include ../../py/ # qstr definitions (must come before including QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h MICROPY_PY_USSL = 0 MICROPY_SSL_AXTLS = 0 MICROPY_FATFS = 1 MICROPY_PY_BTREE = 1 #FROZEN_DIR = scripts FROZEN_MPY_DIR = modules # include py core make definitions include $(TOP)/py/ PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 BAUD ?= 460800 FLASH_MODE ?= dio FLASH_FREQ ?= 40m FLASH_SIZE ?= 4MB CROSS_COMPILE ?= xtensa-esp32-elf- # paths to ESP IDF and its components ifeq ($(ESPIDF),) $(error Please configure the ESPIDF variable) endif ESPCOMP = $(ESPIDF)/components ESPTOOL ?= $(ESPCOMP)/esptool_py/esptool/ # verify the ESP IDF version ESPIDF_SUPHASH := 9a26296a0e88a4c3ae27e9c848be970946fff87e ESPIDF_CURHASH := $(shell git -C $(ESPIDF) show -s --pretty=format:'%H') ifneq ($(ESPIDF_CURHASH),$(ESPIDF_SUPHASH)) $(info ** WARNING **) $(info The git hash of ESP IDF does not match the supported version) $(info The build may complete and the firmware may work but it is not guaranteed) $(info ESP IDF path: $(ESPIDF)) $(info Current git hash: $(ESPIDF_CURHASH)) $(info Supported git hash: $(ESPIDF_SUPHASH)) endif # pretty format of ESP IDF version, used internally by the IDF IDF_VER := $(shell git -C $(ESPIDF) describe) INC += -I. INC += -I$(TOP) INC += -I$(TOP)/lib/mp-readline INC += -I$(TOP)/lib/netutils INC += -I$(TOP)/lib/timeutils INC += -I$(BUILD) INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/bootloader_support/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/driver/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/driver/include/driver INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/nghttp/port/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/nghttp/nghttp2/lib/includes INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/soc/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/soc/esp32/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/ethernet/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/expat/include/expat INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/expat/port/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/heap/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/json/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/json/port/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/log/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/newlib/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/nvs_flash/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/tcpip_adapter/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/lwip/include/lwip INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/lwip/include/lwip/port INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/lwip/include/lwip/posix INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/mbedtls/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/mbedtls/port/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/spi_flash/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/vfs/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/newlib/platform_include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/xtensa-debug-module/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/wpa_supplicant/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/wpa_supplicant/port/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/ethernet/include INC_ESPCOMP += -I$(ESPCOMP)/app_trace/include CFLAGS_BASE = -std=gnu99 -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -mlongcalls -nostdlib -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -DMBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE='"mbedtls/esp_config.h"' -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DESP_PLATFORM CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_BASE) $(INC) $(INC_ESPCOMP) CFLAGS += -DIDF_VER=\"$(IDF_VER)\" CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_MOD) # this is what ESPIDF uses for c++ compilation CXXFLAGS = -std=gnu++11 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -mlongcalls -nostdlib -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -DESP_PLATFORM $(INC) $(INC_ESPCOMP) LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -Map=$( --cref LDFLAGS += --gc-sections -static -EL LDFLAGS += -u call_user_start_cpu0 -u uxTopUsedPriority -u ld_include_panic_highint_hdl LDFLAGS += -u __cxa_guard_dummy # so that implementation of static guards is taken from cxx_guards.o instead of libstdc++.a LDFLAGS += -L$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/ld LDFLAGS += -T $(BUILD)/esp32_out.ld LDFLAGS += -T ./esp32.custom_common.ld LDFLAGS += -T esp32.rom.ld LDFLAGS += -T