# test that socket.connect() on a non-blocking socket raises EINPROGRESS # and that an immediate write/send/read/recv does the right thing import sys, time, socket, errno, ssl isMP = sys.implementation.name == "micropython" def dp(e): # uncomment next line for development and testing, to print the actual exceptions # print(repr(e)) pass # do_connect establishes the socket and wraps it if tls is True. # If handshake is true, the initial connect (and TLS handshake) is # allowed to be performed before returning. def do_connect(peer_addr, tls, handshake): s = socket.socket() s.setblocking(False) try: # print("Connecting to", peer_addr) s.connect(peer_addr) except OSError as er: print("connect:", er.errno == errno.EINPROGRESS) if er.errno != errno.EINPROGRESS: print(" got", er.errno) # wrap with ssl/tls if desired if tls: try: if sys.implementation.name == "micropython": s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, do_handshake=handshake) else: s = ssl.wrap_socket(s, do_handshake_on_connect=handshake) print("wrap: True") except Exception as e: dp(e) print("wrap:", e) elif handshake: # just sleep a little bit, this allows any connect() errors to happen time.sleep(0.2) return s # test runs the test against a specific peer address. def test(peer_addr, tls=False, handshake=False): # MicroPython plain sockets have read/write, but CPython's don't # MicroPython TLS sockets and CPython's have read/write # hasRW captures this wonderful state of affairs hasRW = isMP or tls # MicroPython plain sockets and CPython's have send/recv # MicroPython TLS sockets don't have send/recv, but CPython's do # hasSR captures this wonderful state of affairs hasSR = not (isMP and tls) # connect + send if hasSR: s = do_connect(peer_addr, tls, handshake) # send -> 4 or EAGAIN try: ret = s.send(b"1234") print("send:", handshake and ret == 4) except OSError as er: # dp(er) print("send:", er.errno in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.EINPROGRESS)) s.close() else: # fake it... print("connect:", True) if tls: print("wrap:", True) print("send:", True) # connect + write if hasRW: s = do_connect(peer_addr, tls, handshake) # write -> None try: ret = s.write(b"1234") print("write:", ret in (4, None)) # SSL may accept 4 into buffer except OSError as er: dp(er) print("write:", False) # should not raise except ValueError as er: # CPython dp(er) print("write:", er.args[0] == "Write on closed or unwrapped SSL socket.") s.close() else: # fake it... print("connect:", True) if tls: print("wrap:", True) print("write:", True) if hasSR: # connect + recv s = do_connect(peer_addr, tls, handshake) # recv -> EAGAIN try: print("recv:", s.recv(10)) except OSError as er: dp(er) print("recv:", er.errno == errno.EAGAIN) s.close() else: # fake it... print("connect:", True) if tls: print("wrap:", True) print("recv:", True) # connect + read if hasRW: s = do_connect(peer_addr, tls, handshake) # read -> None try: ret = s.read(10) print("read:", ret is None) except OSError as er: dp(er) print("read:", False) # should not raise except ValueError as er: # CPython dp(er) print("read:", er.args[0] == "Read on closed or unwrapped SSL socket.") s.close() else: # fake it... print("connect:", True) if tls: print("wrap:", True) print("read:", True) if __name__ == "__main__": # these tests use a non-existent test IP address, this way the connect takes forever and # we can see EAGAIN/None (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5737) print("--- Plain sockets to nowhere ---") test(socket.getaddrinfo("", 80)[0][-1], False, False) print("--- SSL sockets to nowhere ---") # this test fails with AXTLS because do_handshake=False blocks on first read/write and # there it times out until the connect is aborted test(socket.getaddrinfo("", 443)[0][-1], True, False) print("--- Plain sockets ---") test(socket.getaddrinfo("micropython.org", 80)[0][-1], False, True) print("--- SSL sockets ---") test(socket.getaddrinfo("micropython.org", 443)[0][-1], True, True)