MicroPython language and implementation ======================================= MicroPython aims to implement the Python 3.4 standard (with selected features from later versions) with respect to language syntax, and most of the features of MicroPython are identical to those described by the "Language Reference" documentation at `docs.python.org <https://docs.python.org/3/reference/index.html>`_. The MicroPython standard library is described in the :ref:`corresponding chapter <micropython_lib>`. The :ref:`cpython_diffs` chapter describes differences between MicroPython and CPython (which mostly concern standard library and types, but also some language-level features). This chapter describes features and peculiarities of MicroPython implementation and the best practices to use them. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 glossary.rst repl.rst mpyfiles.rst isr_rules.rst speed_python.rst constrained.rst packages.rst asm_thumb2_index.rst filesystem.rst pyboard.py.rst