Adafruit CircuitPython Libraries ================================ Documentation for all Adafruit-sponsored CircuitPython libraries is at: <>. CircuitPython Library Bundles ============================= Many Python libraries, including device drivers, have been written for use with CircuitPython. They are maintained in separate GitHub repos, one per library. Libraries are packaged in *bundles*, which are ZIP files that are snapshots in time of a group of libraries. Adafruit sponsors and maintains several hundred libraries, packaged in the **Adafruit Library Bundle**. Adafruit-sponsored libraries are also available on <>. Yet other libraries are maintained by members of the CircuitPython community, and are packaged in the **CircuitPython Community Library Bundle**. The Adafruit bundles are available on GitHub: <>. The Community bundles are available at: <>. More detailed information about the bundles, and download links for the latest bundles are at <>. Documentation about bundle construction is at: <>. Documentation for Community Libraries is not available on ReadTheDocs at this time. See the GitHub repository for each library for any included documentation.