USB_VID = 0x2886 USB_PID = 0x0030 USB_PRODUCT = "Seeeduino XIAO KB" USB_MANUFACTURER = "Seeed" CHIP_VARIANT = SAMD21G18A CHIP_FAMILY = samd21 INTERNAL_FLASH_FILESYSTEM = 1 LONGINT_IMPL = NONE CIRCUITPY_FULL_BUILD = 0 # A number of modules are removed # Many I/O functions are not available or not used in a keyboard # CIRCUITPY_ANALOGIO = 1 # Needed for potentiometer input (mouse) CIRCUITPY_AUDIOCORE = 0 CIRCUITPY_BUSIO = 0 # Needed for I2C, SPI and UART - removed that for keyboards... CIRCUITPY_PULSEIO = 0 # CIRCUITPY_PWMIO = 1 # only needed for speaker or LED PWM functions. Takes 2314 bytes. CIRCUITPY_RTC = 0 CIRCUITPY_MATH = 0 #CIRCUITPY_RANDOM = 0 CIRCUITPY_ONEWIREIO = 0 #CIRCUITPY_NEOPIXEL_WRITE = 1 # Needed fo RGB LEDs #CIRCUITPY_RAINBOWIO = 1 # Needed fo RGB LEDs # These are used in a keyboard or computer input device. CIRCUITPY_ROTARYIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_KEYPAD = 1 CIRCUITPY_USB_HID = 1 CIRCUITPY_USB_MIDI = 1 # Include these Python libraries in firmware. FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_HID FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel