:mod:`sys` -- system specific functions ======================================= .. include:: ../templates/unsupported_in_circuitpython.inc .. module:: sys :synopsis: system specific functions |see_cpython_module| :mod:`cpython:sys`. Functions --------- .. function:: exit(retval=0) Terminate current program with a given exit code. Underlyingly, this function raise as `SystemExit` exception. If an argument is given, its value given as an argument to `SystemExit`. .. function:: print_exception(exc, file=sys.stdout) Print exception with a traceback to a file-like object *file* (or `sys.stdout` by default). .. admonition:: Difference to CPython :class: attention This is simplified version of a function which appears in the ``traceback`` module in CPython. Unlike ``traceback.print_exception()``, this function takes just exception value instead of exception type, exception value, and traceback object; *file* argument should be positional; further arguments are not supported. Constants --------- .. data:: argv A mutable list of arguments the current program was started with. .. data:: byteorder The byte order of the system (``"little"`` or ``"big"``). .. data:: implementation Object with information about the current Python implementation. For CircuitPython, it has following attributes: * *name* - string "circuitpython" * *version* - tuple (major, minor, micro), e.g. (1, 7, 0) This object is the recommended way to distinguish CircuitPython from other Python implementations (note that it still may not exist in the very minimal ports). .. admonition:: Difference to CPython :class: attention CPython mandates more attributes for this object, but the actual useful bare minimum is implemented in CircuitPython. .. data:: maxsize Maximum value which a native integer type can hold on the current platform, or maximum value representable by CircuitPython integer type, if it's smaller than platform max value (that is the case for CircuitPython ports without long int support). This attribute is useful for detecting "bitness" of a platform (32-bit vs 64-bit, etc.). It's recommended to not compare this attribute to some value directly, but instead count number of bits in it:: bits = 0 v = sys.maxsize while v: bits += 1 v >>= 1 if bits > 32: # 64-bit (or more) platform ... else: # 32-bit (or less) platform # Note that on 32-bit platform, value of bits may be less than 32 # (e.g. 31) due to peculiarities described above, so use "> 16", # "> 32", "> 64" style of comparisons. .. data:: modules Dictionary of loaded modules. On some ports, it may not include builtin modules. .. data:: path A mutable list of directories to search for imported modules. .. data:: platform The platform that CircuitPython is running on. For OS/RTOS ports, this is usually an identifier of the OS, e.g. ``"linux"``. For baremetal ports it is an identifier of the chip on a board, e.g. ``"MicroChip SAMD51"``. It thus can be used to distinguish one board from another. If you need to check whether your program runs on CircuitPython (vs other Python implementation), use `sys.implementation` instead. .. data:: stderr Standard error stream. .. data:: stdin Standard input stream. .. data:: stdout Standard output stream. .. data:: version Python language version that this implementation conforms to, as a string. .. data:: version_info Python language version that this implementation conforms to, as a tuple of ints.