_refcount[i] = 1; } else { target_timer_frequencies[i] = 0; timer_refcount[i] = 0; } } Tcc *tccs[TCC_INST_NUM] = TCC_INSTS; for (int i = 0; i < TCC_INST_NUM; i++) { tccs[i]->CTRLA.bit.SWRST = 1; } Tc *tcs[TC_INST_NUM] = TC_INSTS; for (int i = 0; i < TC_INST_NUM; i++) { if (tcs[i] == TC5) { continue; } tcs[i]->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.SWRST = 1; } } bool channel_ok(const pin_timer_t* t, uint8_t index) { return (!t->is_tc && (tcc_channels[index] & (1 << t->channel)) == 0) || t->is_tc; } void common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_construct(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self, const mcu_pin_obj_t* pin, uint16_t duty, uint32_t frequency, bool variable_frequency) { self->pin = pin; self->variable_frequency = variable_frequency; if (pin->primary_timer.tc == 0 && pin->secondary_timer.tc == 0) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid pin"); } if (frequency == 0 || frequency > 6000000) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid PWM frequency"); } uint16_t primary_timer_index = 0xff; uint16_t secondary_timer_index = 0xff; if (pin->primary_timer.tc != NULL) { primary_timer_index = (((uint32_t) pin->primary_timer.tcc) - ((uint32_t) TCC0)) / 0x400; } if (pin->secondary_timer.tc != NULL) { secondary_timer_index = (((uint32_t) pin->secondary_timer.tcc) - ((uint32_t) TCC0)) / 0x400; } // Figure out which timer we are using. // First see if a timer is already going with the frequency we want and our // channel is unused. // NOTE(shawcroft): The enable bit is in the same position for TC and TCC so // we treat them all as TCC for checking ENABLE. const pin_timer_t* t = NULL; uint8_t index = 0; if (!variable_frequency && primary_timer_index != 0xff && target_timer_frequencies[primary_timer_index] == frequency && pin->primary_timer.tcc->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE == 1 && channel_ok(&pin->primary_timer, primary_timer_index)) { t = &pin->primary_timer; index = primary_timer_index; } else if (!variable_frequency && secondary_timer_index != 0xff && target_timer_frequencies[secondary_timer_index] == frequency && pin->secondary_timer.tcc->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE == 1 && channel_ok(&pin->secondary_timer, secondary_timer_index)) { t = &pin->secondary_timer; index = secondary_timer_index; } else { // Pick an unused timer if available. // Check the secondary timer first since its always a nicer TCC (when it // exists) if (pin->secondary_timer.tc != 0 && timer_refcount[secondary_timer_index] == 0 && pin->secondary_timer.tcc->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE == 0) { t = &pin->secondary_timer; index = secondary_timer_index; } else if (pin->primary_timer.tc != 0 && (!pin->primary_timer.is_tc || pin->primary_timer.channel == 1) && timer_refcount[primary_timer_index] == 0) { t = &pin->primary_timer; index = primary_timer_index; } if (t == NULL) { mp_raise_RuntimeError("All timers in use"); return; } uint8_t resolution = 0; if (t->is_tc) { resolution = 16; } else { resolution = 24; } // First determine the divisor that gets us the highest resolution. uint32_t system_clock = system_cpu_clock_get_hz(); uint32_t top; uint8_t divisor; for (divisor = 0; divisor < 8; divisor++) { top = (system_clock / prescaler[divisor] / frequency) - 1; if (top < (1u << resolution)) { break; } } if (t->is_tc) { struct tc_config config_tc; tc_get_config_defaults(&config_tc); config_tc.counter_size = TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT; config_tc.clock_prescaler = TC_CTRLA_PRESCALER(divisor); config_tc.wave_generation = TC_WAVE_GENERATION_MATCH_PWM; config_tc.counter_16_bit.compare_capture_channel[0] = top; tc_init(&self->tc_instance, t->tc, &config_tc); tc_enable(&self->tc_instance); } else { struct tcc_config config_tcc; tcc_get_config_defaults(&config_tcc, t->tcc); config_tcc.counter.clock_prescaler = divisor; config_tcc.counter.period = top; config_tcc.compare.wave_generation = TCC_WAVE_GENERATION_SINGLE_SLOPE_PWM; tcc_init(&self->tcc_instance, t->tcc, &config_tcc); tcc_enable(&self->tcc_instance); } target_timer_frequencies[index] = frequency; timer_refcount[index]++; } if (!t->is_tc) { if (variable_frequency) { // We're changing frequency so claim all of the channels. tcc_channels[index] = 0xff; } else { tcc_channels[index] |= (1 << t->channel); } } self->timer = t; // Connect the wave output to the