#include "stdlib.h" #include "shared-module/vectorio/__init__.h" #include "shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.h" #include "py/misc.h" #include "py/runtime.h" #include "shared-bindings/time/__init__.h" #include "shared-bindings/displayio/ColorConverter.h" #include "shared-bindings/displayio/Palette.h" #include "shared-bindings/vectorio/Circle.h" #include "shared-bindings/vectorio/Polygon.h" #include "shared-bindings/vectorio/Rectangle.h" // Lifecycle actions. #define VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(...) (void)0 // #define VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(...) mp_printf(&mp_plat_print, __VA_ARGS__) // Used in both logging and ifdefs, for extra variables // #define VECTORIO_PERF(...) mp_printf(&mp_plat_print, __VA_ARGS__) // Really verbose. #define VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(...) (void)0 // #define VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(...) mp_printf(&mp_plat_print, __VA_ARGS__) #define U32_TO_BINARY_FMT "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" #define U32_TO_BINARY(u32) \ (u32 & 0x80000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x40000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x20000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x10000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x8000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x4000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x2000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x1000000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x800000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x400000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x200000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x100000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x80000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x40000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x20000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x10000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x8000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x4000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x2000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x1000 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x800 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x400 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x200 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x100 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x80 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x40 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x20 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x10 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x8 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x4 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x2 ? '1' : '0'), \ (u32 & 0x1 ? '1' : '0') static void short_bound_check(mp_int_t i, qstr name) { mp_arg_validate_int_range(i, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX, name); } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) static void area_transpose(displayio_area_t *to_transpose) { int16_t swap = to_transpose->y1; to_transpose->y1 = to_transpose->x1; to_transpose->x1 = swap; swap = to_transpose->y2; to_transpose->y2 = to_transpose->x2; to_transpose->x2 = swap; } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) static void _get_screen_area(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, displayio_area_t *out_area) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_screen_area (%3d,%3d) tform:{x:%d y:%d dx:%d dy:%d scl:%d w:%d h:%d mx:%d my:%d tr:%d}", self, self->x, self->y, self->absolute_transform->x, self->absolute_transform->y, self->absolute_transform->dx, self->absolute_transform->dy, self->absolute_transform->scale, self->absolute_transform->width, self->absolute_transform->height, self->absolute_transform->mirror_x, self->absolute_transform->mirror_y, self->absolute_transform->transpose_xy ); self->ishape.get_area(self->ishape.shape, out_area); VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(" in:{(%5d,%5d), (%5d,%5d)}", out_area->x1, out_area->y1, out_area->x2, out_area->y2); int16_t x; int16_t y; if (self->absolute_transform->transpose_xy) { x = self->absolute_transform->x + self->absolute_transform->dx * self->y; y = self->absolute_transform->y + self->absolute_transform->dy * self->x; if (self->absolute_transform->dx < 1) { out_area->y1 = out_area->y1 * -1 + 1; out_area->y2 = out_area->y2 * -1 + 1; } if (self->absolute_transform->dy < 1) { out_area->x1 = out_area->x1 * -1 + 1; out_area->x2 = out_area->x2 * -1 + 1; } area_transpose(out_area); } else { x = self->absolute_transform->x + self->absolute_transform->dx * self->x; y = self->absolute_transform->y + self->absolute_transform->dy * self->y; if (self->absolute_transform->dx < 1) { out_area->x1 = out_area->x1 * -1 + 1; out_area->x2 = out_area->x2 * -1 + 1; } if (self->absolute_transform->dy < 1) { out_area->y1 = out_area->y1 * -1 + 1; out_area->y2 = out_area->y2 * -1 + 1; } } displayio_area_canon(out_area); displayio_area_shift(out_area, x, y); VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(" out:{(%5d,%5d), (%5d,%5d)}\n", out_area->x1, out_area->y1, out_area->x2, out_area->y2); } // Get