# test that iterating doesn't use the heap try: frozenset import array except (NameError, ImportError): print("SKIP") raise SystemExit try: from micropython import heap_lock, heap_unlock except (ImportError, AttributeError): heap_lock = heap_unlock = lambda:0 def do_iter(l): heap_lock() for i in l: print(i) heap_unlock() def gen_func(): yield 1 yield 2 # pre-create collections to iterate over ba = bytearray(b'123') ar = array.array('H', (123, 456)) t = (1, 2, 3) l = [1, 2] d = {1:2} s = set((1,)) fs = frozenset((1,)) g1 = (100 + x for x in range(2)) g2 = gen_func() # test containment (both success and failure) with the heap locked heap_lock() print(49 in b'123', 255 in b'123') print(1 in t, -1 in t) print(1 in l, -1 in l) print(1 in d, -1 in d) print(1 in s, -1 in s) heap_unlock() # test unpacking with the heap locked unp0 = unp1 = unp2 = None # preallocate slots for globals heap_lock() unp0, unp1, unp2 = t print(unp0, unp1, unp2) heap_unlock() # test certain builtins with the heap locked heap_lock() print(all(t)) print(any(t)) print(min(t)) print(max(t)) print(sum(t)) heap_unlock() # test iterating over collections with the heap locked do_iter(b'123') do_iter(ba) do_iter(ar) do_iter(t) do_iter(l) do_iter(d) do_iter(s) do_iter(fs) do_iter(g1) do_iter(g2)