try: extra_coverage except NameError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit import uerrno import uio data = extra_coverage() # test hashing of str/bytes that have an invalid hash print(data[0], data[1]) print(hash(data[0])) print(hash(data[1])) print(hash(bytes(data[0], 'utf8'))) print(hash(str(data[1], 'utf8'))) # test streams stream = data[2] # has set_error and set_buf. Write always returns error stream.set_error(uerrno.EAGAIN) # non-blocking error print( # read all encounters non-blocking error print( # read 1 byte encounters non-blocking error print(stream.readline()) # readline encounters non-blocking error print(stream.readinto(bytearray(10))) # readinto encounters non-blocking error print(stream.write(b'1')) # write encounters non-blocking error print(stream.write1(b'1')) # write1 encounters non-blocking error stream.set_buf(b'123') print( # read encounters non-blocking error after successful reads stream.set_buf(b'123') print(stream.read1(4)) # read1 encounters non-blocking error after successful reads stream.set_buf(b'123') print(stream.readline(4)) # readline encounters non-blocking error after successful reads try: print(stream.ioctl(0, 0)) # ioctl encounters non-blocking error; raises OSError except OSError: print('OSError') stream.set_error(0) print(stream.ioctl(0, bytearray(10))) # successful ioctl call stream2 = data[3] # is textio print( # read 1 byte encounters non-blocking error with textio stream # test BufferedWriter with stream errors stream.set_error(uerrno.EAGAIN) buf = uio.BufferedWriter(stream, 8) print(buf.write(bytearray(16))) # test basic import of frozen scripts import frzstr1 import frzmpy1 # test import of frozen packages with import frzstr_pkg1 print(frzstr_pkg1.x) import frzmpy_pkg1 print(frzmpy_pkg1.x) # test import of frozen packages without from frzstr_pkg2.mod import Foo print(Foo.x) from frzmpy_pkg2.mod import Foo print(Foo.x) # test raising exception in frozen script try: import frzmpy2 except ZeroDivisionError: print('ZeroDivisionError') # test loading a resource from a frozen string import uio buf = uio.resource_stream('frzstr_pkg2', '') print(