the target pixel based on the shape's coordinate space static void screen_to_shape_coordinates(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, int16_t *out_shape_x, int16_t *out_shape_y) { if (self->absolute_transform->transpose_xy) { *out_shape_x = y - self->absolute_transform->y - self->absolute_transform->dy * self->x; *out_shape_y = x - self->absolute_transform->x - self->absolute_transform->dx * self->y; VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" a(%3d, %3d)", *out_shape_x, *out_shape_y); if (self->absolute_transform->dx < 1) { *out_shape_y *= -1; } if (self->absolute_transform->dy < 1) { *out_shape_x *= -1; } VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" b(%3d, %3d)", *out_shape_x, *out_shape_y); } else { *out_shape_x = x - self->absolute_transform->x - self->absolute_transform->dx * self->x; *out_shape_y = y - self->absolute_transform->y - self->absolute_transform->dy * self->y; VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" a(%3d, %3d)", *out_shape_x, *out_shape_y); if (self->absolute_transform->dx < 1) { *out_shape_x *= -1; } if (self->absolute_transform->dy < 1) { *out_shape_y *= -1; } VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" b(%3d, %3d)", *out_shape_x, *out_shape_y); // It's mirrored via dx. Maybe we need to add support for also separately mirroring? // if (self->absolute_transform->mirror_x) { // pixel_to_get_x = (shape_area.x2 - shape_area.x1) - (pixel_to_get_x - shape_area.x1) + shape_area.x1 - 1; // } // if (self->absolute_transform->mirror_y) { // pixel_to_get_y = (shape_area.y2 - shape_area.y1) - (pixel_to_get_y - shape_area.y1) + +shape_area.y1 - 1; // } } } static void check_bounds_and_set_x(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_int_t x) { short_bound_check(x, MP_QSTR_x); self->x = x; } static void check_bounds_and_set_y(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_int_t y) { short_bound_check(y, MP_QSTR_y); self->y = y; } // For use by Group to know where it needs to redraw on layer removal. bool vectorio_vector_shape_get_dirty_area(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, displayio_area_t *out_area) { out_area->x1 = out_area->x2; displayio_area_union( &self->ephemeral_dirty_area, &self->current_area, out_area ); return true; // For now just always redraw. } // This must be invoked after each time a shape changes its position, shape or appearance in any way. void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(void *vector_shape) { vectorio_vector_shape_t *self = vector_shape; // In screen space. Need to offset the shape space. displayio_area_t current_area; _get_screen_area(self, ¤t_area); VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p shape_dirty new:{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)} dirty:{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}", self, current_area.x1, current_area.y1, current_area.x2, current_area.y2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y2); bool moved = !displayio_area_equal(¤t_area, &self->current_area); if (moved) { displayio_area_union(&self->current_area, &self->ephemeral_dirty_area, &self->ephemeral_dirty_area); VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(" stale:{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)} -> expanded:{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}\n", self->current_area.x1, self->current_area.y1, self->current_area.x2, self->current_area.y2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y2); // Dirty area tracks the shape's footprint between draws. It's reset on refresh finish. displayio_area_copy(¤t_area, &self->current_area); } self->current_area_dirty = true; } void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_construct(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, vectorio_ishape_t ishape, mp_obj_t pixel_shader, int32_t x, int32_t y) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p vector_shape_construct x:%3d, y:%3d\n", self, x, y); check_bounds_and_set_x(self, x); check_bounds_and_set_y(self, y); self->pixel_shader = pixel_shader; self->ishape = ishape; self->absolute_transform = &null_transform; // Critical to have a valid transform before getting screen area. self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1 = self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2; // Cheat to set area to 0 self->ephemeral_dirty_area.next = NULL; self->current_area_dirty = true; _get_screen_area(self, &self->current_area); } bool common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_contains(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_int_t x, mp_int_t y) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p contains(%d, %d)", self); short_bound_check(x, MP_QSTR_x); short_bound_check(y, MP_QSTR_y); int16_t shape_x; int16_t shape_y; screen_to_shape_coordinates(self, x, y, &shape_x, &shape_y); bool shape_contains_coordinates = 0 != self->ishape.get_pixel(self->ishape.shape, shape_x, shape_y); return shape_contains_coordinates; } mp_int_t common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_get_x(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_x\n", self); return