#define MICROPY_HW_BOARD_NAME "Adafruit Feather M0 Express" #define MICROPY_HW_MCU_NAME "samd21g18" #define MICROPY_HW_NEOPIXEL (&pin_PA06) // Clock rates are off: Salae reads 12MHz which is the limit even though we set it to the safer 8MHz. #define SPI_FLASH_BAUDRATE (8000000) #define SPI_FLASH_MOSI_PIN PIN_PA08 #define SPI_FLASH_MISO_PIN PIN_PA14 #define SPI_FLASH_SCK_PIN PIN_PA09 #define SPI_FLASH_CS_PIN PIN_PA13 #define SPI_FLASH_MOSI_PIN_FUNCTION PINMUX_PA08D_SERCOM2_PAD0 #define SPI_FLASH_MISO_PIN_FUNCTION PINMUX_PA14C_SERCOM2_PAD2 #define SPI_FLASH_SCK_PIN_FUNCTION PINMUX_PA09D_SERCOM2_PAD1 #define SPI_FLASH_SERCOM SERCOM2 #define SPI_FLASH_SERCOM_INDEX 2 #define SPI_FLASH_MOSI_PAD 0 #define SPI_FLASH_MISO_PAD 2 #define SPI_FLASH_SCK_PAD 1 // Transmit Data Pinout // <0x0=>PAD[0,1]_DO_SCK // <0x1=>PAD[2,3]_DO_SCK // <0x2=>PAD[3,1]_DO_SCK // <0x3=>PAD[0,3]_DO_SCK #define SPI_FLASH_DOPO 0 #define SPI_FLASH_DIPO 2 // same as MISO pad // These are pins not to reset. #define MICROPY_PORT_A (PORT_PA06 | PORT_PA08 | PORT_PA09 | PORT_PA13 | PORT_PA14 | PORT_PA24 | PORT_PA25) #define MICROPY_PORT_B ( 0 ) #define MICROPY_PORT_C ( 0 ) #include "external_flash/external_flash.h" // If you change this, then make sure to update the linker scripts as well to // make sure you don't overwrite code. #define CIRCUITPY_INTERNAL_NVM_SIZE 256 #define BOARD_FLASH_SIZE (0x00040000 - 0x2000 - CIRCUITPY_INTERNAL_NVM_SIZE) #include "external_flash/devices.h" #define EXTERNAL_FLASH_DEVICE_COUNT 2 #define EXTERNAL_FLASH_DEVICES S25FL216K, \ GD25Q16C #include "external_flash/external_flash.h" #define BOARD_HAS_CRYSTAL 1 #define DEFAULT_I2C_BUS_SCL (&pin_PA23) #define DEFAULT_I2C_BUS_SDA (&pin_PA22) #define DEFAULT_SPI_BUS_SCK (&pin_PB11) #define DEFAULT_SPI_BUS_MOSI (&pin_PB10) #define DEFAULT_SPI_BUS_MISO (&pin_PA12) #define DEFAULT_UART_BUS_RX (&pin_PA11) #define DEFAULT_UART_BUS_TX (&pin_PA10) // USB is always used internally so skip the pin objects for it. #define IGNORE_PIN_PA24 1 #define IGNORE_PIN_PA25 1 #define CIRCUITPY_I2CSLAVE