esp32.rom.spiram_incompatible_fns.ld LDFLAGS += -T esp32.peripherals.ld LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-libgcc-file-name) LIBSTDCXX_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -print-file-name=libstdc++.a) # Debugging/Optimization ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) CFLAGS += -g COPT = -O0 else #CFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections COPT += -Os -DNDEBUG #LDFLAGS += --gc-sections endif ################################################################################ # List of MicroPython source and object files SRC_C = \ main.c \ uart.c \ gccollect.c \ mphalport.c \ fatfs_port.c \ help.c \ modutime.c \ moduos.c \ machine_timer.c \ machine_pin.c \ machine_touchpad.c \ machine_adc.c \ machine_dac.c \ machine_pwm.c \ machine_uart.c \ modmachine.c \ modnetwork.c \ modsocket.c \ modesp.c \ moduhashlib.c \ espneopixel.c \ machine_hw_spi.c \ machine_wdt.c \ mpthreadport.c \ $(SRC_MOD) EXTMOD_SRC_C = $(addprefix extmod/,\ modonewire.c \ ) LIB_SRC_C = $(addprefix lib/,\ libm/math.c \ libm/fmodf.c \ libm/roundf.c \ libm/ef_sqrt.c \ libm/kf_rem_pio2.c \ libm/kf_sin.c \ libm/kf_cos.c \ libm/kf_tan.c \ libm/ef_rem_pio2.c \ libm/sf_sin.c \ libm/sf_cos.c \ libm/sf_tan.c \ libm/sf_frexp.c \ libm/sf_modf.c \ libm/sf_ldexp.c \ libm/asinfacosf.c \ libm/atanf.c \ libm/atan2f.c \ mp-readline/readline.c \ netutils/netutils.c \ timeutils/timeutils.c \ utils/pyexec.c \ utils/interrupt_char.c \ utils/sys_stdio_mphal.c \ ) ifeq ($(MICROPY_FATFS), 1) LIB_SRC_C += \ lib/oofatfs/ff.c \ lib/oofatfs/option/unicode.c endif DRIVERS_SRC_C = $(addprefix drivers/,\ dht/dht.c \ ) OBJ_MP = OBJ_MP += $(PY_O) OBJ_MP += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o)) OBJ_MP += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(EXTMOD_SRC_C:.c=.o)) OBJ_MP += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(LIB_SRC_C:.c=.o)) OBJ_MP += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(DRIVERS_SRC_C:.c=.o)) # List of sources for qstr extraction SRC_QSTR += $(SRC_C) $(EXTMOD_SRC_C) $(LIB_SRC_C) $(DRIVERS_SRC_C) # Append any auto-generated sources that are needed by sources listed in SRC_QSTR SRC_QSTR_AUTO_DEPS += ################################################################################ # List of object files from the ESP32 IDF components ESPIDF_DRIVER_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/driver/,\ uart.o \ periph_ctrl.o \ ledc.o \ gpio.o \ timer.o \ spi_master.o \ spi_common.o \ rtc_module.o \ ) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/dport_access.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-array-bounds ESPIDF_ESP32_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/esp32/,\ panic.o \ esp_timer.o \ esp_timer_esp32.o \ ets_timer_legacy.o \ event_default_handlers.o \ fast_crypto_ops.o \ task_wdt.o \ cache_err_int.o \ clk.o \ core_dump.o \ cpu_start.o \ gdbstub.o \ crosscore_int.o \ ipc.o \ int_wdt.o \ event_loop.o \ hwcrypto/sha.o \ hwcrypto/aes.o \ lib_printf.o \ freertos_hooks.o \ system_api.o \ hw_random.o \ phy_init.o \ intr_alloc.o \ dport_access.o \ wifi_init.o \ ) ESPIDF_HEAP_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/heap/,\ heap_caps.o \ heap_caps_init.o \ multi_heap.o \ ) ESPIDF_SOC_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/soc/,\ esp32/cpu_util.o \ esp32/rtc_clk.o \ esp32/rtc_init.o \ esp32/rtc_pm.o \ esp32/rtc_sleep.o \ esp32/rtc_time.o \ esp32/soc_memory_layout.o \ ) ESPIDF_CXX_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/cxx/,\ cxx_guards.o \ ) ESPIDF_ETHERNET_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/ethernet/,\ emac_dev.o \ emac_main.o \ ) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/expat/%.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-function ESPIDF_EXPAT_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/expat/,\ library/xmltok_ns.o \ library/xmltok.o \ library/xmlparse.o \ library/xmlrole.o \ library/xmltok_impl.o \ port/minicheck.o \ port/expat_element.o \ port/chardata.o \ ) ESPIDF_PTHREAD_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/pthread/,\ pthread.o \ ) # Assembler .S files need only basic flags, and in particular should not have # -Os because that generates subtly different code. # We also need custom CFLAGS for .c files because FreeRTOS has headers with # generic names (eg queue.h) which can clash with other files in the port. CFLAGS_ASM = -I$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/include -I$(ESPCOMP)/soc/esp32/include -I$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/include/freertos -I. $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/portasm.o: CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_ASM) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/xtensa_context.o: CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_ASM) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/xtensa_intr_asm.o: CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_ASM) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/xtensa_vectors.o: CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_ASM) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/%.o: CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_BASE) -I. $(INC_ESPCOMP) -I$(ESPCOMP)/freertos/include/freertos ESPIDF_FREERTOS_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/freertos/,\ croutine.o \ event_groups.o \ FreeRTOS-openocd.o \ list.o \ portasm.o \ port.o \ queue.o \ ringbuf.o \ tasks.o \ timers.o \ xtensa_context.o \ xtensa_init.o \ xtensa_intr_asm.o \ xtensa_intr.o \ xtensa_overlay_os_hook.o \ xtensa_vector_defaults.o \ xtensa_vectors.o \ ) ESPIDF_VFS_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/vfs/,\ vfs_uart.o \ vfs.o \ ) ESPIDF_JSON_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/json/,\ library/cJSON.o \ port/cJSON_Utils.o \ ) ESPIDF_LOG_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/log/,\ log.o \ ) ESPIDF_XTENSA_DEBUG_MODULE_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/xtensa-debug-module/,\ eri.o \ trax.o \ ) ESPIDF_TCPIP_ADAPTER_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/tcpip_adapter/,\ tcpip_adapter_lwip.o \ ) ESPIDF_APP_TRACE_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/app_trace/,\ app_trace.o \ ) ESPIDF_NEWLIB_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/newlib/,\ time.o \ syscalls.o \ syscall_table.o \ reent_init.o \ locks.o \ ) ESPIDF_NGHTTP_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/nghttp/,\ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_version.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_mem.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_rcbuf.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_callbacks.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_priority_spec.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_buf.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_option.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_npn.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_outbound_item.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman_data.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_pq.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_queue.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.o \ nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_map.o \ port/http_parser.o \ ) ESPIDF_NVS_FLASH_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/nvs_flash/,\ src/nvs_types.o \ src/nvs_page.o \ src/nvs_item_hash_list.o \ src/nvs_pagemanager.o \ src/nvs_storage.o \ src/nvs_api.o \ ) ESPIDF_OPENSSL_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/openssl/,\ ) ESPIDF_SPI_FLASH_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/spi_flash/,\ flash_mmap.o \ partition.o \ spi_flash_rom_patch.o \ cache_utils.o \ flash_ops.o \ ) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/lwip/%.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-address -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable ESPIDF_LWIP_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/lwip/,\ api/pppapi.o \ api/netbuf.o \ api/api_lib.o \ api/netifapi.o \ api/tcpip.o \ api/netdb.o \ api/err.o \ api/api_msg.o \ api/sockets.o \ apps/sntp/sntp.o \ apps/dhcpserver.o \ core/ipv4/ip_frag.o \ core/ipv4/dhcp.o \ core/ipv4/ip4_addr.o \ core/ipv4/igmp.o \ core/ipv4/ip4.o \ core/ipv4/autoip.o \ core/ipv4/icmp.o \ core/ipv6/ip6_frag.o \ core/ipv6/dhcp6.o \ core/ipv6/inet6.o \ core/ipv6/ip6_addr.o \ core/ipv6/ip6.o \ core/ipv6/nd6.o \ core/ipv6/mld6.o \ core/ipv6/ethip6.o \ core/ipv6/icmp6.o \ core/mem.o \ core/init.o \ core/memp.o \ core/sys.o \ core/tcp_in.o \ core/dns.o \ core/ip.o \ core/pbuf.o \ core/raw.o \ core/tcp.o \ core/def.o \ core/netif.o \ core/stats.o \ core/timers.o \ core/inet_chksum.o \ core/udp.o \ core/tcp_out.o \ netif/slipif.o \ netif/etharp.o \ netif/ethernet.o \ netif/lowpan6.o \ netif/ethernetif.o \ port/freertos/sys_arch.o \ port/netif/wlanif.o \ port/netif/ethernetif.o \ ) ESPIDF_MBEDTLS_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/mbedtls/,\ library/entropy.o \ library/pkcs12.o \ library/ccm.o \ library/pk.o \ library/sha1.o \ library/x509_csr.o \ library/ssl_cli.o \ library/ecp.o \ library/blowfish.o \ library/x509.o \ library/ecp_curves.o \ library/error.o \ library/ssl_ticket.o \ library/entropy_poll.o \ library/cipher.o \ library/version_features.o \ library/ripemd160.o \ library/rsa.o \ library/md.o \ library/md_wrap.o \ library/sha256.o \ library/dhm.o \ library/ssl_cache.o \ library/pkwrite.o \ library/base64.o \ library/asn1parse.o \ library/ssl_tls.o \ library/hmac_drbg.o \ library/pem.o \ library/version.o \ library/gcm.o \ library/memory_buffer_alloc.o \ library/md2.o \ library/ecdsa.o \ library/ssl_srv.o \ library/x509_crt.o \ library/ecdh.o \ library/asn1write.o \ library/md4.o \ library/debug.o \ library/x509_create.o \ library/ecjpake.o \ library/oid.o \ library/md5.o \ library/ssl_ciphersuites.o \ library/sha512.o \ library/xtea.o \ library/aes.o \ library/cipher_wrap.o \ library/arc4.o \ library/bignum.o \ library/pkparse.o \ library/padlock.o \ library/threading.o \ library/x509_crl.o \ library/pkcs11.o \ library/aesni.o \ library/timing.o \ library/certs.o \ library/pkcs5.o \ library/ssl_cookie.o \ library/camellia.o \ library/havege.o \ library/des.o \ library/x509write_csr.o \ library/platform.o \ library/ctr_drbg.o \ library/x509write_crt.o \ library/pk_wrap.o \ port/esp_bignum.o \ port/esp_hardware.o \ port/esp_sha1.o \ port/esp_sha256.o \ port/esp_sha512.o \ ) $(BUILD)/$(ESPCOMP)/wpa_supplicant/%.o: CFLAGS += -DEMBEDDED_SUPP -D__ets__ -Wno-strict-aliasing ESPIDF_WPA_SUPPLICANT_O = $(addprefix $(ESPCOMP)/wpa_supplicant/,\ src/crypto/aes-internal-enc.o \ src/crypto/sha256-internal.o \ src/crypto/md5-internal.o \ src/crypto/aes-internal.o \ src/crypto/sha1.o \ src/crypto/aes-internal-dec.o \ src/crypto/aes-unwrap.o \ src/crypto/crypto_internal-rsa.o \ src/crypto/dh_groups.o \ src/crypto/crypto_internal.o \ src/crypto/aes-wrap.o \ src/crypto/sha1-internal.o \ src/crypto/dh_group5.o \ src/crypto/sha256.o \ src/crypto/rc4.o \ src/crypto/md5.o \ src/crypto/aes-cbc.o \ src/crypto/sha1-pbkdf2.o \ src/crypto/bignum.o \ src/crypto/crypto_internal-modexp.o \ src/crypto/crypto_internal-cipher.o \ src/fast_crypto/fast_aes-unwrap.o \ src/fast_crypto/fast_aes-wrap.o \ src/fast_crypto/fast_sha256.o \ src/fast_crypto/fast_sha256-internal.o \ port/os_xtensa.o \ ) OBJ_ESPIDF = OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_NEWLIB_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_DRIVER_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_ESP32_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_HEAP_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_SOC_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_CXX_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_ETHERNET_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_EXPAT_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_PTHREAD_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_FREERTOS_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_VFS_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_JSON_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_LOG_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_LWIP_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_MBEDTLS_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_XTENSA_DEBUG_MODULE_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_TCPIP_ADAPTER_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_APP_TRACE_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_NGHTTP_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_NVS_FLASH_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_OPENSSL_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_SPI_FLASH_O)) OBJ_ESPIDF += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(ESPIDF_WPA_SUPPLICANT_O)) ################################################################################ # Main targets all: $(BUILD)/firmware.bin .PHONY: idf-version deploy erase idf-version: $(ECHO) "ESP IDF supported hash: $(ESPIDF_SUPHASH)" $(BUILD)/firmware.bin: $(BUILD)/bootloader.bin $(BUILD)/partitions.bin $(BUILD)/application.bin $(ECHO) "Create $@" $(Q)$(PYTHON) $^ $@ deploy: $(BUILD)/firmware.bin $(ECHO) "Writing $^ to the board" $(Q)$(ESPTOOL) --chip esp32 --port $(PORT) --baud $(BAUD) write_flash -z --flash_mode $(FLASH_MODE) --flash_freq $(FLASH_FREQ) 0x1000 $^ erase: $(ECHO) "Erasing flash" $(Q)$(ESPTOOL) --chip esp32 --port $(PORT) --baud $(BAUD) erase_flash ################################################################################ # Declarations to build the application OBJ = $(OBJ_MP) $(OBJ_ESPIDF) APP_LD_ARGS = APP_LD_ARGS += $(LDFLAGS_MOD) APP_LD_ARGS += --start-group APP_LD_ARGS += -L$(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)) -lgcc APP_LD_ARGS += -L$(dir $(LIBSTDCXX_FILE_NAME)) -lstdc++ APP_LD_ARGS += $(ESPCOMP)/newlib/lib/libc.a APP_LD_ARGS += $(ESPCOMP)/newlib/lib/libm.a APP_LD_ARGS += $(ESPCOMP)/esp32/libhal.a APP_LD_ARGS += -L$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/lib -lcore -lnet80211 -lphy -lrtc -lpp -lwpa -lsmartconfig -lcoexist APP_LD_ARGS += $(OBJ) APP_LD_ARGS += --end-group $(BUILD)/esp32_out.ld: sdkconfig.h $(Q)$(CC) -I. -C -P -x c -E $(ESPCOMP)/esp32/ld/esp32.ld -o $@ $(BUILD)/application.bin: $(BUILD)/application.elf $(ECHO) "Create $@" $(Q)$(ESPTOOL) --chip esp32 elf2image --flash_mode $(FLASH_MODE) --flash_freq $(FLASH_FREQ) --flash_size $(FLASH_SIZE) $< $(BUILD)/application.elf: $(OBJ) $(BUILD)/esp32_out.ld $(ECHO) "LINK $@" $(Q)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(APP_LD_ARGS) $(Q)$(SIZE) $@ define compile_cxx $(ECHO) "CXX $<" $(Q)$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -MD -o $@ $< @# The following fixes the dependency file. @# See for details. @# Regex adjusted from the above to play better with Windows paths, etc. @$(CP) $(@:.o=.d) $(@:.o=.P); \ $(SED) -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^.*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \ -e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(@:.o=.d) >> $(@:.o=.P); \ $(RM) -f $(@:.o=.d) endef vpath %.cpp . $(TOP) $(BUILD)/%.o: %.cpp $(call compile_cxx) ################################################################################ # Declarations to build the bootloader $(BUILD)/bootloader/$(ESPCOMP)/%.o: CFLAGS += -DBOOTLOADER_BUILD=1 -I$(ESPCOMP)/bootloader_support/include_priv -I$(ESPCOMP)/bootloader_support/include -I$(ESPCOMP)/micro-ecc/micro-ecc -I$(ESPCOMP)/esp32 -Wno-error=format BOOTLOADER_OBJ = $(addprefix $(BUILD)/bootloader/$(ESPCOMP)/,\ bootloader_support/src/bootloader_flash.o \ bootloader_support/src/bootloader_random.o \ bootloader_support/src/bootloader_sha.o \ bootloader_support/src/secure_boot_signatures.o \ bootloader_support/src/secure_boot.o \ bootloader_support/src/esp_image_format.o \ bootloader_support/src/flash_encrypt.o \ bootloader_support/src/flash_partitions.o \ log/log.o \ spi_flash/spi_flash_rom_patch.o \ soc/esp32/rtc_clk.o \ soc/esp32/rtc_time.o \ micro-ecc/micro-ecc/uECC.o \ bootloader/subproject/main/bootloader_start.o \ ) BOOTLOADER_LIBS = BOOTLOADER_LIBS += -Wl,--start-group BOOTLOADER_LIBS += $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ) BOOTLOADER_LIBS += -L$(ESPCOMP)/esp32/lib -lrtc BOOTLOADER_LIBS += -L$(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)) -lgcc BOOTLOADER_LIBS += -Wl,--end-group BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS = BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -nostdlib BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -L$(ESPIDF)/lib BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -L$(ESPIDF)/ld BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -u call_user_start_cpu0 BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -static BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-EL BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=$( -Wl,--cref BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -T $(ESPCOMP)/bootloader/subproject/main/esp32.bootloader.ld BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -T $(ESPCOMP)/bootloader/subproject/main/esp32.bootloader.rom.ld BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -T $(ESPCOMP)/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS += -T $(ESPCOMP)/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.spiram_incompatible_fns.ld BOOTLOADER_OBJ_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ))) $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ): | $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ_DIRS) $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ_DIRS): $(MKDIR) -p $@ $(BUILD)/bootloader/%.o: %.c $(call compile_c) $(BUILD)/bootloader.bin: $(BUILD)/bootloader.elf $(ECHO) "Create $@" $(Q)$(ESPTOOL) --chip esp32 elf2image --flash_mode $(FLASH_MODE) --flash_freq $(FLASH_FREQ) --flash_size $(FLASH_SIZE) $< $(BUILD)/bootloader.elf: $(BOOTLOADER_OBJ) $(ECHO) "LINK $@" $(Q)$(CC) $(BOOTLOADER_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BOOTLOADER_LIBS) ################################################################################ # Declarations to build the partitions PYTHON2 ?= python2 PART_SRC = $(ESPCOMP)/partition_table/partitions_singleapp.csv $(BUILD)/partitions.bin: $(PART_SRC) $(ECHO) "Create $@" $(Q)$(PYTHON2) $(ESPCOMP)/partition_table/ -q $< $@ ################################################################################ include $(TOP)/py/