self->x; } void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_x(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_int_t x) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p set_x %d\n", self, x); if (self->x == x) { return; } check_bounds_and_set_x(self, x); common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(self); } mp_int_t common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_get_y(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_y\n", self); return self->y; } void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_y(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_int_t y) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p set_y %d\n", self, y); if (self->y == y) { return; } check_bounds_and_set_y(self, y); common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(self); } mp_obj_tuple_t *common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_get_location(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_location\n", self); mp_obj_tuple_t *pair = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(mp_obj_new_tuple(2, NULL)); pair->items[0] = mp_obj_new_int((mp_int_t)self->x); pair->items[1] = mp_obj_new_int((mp_int_t)self->y); return pair; } void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_location(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_obj_t xy) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p set_location\n", self); size_t tuple_len = 0; mp_obj_t *tuple_items; mp_obj_tuple_get(xy, &tuple_len, &tuple_items); mp_arg_validate_length(tuple_len, 2, MP_QSTR_location); mp_int_t x = mp_arg_validate_type_int(tuple_items[0], MP_QSTR_x); mp_int_t y = mp_arg_validate_type_int(tuple_items[0], MP_QSTR_y); bool dirty = false; if (self->x != x) { check_bounds_and_set_x(self, x); dirty = true; } if (self->y != y) { check_bounds_and_set_y(self, y); dirty = true; } if (dirty) { common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(self); } } mp_int_t common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_get_hidden(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_hidden\n", self); return self->hidden; } void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_hidden(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, bool hidden) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p set_hidden %d\n", self, x); self->hidden = hidden; common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(self); } mp_obj_t common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_get_pixel_shader(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_pixel_shader\n", self); return self->pixel_shader; } void common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_pixel_shader(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, mp_obj_t pixel_shader) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p set_pixel_shader\n", self); self->pixel_shader = pixel_shader; common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(self); } bool vectorio_vector_shape_fill_area(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, const _displayio_colorspace_t *colorspace, const displayio_area_t *area, uint32_t *mask, uint32_t *buffer) { // Shape areas are relative to 0,0. This will allow rotation about a known axis. // The consequence is that the area reported by the shape itself is _relative_ to 0,0. // To make it relative to the VectorShape position, we must shift it. // Pixels are drawn on the screen_area (shifted) coordinate space, while pixels are _determined_ from // the shape_area (unshifted) space. #ifdef VECTORIO_PERF uint64_t start = common_hal_time_monotonic_ns(); uint64_t pixel_time = 0; #endif if (self->hidden) { return false; } VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p fill_area: fill: {(%5d,%5d), (%5d,%5d)}", self, area->x1, area->y1, area->x2, area->y2 ); displayio_area_t overlap; if (!displayio_area_compute_overlap(area, &self->current_area, &overlap)) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(" no overlap\n"); return false; } VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(", overlap: {(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}", overlap.x1, overlap.y1, overlap.x2, overlap.y2); bool full_coverage = displayio_area_equal(area, &overlap); uint8_t pixels_per_byte = 8 / colorspace->depth; VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(" xy:(%3d %3d) tform:{x:%d y:%d dx:%d dy:%d scl:%d w:%d h:%d mx:%d my:%d tr:%d}", self->x, self->y, self->absolute_transform->x, self->absolute_transform->y, self->absolute_transform->dx, self->absolute_transform->dy, self->absolute_transform->scale, self->absolute_transform->width, self->absolute_transform->height, self->absolute_transform->mirror_x, self->absolute_transform->mirror_y, self->absolute_transform->transpose_xy ); uint16_t linestride_px = displayio_area_width(area); uint16_t line_dirty_offset_px = (overlap.y1 - area->y1) * linestride_px; uint16_t column_dirty_offset_px = overlap.x1 - area->x1; VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(", linestride:%3d line_offset:%3d col_offset:%3d depth:%2d ppb:%2d shape:%s", linestride_px, line_dirty_offset_px, column_dirty_offset_px, colorspace->depth, pixels_per_byte, mp_obj_get_type_str(self->ishape.shape)); displayio_input_pixel_t