USB_VID = 0x239A USB_PID = 0x80CE USB_PRODUCT = "Feather M4 CAN" USB_MANUFACTURER = "Adafruit Industries LLC" CHIP_VARIANT = SAME51J19A CHIP_FAMILY = same51 QSPI_FLASH_FILESYSTEM = 1 EXTERNAL_FLASH_DEVICES = "GD25Q16C,W25Q16JVxQ" LONGINT_IMPL = MPZ CIRCUITPY__EVE = 1 CIRCUITPY_CANIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_SYNTHIO = 0 CIRCUITPY_GIFIO = 0 CIRCUITPY_LTO_PARTITION = one # We don't have room for the fonts for terminalio for certain languages, # so turn off terminalio, and if it's off and displayio is on, # force a clean build. # Note that we cannot test $(CIRCUITPY_DISPLAYIO) directly with an # ifeq, because it's not set yet. ifneq (,$(filter $(TRANSLATION),ja ko ru)) CIRCUITPY_TERMINALIO = 0 RELEASE_NEEDS_CLEAN_BUILD = $(CIRCUITPY_DISPLAYIO) endif