.. _quickref: Quick reference for the pyboard =============================== The below pinout is for PYBv1.0. You can also view pinouts for other versions of the pyboard: `PYBv1.1 <http://micropython.org/resources/pybv11-pinout.jpg>`__ or `PYBLITEv1.0-AC <http://micropython.org/resources/pyblitev10ac-pinout.jpg>`__ or `PYBLITEv1.0 <http://micropython.org/resources/pyblitev10-pinout.jpg>`__. .. image:: http://micropython.org/resources/pybv10-pinout.jpg :alt: PYBv1.0 pinout :width: 700px General board control --------------------- See :mod:`pyb`. :: import pyb pyb.repl_uart(pyb.UART(1, 9600)) # duplicate REPL on UART(1) pyb.wfi() # pause CPU, waiting for interrupt pyb.freq() # get CPU and bus frequencies pyb.freq(60000000) # set CPU freq to 60MHz pyb.stop() # stop CPU, waiting for external interrupt Delay and timing ---------------- Use the :mod:`time <utime>` module:: import time time.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 second time.sleep_ms(500) # sleep for 500 milliseconds time.sleep_us(10) # sleep for 10 microseconds start = time.ticks_ms() # get value of millisecond counter delta = time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start) # compute time difference Internal LEDs ------------- See :ref:`pyb.LED <pyb.LED>`. :: from pyb import LED led = LED(1) # 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue led.toggle() led.on() led.off() # LEDs 3 and 4 support PWM intensity (0-255) LED(4).intensity() # get intensity LED(4).intensity(128) # set intensity to half Internal switch --------------- See :ref:`pyb.Switch <pyb.Switch>`. :: from pyb import Switch sw = Switch() sw.value() # returns True or False sw.callback(lambda: pyb.LED(1).toggle()) Pins and GPIO ------------- See :ref:`pyb.Pin <pyb.Pin>`. :: from pyb import Pin p_out = Pin('X1', Pin.OUT_PP) p_out.high() p_out.low() p_in = Pin('X2', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) p_in.value() # get value, 0 or 1 Servo control ------------- See :ref:`pyb.Servo <pyb.Servo>`. :: from pyb import Servo s1 = Servo(1) # servo on position 1 (X1, VIN, GND) s1.angle(45) # move to 45 degrees s1.angle(-60, 1500) # move to -60 degrees in 1500ms s1.speed(50) # for continuous rotation servos External interrupts ------------------- See :ref:`pyb.ExtInt <pyb.ExtInt>`. :: from pyb import Pin, ExtInt callback = lambda e: print("intr") ext = ExtInt(Pin('Y1'), ExtInt.IRQ_RISING, Pin.PULL_NONE, callback) Timers ------ See :ref:`pyb.Timer <pyb.Timer>`. :: from pyb import Timer tim = Timer(1, freq=1000) tim.counter() # get counter value tim.freq(0.5) # 0.5 Hz tim.callback(lambda t: pyb.LED(1).toggle()) RTC (real time clock) --------------------- See :ref:`pyb.RTC <pyb.RTC>` :: from pyb import RTC rtc = RTC() rtc.datetime((2017, 8, 23, 1, 12, 48, 0, 0)) # set a specific date and time rtc.datetime() # get date and time PWM (pulse width modulation) ---------------------------- See :ref:`pyb.Pin <pyb.Pin>` and :ref:`pyb.Timer <pyb.Timer>`. :: from pyb import Pin, Timer p = Pin('X1') # X1 has TIM2, CH1 tim = Timer(2, freq=1000) ch = tim.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=p) ch.pulse_width_percent(50) ADC (analog to digital conversion) ---------------------------------- See :ref:`pyb.Pin <pyb.Pin>` and :ref:`pyb.ADC <pyb.ADC>`. :: from pyb import Pin, ADC adc = ADC(Pin('X19')) adc.read() # read value, 0-4095 DAC (digital to analog conversion) ---------------------------------- See :ref:`pyb.Pin <pyb.Pin>` and :ref:`pyb.DAC <pyb.DAC>`. :: from pyb import Pin, DAC dac = DAC(Pin('X5')) dac.write(120) # output between 0 and 255 UART (serial bus) ----------------- See :ref:`pyb.UART <pyb.UART>`. :: from pyb import UART uart = UART(1, 9600) uart.write('hello') uart.read(5) # read up to 5 bytes SPI bus ------- See :ref:`pyb.SPI <pyb.SPI>`. :: from pyb import SPI spi = SPI(1, SPI.MASTER, baudrate=200000, polarity=1, phase=0) spi.send('hello') spi.recv(5) # receive 5 bytes on the bus spi.send_recv('hello') # send and receive 5 bytes I2C bus ------- See :ref:`pyb.I2C <pyb.I2C>`. :: from pyb import I2C i2c = I2C(1, I2C.MASTER, baudrate=100000) i2c.scan() # returns list of slave addresses i2c.send('hello', 0x42) # send 5 bytes to slave with address 0x42 i2c.recv(5, 0x42) # receive 5 bytes from slave i2c.mem_read(2, 0x42, 0x10) # read 2 bytes from slave 0x42, slave memory 0x10 i2c.mem_write('xy', 0x42, 0x10) # write 2 bytes to slave 0x42, slave memory 0x10 CAN bus (controller area network) --------------------------------- See :ref:`pyb.CAN <pyb.CAN>`. :: from pyb import CAN can = CAN(1, CAN.LOOPBACK) can.setfilter(0, CAN.LIST16, 0, (123, 124, 125, 126)) can.send('message!', 123) # send a message with id 123 can.recv(0) # receive message on FIFO 0 Internal accelerometer ---------------------- See :ref:`pyb.Accel <pyb.Accel>`. :: from pyb import Accel accel = Accel() print(accel.x(), accel.y(), accel.z(), accel.tilt())