input_pixel; displayio_output_pixel_t output_pixel; displayio_area_t shape_area; self->ishape.get_area(self->ishape.shape, &shape_area); uint16_t mask_start_px = line_dirty_offset_px; for (input_pixel.y = overlap.y1; input_pixel.y < overlap.y2; ++input_pixel.y) { mask_start_px += column_dirty_offset_px; for (input_pixel.x = overlap.x1; input_pixel.x < overlap.x2; ++input_pixel.x) { // Check the mask first to see if the pixel has already been set. uint16_t pixel_index = mask_start_px + (input_pixel.x - overlap.x1); uint32_t *mask_doubleword = &(mask[pixel_index / 32]); uint8_t mask_bit = pixel_index % 32; VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG("\n%p pixel_index: %5u mask_bit: %2u mask: "U32_TO_BINARY_FMT, self, pixel_index, mask_bit, U32_TO_BINARY(*mask_doubleword)); if ((*mask_doubleword & (1u << mask_bit)) != 0) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" masked"); continue; } output_pixel.pixel = 0; // Cast input screen coordinates to shape coordinates to pick the pixel to draw int16_t pixel_to_get_x; int16_t pixel_to_get_y; screen_to_shape_coordinates(self, input_pixel.x, input_pixel.y, &pixel_to_get_x, &pixel_to_get_y); VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" get_pixel %p (%3d, %3d) -> ( %3d, %3d )", self->ishape.shape, input_pixel.x, input_pixel.y, pixel_to_get_x, pixel_to_get_y); #ifdef VECTORIO_PERF uint64_t pre_pixel = common_hal_time_monotonic_ns(); #endif input_pixel.pixel = self->ishape.get_pixel(self->ishape.shape, pixel_to_get_x, pixel_to_get_y); #ifdef VECTORIO_PERF uint64_t post_pixel = common_hal_time_monotonic_ns(); pixel_time += post_pixel - pre_pixel; #endif VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" -> %d", input_pixel.pixel); // vectorio shapes use 0 to mean "area is not covered." // We can skip all the rest of the work for this pixel if it's not currently covered by the shape. if (input_pixel.pixel == 0) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" (encountered transparent pixel; input area is not fully covered)"); full_coverage = false; } else { // Pixel is not transparent. Let's pull the pixel value index down to 0-base for more error-resistant palettes. input_pixel.pixel -= 1; output_pixel.opaque = true; if (self->pixel_shader == mp_const_none) { output_pixel.pixel = input_pixel.pixel; } else if (mp_obj_is_type(self->pixel_shader, &displayio_palette_type)) { output_pixel.opaque = displayio_palette_get_color(self->pixel_shader, colorspace, input_pixel.pixel, &output_pixel.pixel); } else if (mp_obj_is_type(self->pixel_shader, &displayio_colorconverter_type)) { displayio_colorconverter_convert(self->pixel_shader, colorspace, &input_pixel, &output_pixel); } // We double-check this to fast-path the case when a pixel is not covered by the shape & not call the color converter unnecessarily. if (!output_pixel.opaque) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" (encountered transparent pixel from colorconverter; input area is not fully covered)"); full_coverage = false; } *mask_doubleword |= 1u << mask_bit; if (colorspace->depth == 16) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" buffer = %04x 16", output_pixel.pixel); *(((uint16_t *)buffer) + pixel_index) = output_pixel.pixel; } else if (colorspace->depth == 32) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" buffer = %04x 32", output_pixel.pixel); *(((uint32_t *)buffer) + pixel_index) = output_pixel.pixel; } else if (colorspace->depth == 8) { VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" buffer = %02x 8", output_pixel.pixel); *(((uint8_t *)buffer) + pixel_index) = output_pixel.pixel; } else if (colorspace->depth < 8) { // Reorder the offsets to pack multiple rows into a byte (meaning they share a column). if (!colorspace->pixels_in_byte_share_row) { uint16_t row = pixel_index / linestride_px; uint16_t col = pixel_index % linestride_px; pixel_index = col * pixels_per_byte + (row / pixels_per_byte) * pixels_per_byte * linestride_px + row % pixels_per_byte; } uint8_t shift = (pixel_index % pixels_per_byte) * colorspace->depth; if (colorspace->reverse_pixels_in_byte) { // Reverse the shift by subtracting it from the leftmost shift. shift = (pixels_per_byte - 1) * colorspace->depth - shift; } VECTORIO_SHAPE_PIXEL_DEBUG(" buffer = %2d %d", output_pixel.pixel, colorspace->depth); ((uint8_t *)buffer)[pixel_index / pixels_per_byte] |= output_pixel.pixel << shift; } } } mask_start_px += linestride_px - column_dirty_offset_px; } #ifdef VECTORIO_PERF uint64_t end = common_hal_time_monotonic_ns(); uint32_t pixels = (overlap.x2 - overlap.x1) * (overlap.y2 - overlap.y1); VECTORIO_PERF("draw %16s -> shape:{%4dpx, %4.1fms,%9.1fpps fill} shape_pixels:{%6.1fus total, %4.1fus/px}\n", mp_obj_get_type_str(self->ishape.shape), (overlap.x2 - overlap.x1) * (overlap.y2 - overlap.y1), (double)((end - start) / 1000000.0), (double)(MAX(1, pixels * (1000000000.0 / (end - start)))), (double)(pixel_time / 1000.0), (double)(pixel_time / 1000.0 / pixels) ); #endif VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG(" -> pixels:%4d\n", (overlap.x2 - overlap.x1) * (overlap.y2 - overlap.y1)); return