outside world. struct system_pinmux_config pin_config; system_pinmux_get_config_defaults(&pin_config); pin_config.mux_position = &self->pin->primary_timer == t ? MUX_E : MUX_F; pin_config.direction = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT; system_pinmux_pin_set_config(pin->pin, &pin_config); common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_set_duty_cycle(self, duty); } extern void common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_deinit(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self) { const pin_timer_t* t = self->timer; uint8_t index = (((uint32_t) t->tcc) - ((uint32_t) TCC0)) / 0x400; timer_refcount[index]--; if (!t->is_tc) { tcc_channels[index] &= ~(1 << t->channel); } if (timer_refcount[index] == 0) { target_timer_frequencies[index] = 0; if (t->is_tc) { tc_disable(&self->tc_instance); } else { if (t->tcc == TCC0) { tcc_channels[index] = 0xf0; } else { tcc_channels[index] = 0xfc; } tcc_disable(&self->tcc_instance); tcc_reset(&self->tcc_instance); } } reset_pin(self->pin->pin); } extern void common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_set_duty_cycle(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self, uint16_t duty) { const pin_timer_t* t = self->timer; if (t->is_tc) { uint32_t top = ((uint32_t) t->tc->COUNT16.CC[0].reg + 1); uint16_t adjusted_duty = top * duty / 0xffff; tc_set_compare_value(&self->tc_instance, t->channel, adjusted_duty); } else { uint32_t top = t->tcc->PER.reg + 1; uint32_t adjusted_duty = ((uint64_t) top) * duty / 0xffff; tcc_set_compare_value(&self->tcc_instance, t->channel, adjusted_duty); } } uint16_t common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_get_duty_cycle(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self) { const pin_timer_t* t = self->timer; if (t->is_tc) { uint16_t top = t->tc->COUNT16.CC[0].reg; while (tc_is_syncing(&self->tc_instance)) { /* Wait for sync */ } uint16_t cv = t->tc->COUNT16.CC[t->channel].reg; return cv * 0xffff / top; } else { uint32_t top = t->tcc->PER.reg; uint32_t cv = 0; if ((t->tcc->STATUS.vec.CCBV & (1 << t->channel)) != 0) { cv = t->tcc->CCB[t->channel].reg; } else { cv = t->tcc->CC[t->channel].reg; } return cv * 0xffff / top; } } void common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_set_frequency(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self, uint32_t frequency) { if (frequency == 0 || frequency > 6000000) { mp_raise_ValueError("Invalid PWM frequency"); } const pin_timer_t* t = self->timer; uint8_t resolution; if (t->is_tc) { resolution = 16; } else { resolution = 24; } uint32_t system_clock = system_cpu_clock_get_hz(); uint32_t new_top; uint8_t new_divisor; for (new_divisor = 0; new_divisor < 8; new_divisor++) { new_top = (system_clock / prescaler[new_divisor] / frequency) - 1; if (new_top < (1u << resolution)) { break; } } uint16_t old_duty = common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_get_duty_cycle(self); uint8_t old_divisor; if (t->is_tc) { old_divisor = t->tc->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER; } else { old_divisor = t->tcc->CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER; } if (new_divisor != old_divisor) { if (t->is_tc) { tc_disable(&self->tc_instance); t->tc->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER = new_divisor; tc_enable(&self->tc_instance); } else { tcc_disable(&self->tcc_instance); t->tcc->CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER = new_divisor; tcc_enable(&self->tcc_instance); } } if (t->is_tc) { while (tc_is_syncing(&self->tc_instance)) { /* Wait for sync */ } t->tc->COUNT16.CC[0].reg = new_top; } else { tcc_set_top_value(&self->tcc_instance, new_top); } common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_set_duty_cycle(self, old_duty); } uint32_t common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_get_frequency(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self) { uint32_t system_clock = system_cpu_clock_get_hz(); const pin_timer_t* t = self->timer; uint32_t top; uint8_t divisor; if (t->is_tc) { top = t->tc->COUNT16.CC[0].reg; divisor = t->tc->COUNT16.CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER; } else { top = t->tcc->PER.reg; divisor = t->tcc->CTRLA.bit.PRESCALER; } return (system_clock / prescaler[divisor]) / (top + 1); } bool common_hal_nativeio_pwmout_get_variable_frequency(nativeio_pwmout_obj_t* self) { return self->variable_frequency; }