""" This script reads in the given CMSIS device include file (eg stm32f405xx.h), extracts relevant peripheral constants, and creates qstrs, mpz's and constants for the stm module. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse import re # Python 2/3 compatibility import platform if platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == "2": def convert_bytes_to_str(b): return b elif platform.python_version_tuple()[0] == "3": def convert_bytes_to_str(b): try: return str(b, "utf8") except ValueError: # some files have invalid utf8 bytes, so filter them out return "".join(chr(l) for l in b if l <= 126) # end compatibility code # given a list of (name,regex) pairs, find the first one that matches the given line def re_match_first(regexs, line): for name, regex in regexs: match = re.match(regex, line) if match: return name, match return None, None class LexerError(Exception): def __init__(self, line): self.line = line class Lexer: re_io_reg = r"__IO uint(?P<bits>8|16|32)_t +(?P<reg>[A-Z0-9]+)" re_comment = r"(?P<comment>[A-Za-z0-9 \-/_()&]+)" re_addr_offset = r"Address offset: (?P<offset>0x[0-9A-Z]{2,3})" regexs = ( ( "#define hex", re.compile( r"#define +(?P<id>[A-Z0-9_]+) +\(?(\(uint32_t\))?(?P<hex>0x[0-9A-F]+)U?L?\)?($| */\*)" ), ), ("#define X", re.compile(r"#define +(?P<id>[A-Z0-9_]+) +(?P<id2>[A-Z0-9_]+)($| +/\*)")), ( "#define X+hex", re.compile( r"#define +(?P<id>[A-Za-z0-9_]+) +\(?(?P<id2>[A-Z0-9_]+) \+ (?P<hex>0x[0-9A-F]+)U?L?\)?($| +/\*)" ), ), ( "#define typedef", re.compile( r"#define +(?P<id>[A-Z0-9_]+(ext)?) +\(\([A-Za-z0-9_]+_TypeDef \*\) (?P<id2>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\)($| +/\*)" ), ), ("typedef struct", re.compile(r"typedef struct$")), ("{", re.compile(r"{$")), ("}", re.compile(r"}$")), ( "} TypeDef", re.compile(r"} *(?P<id>[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(?P<global>([A-Za-z0-9_]+)?)TypeDef;$"), ), ( "IO reg", re.compile( re_io_reg + r"; */\*!< *" + re_comment + r", +" + re_addr_offset + r" *\*/" ), ), ( "IO reg array", re.compile( re_io_reg + r"\[(?P<array>[2-8])\]; */\*!< *" + re_comment + r", +" + re_addr_offset + r"-(0x[0-9A-Z]{2,3}) *\*/" ), ), ) def __init__(self, filename): self.file = open(filename, "rb") self.line_number = 0 def next_match(self, strictly_next=False): while True: line = self.file.readline() line = convert_bytes_to_str(line) self.line_number += 1 if len(line) == 0: return ("EOF", None) match = re_match_first(Lexer.regexs, line.strip()) if strictly_next or match[0] is not None: return match def must_match(self, kind): match = self.next_match(strictly_next=True) if match[0] != kind: raise LexerError(self.line_number) return match def parse_file(filename): lexer = Lexer(filename) reg_defs = {} consts = {} periphs = [] while True: m = lexer.next_match() if m[0] == "EOF": break elif m[0] == "#define hex": d = m[1].groupdict() consts[d["id"]] = int(d["hex"], base=16) elif m[0] == "#define X": d = m[1].groupdict() if d["id2"] in consts: consts[d["id"]] = consts[d["id2"]] elif m[0] == "#define X+hex": d = m[1].groupdict() if d["id2"] in consts: consts[d["id"]] = consts[d["id2"]] + int(d["hex"], base=16) elif m[0] == "#define typedef": d = m[1].groupdict() if d["id2"] in consts: periphs.append((d["id"], consts[d["id2"]])) elif m[0] == "typedef struct": lexer.must_match("{") m = lexer.next_match() regs = [] while m[0] in ("IO reg", "IO reg array"): d = m[1].groupdict() reg = d["reg"] offset = int(d["offset"], base=16) bits = int(d["bits"]) comment = d["comment"] if m[0] == "IO reg": regs.append((reg, offset, bits, comment)) else: for i in range(int(d["array"])): regs.append((reg + str(i), offset + i * bits // 8, bits, comment)) m = lexer.next_match() if m[0] == "}": pass elif m[0] == "} TypeDef": reg_defs[m[1].groupdict()["id"]] = regs else: raise LexerError(lexer.line_number) return periphs, reg_defs def print_int_obj(val, needed_mpzs): if -0x40000000 <= val < 0x40000000: print("MP_ROM_INT(%#x)" % val, end="") else: print("MP_ROM_PTR(&mpz_%08x)" % val, end="") needed_mpzs.add(val) def print_periph(periph_name, periph_val, needed_qstrs, needed_mpzs): qstr = periph_name.upper() print("{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_%s), " % qstr, end="") print_int_obj(periph_val, needed_mpzs) print(" },") needed_qstrs.add(qstr) def print_regs(reg_name, reg_defs, needed_qstrs, needed_mpzs): reg_name = reg_name.upper() for r in reg_defs: qstr = reg_name + "_" + r[0] print("{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_%s), " % qstr, end="") print_int_obj(r[1], needed_mpzs) print(" }, // %s-bits, %s" % (r[2], r[3])) needed_qstrs.add(qstr) # This version of print regs groups registers together into submodules (eg GPIO submodule). # This makes the qstrs shorter, and makes the list of constants more manageable (since # they are not all in one big module) but it is then harder to compile the constants, and # is more cumbersome to access. # As such, we don't use this version. # And for the number of constants we have, this function seems to use about the same amount # of ROM as print_regs. def print_regs_as_submodules(reg_name, reg_defs, modules, needed_qstrs): mod_name_lower = reg_name.lower() + "_" mod_name_upper = mod_name_lower.upper() modules.append((mod_name_lower, mod_name_upper)) print( """ STATIC const mp_rom_map_elem_t stm_%s_globals_table[] = { { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR___name__), MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_%s) }, """ % (mod_name_lower, mod_name_upper) ) needed_qstrs.add(mod_name_upper) for r in reg_defs: print( " { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_%s), MP_ROM_INT(%#x) }, // %s-bits, %s" % (r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) ) needed_qstrs.add(r[0]) print( """}; STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_DICT(stm_%s_globals, stm_%s_globals_table); const mp_obj_module_t stm_%s_obj = { .base = { &mp_type_module }, .name = MP_QSTR_%s, .globals = (mp_obj_dict_t*)&stm_%s_globals, }; """ % (mod_name_lower, mod_name_lower, mod_name_lower, mod_name_upper, mod_name_lower) ) def main(): cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract ST constants from a C header file.") cmd_parser.add_argument("file", nargs=1, help="input file") cmd_parser.add_argument( "-q", "--qstr", dest="qstr_filename", default="build/stmconst_qstr.h", help="Specified the name of the generated qstr header file", ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "--mpz", dest="mpz_filename", default="build/stmconst_mpz.h", help="the destination file of the generated mpz header", ) args = cmd_parser.parse_args() periphs, reg_defs = parse_file(args.file[0]) # add legacy GPIO constants that were removed when upgrading CMSIS if "GPIO" in reg_defs and "stm32f4" in args.file[0]: reg_defs["GPIO"].append(["BSRRL", 0x18, 16, "legacy register"]) reg_defs["GPIO"].append(["BSRRH", 0x1A, 16, "legacy register"]) modules = [] needed_qstrs = set() needed_mpzs = set() print("// Automatically generated from %s by make-stmconst.py" % args.file[0]) print("") for periph_name, periph_val in periphs: print_periph(periph_name, periph_val, needed_qstrs, needed_mpzs) for reg in ( "ADC", #'ADC_Common', #'CAN_TxMailBox', #'CAN_FIFOMailBox', #'CAN_FilterRegister', #'CAN', "CRC", "DAC", "DBGMCU", "DMA_Stream", "DMA", "EXTI", "FLASH", "GPIO", "SYSCFG", "I2C", "IWDG", "PWR", "RCC", "RTC", #'SDIO', "SPI", "TIM", "USART", "WWDG", "RNG", ): if reg in reg_defs: print_regs(reg, reg_defs[reg], needed_qstrs, needed_mpzs) # print_regs_as_submodules(reg, reg_defs[reg], modules, needed_qstrs) # print("#define MOD_STM_CONST_MODULES \\") # for mod_lower, mod_upper in modules: # print(" { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_%s), MP_ROM_PTR(&stm_%s_obj) }, \\" % (mod_upper, mod_lower)) print("") with open(args.qstr_filename, "wt") as qstr_file: print("#if MICROPY_PY_STM", file=qstr_file) for qstr in sorted(needed_qstrs): print("Q({})".format(qstr), file=qstr_file) print("#endif // MICROPY_PY_STM", file=qstr_file) with open(args.mpz_filename, "wt") as mpz_file: for mpz in sorted(needed_mpzs): assert 0 <= mpz <= 0xFFFFFFFF print( "STATIC const mp_obj_int_t mpz_%08x = {{&mp_type_int}, " "{.neg=0, .fixed_dig=1, .alloc=2, .len=2, " ".dig=(uint16_t*)(const uint16_t[]){%#x, %#x}}};" % (mpz, mpz & 0xFFFF, (mpz >> 16) & 0xFFFF), file=mpz_file, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()