:mod:`ussl` -- SSL/TLS module ============================= .. include:: ../templates/unsupported_in_circuitpython.inc .. module:: ussl :synopsis: TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects |see_cpython_module| :mod:`cpython:ssl`. This module provides access to Transport Layer Security (previously and widely known as “Secure Sockets Layer”) encryption and peer authentication facilities for network sockets, both client-side and server-side. Functions --------- .. function:: ussl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side=False, keyfile=None, certfile=None, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE, ca_certs=None) Takes a stream *sock* (usually usocket.socket instance of ``SOCK_STREAM`` type), and returns an instance of ssl.SSLSocket, which wraps the underlying stream in an SSL context. Returned object has the usual stream interface methods like ``read()``, ``write()``, etc. In MicroPython, the returned object does not expose socket interface and methods like ``recv()``, ``send()``. In particular, a server-side SSL socket should be created from a normal socket returned from `accept()` on a non-SSL listening server socket. Depending on the underlying module implementation in a particular ``MicroPython port``, some or all keyword arguments above may be not supported. .. warning:: Some implementations of ``ussl`` module do NOT validate server certificates, which makes an SSL connection established prone to man-in-the-middle attacks. Exceptions ---------- .. data:: ssl.SSLError This exception does NOT exist. Instead its base class, OSError, is used. Constants --------- .. data:: ussl.CERT_NONE ussl.CERT_OPTIONAL ussl.CERT_REQUIRED Supported values for *cert_reqs* parameter.