/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs (C)ChaN, 2014 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If a working storage control module is available, it should be */ /* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it. */ /* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting */ /* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include "py/mpconfig.h" #include "py/runtime.h" #include "py/obj.h" #include "lib/fatfs/ff.h" #include "lib/fatfs/diskio.h" /* FatFs lower layer API */ #include "sflash_diskio.h" /* Serial flash disk IO API */ #include "sd_diskio.h" /* SDCARD disk IO API */ #include "inc/hw_types.h" #include "inc/hw_ints.h" #include "inc/hw_memmap.h" #include "rom_map.h" #include "prcm.h" #include "pybrtc.h" #include "timeutils.h" #include "pybsd.h" #include "moduos.h" /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get Drive Status */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DSTATUS disk_status ( BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ ) { if (pdrv == PD_FLASH) { return sflash_disk_status(); } else { os_fs_mount_t *mount_obj; if ((mount_obj = osmount_find_by_volume(pdrv))) { if (mount_obj->writeblocks[0] == MP_OBJ_NULL) { return STA_PROTECT; } return 0; } } return STA_NODISK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Inidialize a Drive */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DSTATUS disk_initialize ( BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ ) { if (pdrv == PD_FLASH) { if (RES_OK != sflash_disk_init()) { return STA_NOINIT; } } else { os_fs_mount_t *mount_obj; if ((mount_obj = osmount_find_by_volume(pdrv))) { if (mount_obj->writeblocks[0] == MP_OBJ_NULL) { return STA_PROTECT; } return 0; } } return STA_NODISK; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read Sector(s) */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DRESULT disk_read ( BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ BYTE *buff, /* Data buffer to store read data */ DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */ UINT count /* Number of sectors to read */ ) { if (pdrv == PD_FLASH) { return sflash_disk_read(buff, sector, count); } else { os_fs_mount_t *mount_obj; if ((mount_obj = osmount_find_by_volume(pdrv))) { // optimization for the built-in sd card device if (mount_obj->device == (mp_obj_t)&pybsd_obj) { return sd_disk_read(buff, sector, count); } mount_obj->readblocks[2] = MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(sector); mount_obj->readblocks[3] = mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(count * 512, buff); return mp_obj_get_int(mp_call_method_n_kw(2, 0, mount_obj->readblocks)); } // nothing mounted return RES_ERROR; } return RES_PARERR; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Write Sector(s) */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if _USE_WRITE DRESULT disk_write ( BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ const BYTE *buff, /* Data to be written */ DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */ UINT count /* Number of sectors to write */ ) { if (pdrv == PD_FLASH) { return sflash_disk_write(buff, sector, count); } else { os_fs_mount_t *mount_obj; if ((mount_obj = osmount_find_by_volume(pdrv))) { // optimization for the built-in sd card device if (mount_obj->device == (mp_obj_t)&pybsd_obj) { return sd_disk_write(buff, sector, count); } mount_obj->writeblocks[2] = MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(sector); mount_obj->writeblocks[3] = mp_obj_new_bytearray_by_ref(count * 512, (void *)buff); return mp_obj_get_int(mp_call_method_n_kw(2, 0, mount_obj->writeblocks)); } // nothing mounted return RES_ERROR; } return RES_PARERR; } #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Miscellaneous Functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if _USE_IOCTL DRESULT disk_ioctl ( BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */ BYTE cmd, /* Control code */ void *buff /* Buffer to send/receive control data */ ) { if (pdrv == PD_FLASH) { switch (cmd) { case CTRL_SYNC: return sflash_disk_flush(); case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: *((DWORD*)buff) = SFLASH_SECTOR_COUNT; return RES_OK; case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: *((DWORD*)buff) = SFLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; return RES_OK; case GET_BLOCK_SIZE: *((DWORD*)buff) = 1; // high-level sector erase size in units of the block size return RES_OK; } } else { os_fs_mount_t *mount_obj; if ((mount_obj = osmount_find_by_volume(pdrv))) { switch (cmd) { case CTRL_SYNC: if (mount_obj->sync[0] != MP_OBJ_NULL) { mp_call_method_n_kw(0, 0, mount_obj->sync); } return RES_OK; case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: // optimization for the built-in sd card device if (mount_obj->device == (mp_obj_t)&pybsd_obj) { *((DWORD*)buff) = sd_disk_info.ulNofBlock * (sd_disk_info.ulBlockSize / 512); } else { *((DWORD*)buff) = mp_obj_get_int(mp_call_method_n_kw(0, 0, mount_obj->count)); } return RES_OK; case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: *((DWORD*)buff) = SD_SECTOR_SIZE; // Sector size is fixed to 512 bytes, as with SD cards return RES_OK; case GET_BLOCK_SIZE: *((DWORD*)buff) = 1; // high-level sector erase size in units of the block size return RES_OK; } } // nothing mounted return RES_ERROR; } return RES_PARERR; } #endif #if !_FS_READONLY && !_FS_NORTC DWORD get_fattime ( void ) { timeutils_struct_time_t tm; timeutils_seconds_since_2000_to_struct_time(pyb_rtc_get_seconds(), &tm); return ((tm.tm_year - 1980) << 25) | ((tm.tm_mon) << 21) | ((tm.tm_mday) << 16) | ((tm.tm_hour) << 11) | ((tm.tm_min) << 5) | (tm.tm_sec >> 1); } #endif