full_coverage; } void vectorio_vector_shape_finish_refresh(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self) { if (displayio_area_empty(&self->ephemeral_dirty_area) && !self->current_area_dirty) { return; } VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p finish_refresh was:{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}\n", self, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y2); // Reset dirty area to nothing self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1 = self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2; // Cheat to set area to empty self->ephemeral_dirty_area.next = NULL; self->current_area_dirty = false; // We don't clear current area so we can remember what to clean up if we move self->current_area.next = NULL; VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p finish_refresh now:{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}\n", self, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y2); if (mp_obj_is_type(self->pixel_shader, &displayio_palette_type)) { displayio_palette_finish_refresh(self->pixel_shader); } else if (mp_obj_is_type(self->pixel_shader, &displayio_colorconverter_type)) { displayio_colorconverter_finish_refresh(self->pixel_shader); } } // Assembles a singly linked list of dirty areas from all components on the display. displayio_area_t *vectorio_vector_shape_get_refresh_areas(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, displayio_area_t *tail) { if (self->current_area_dirty || (mp_obj_is_type(self->pixel_shader, &displayio_palette_type) && displayio_palette_needs_refresh(self->pixel_shader)) || (mp_obj_is_type(self->pixel_shader, &displayio_colorconverter_type) && displayio_colorconverter_needs_refresh(self->pixel_shader)) ) { if (!displayio_area_empty(&self->ephemeral_dirty_area)) { // Both are dirty, check if we should combine the areas or draw separately // Draws as few pixels as possible both when animations move short distances and large distances. // The display core implementation currently doesn't combine areas to reduce redrawing of masked areas. If it does, // this could be simplified to just return the 2 possibly overlapping areas. displayio_area_t area_swap; displayio_area_compute_overlap(&self->ephemeral_dirty_area, &self->current_area, &area_swap); uint32_t overlap_size = displayio_area_size(&area_swap); displayio_area_union(&self->ephemeral_dirty_area, &self->current_area, &area_swap); // Leave area_swap as the union area for later. uint32_t union_size = displayio_area_size(&area_swap); uint32_t current_size = displayio_area_size(&self->current_area); uint32_t dirty_size = displayio_area_size(&self->ephemeral_dirty_area); VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_refresh_area: dirty{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)} + current{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)} = union{(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}: union%d - dirty%d - curr%d + overlap%d = excluded%d : ", self, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y2, self->current_area.x1, self->current_area.y1, self->current_area.x2, self->current_area.y2, area_swap.x1, area_swap.y1, area_swap.x2, area_swap.y2, union_size, dirty_size, current_size, overlap_size, (int32_t)union_size - dirty_size - current_size + overlap_size ); if ((int32_t)union_size - dirty_size - current_size + overlap_size <= MIN(dirty_size, current_size)) { // The excluded / non-overlapping area from the disjoint dirty and current areas is smaller // than the smallest area we need to draw. Redrawing the overlapping area would cost more // than just drawing the union disjoint area once. VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("combining to take disjoint area\n"); displayio_area_copy(&area_swap, &self->ephemeral_dirty_area); } else { // The excluded area between the 2 dirty areas is larger than the smallest dirty area. It would be // more costly to combine these areas than possibly redraw some overlap. VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("excluded area too large, drawing separate area\n"); self->current_area.next = tail; tail = &self->current_area; } self->ephemeral_dirty_area.next = tail; tail = &self->ephemeral_dirty_area; } else { self->current_area.next = tail; tail = &self->current_area; VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_refresh_area: redrawing current: {(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}\n", self, self->current_area.x1, self->current_area.y1, self->current_area.x2, self->current_area.y2); } } else if (!displayio_area_empty(&self->ephemeral_dirty_area)) { self->ephemeral_dirty_area.next = tail; tail = &self->ephemeral_dirty_area; VECTORIO_SHAPE_DEBUG("%p get_refresh_area redrawing dirty: {(%3d,%3d), (%3d,%3d)}\n", self, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y1, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.x2, self->ephemeral_dirty_area.y2); } return tail; } void vectorio_vector_shape_update_transform(vectorio_vector_shape_t *self, displayio_buffer_transform_t *group_transform) { self->absolute_transform = group_transform == NULL ? &null_transform : group_transform; common_hal_vectorio_vector_shape_set_dirty(self); }