# Select the board to build for. ifeq ($(BOARD),) $(info You must provide a BOARD parameter with 'BOARD=') $(info Possible values are:) $(info $(sort $(subst /.,,$(subst boards/,,$(wildcard boards/*/.))))) $(error BOARD not defined) else ifeq ($(wildcard boards/$(BOARD)/.),) $(error Invalid BOARD specified) endif endif include boards/$(BOARD)/mpconfigboard.mk SD_LOWER = $(shell echo $(SD) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Build directory with SD BUILD ?= $(if $(SD),build-$(BOARD)-$(SD_LOWER),build-$(BOARD)) include ../../py/mkenv.mk -include mpconfigport.mk ifneq ($(SD), ) include drivers/bluetooth/bluetooth_common.mk endif # qstr definitions (must come before including py.mk) QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h $(BUILD)/pins_qstr.h FROZEN_MPY_DIR = freeze # include py core make definitions include ../../py/py.mk include $(TOP)/supervisor/supervisor.mk FATFS_DIR = lib/oofatfs CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-eabi- INC += -I. INC += -I../.. INC += -I$(BUILD) INC += -I$(BUILD)/genhdr INC += -I./../../lib/cmsis/inc INC += -I./boards/$(BOARD) INC += -I./modules/ubluepy INC += -I./modules/ble INC += -I./nrfx INC += -I./nrfx/hal INC += -I./nrfx/mdk INC += -I./nrfx/drivers/include INC += -I../../lib/mp-readline INC += -I./drivers/bluetooth INC += -I./drivers INC += -I../../lib/tinyusb/src INC += -I./usb NRF_DEFINES += -DCONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET CFLAGS += -mthumb -mabi=aapcs -fsingle-precision-constant -Wdouble-promotion CFLAGS += -mtune=cortex-m4 -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard CFLAGS += $(INC) -Wall -Werror -ansi -std=gnu99 -nostdlib $(COPT) $(NRF_DEFINES) $(CFLAGS_MOD) CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing CFLAGS += -fstack-usage -fno-builtin -fshort-enums CFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections CFLAGS += -D__START=main LDFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) LDFLAGS += -Xlinker -Map=$(@:.elf=.map) LDFLAGS += -mthumb -mabi=aapcs -T $(LD_FILE) -L boards/ LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections #Debugging/Optimization ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) #ASMFLAGS += -g -gtabs+ CFLAGS += -O1 -ggdb LDFLAGS += -O1 else CFLAGS += -Os -DNDEBUG LDFLAGS += -Os endif LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-file-name=libm.a) LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-file-name=libc.a) LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -print-libgcc-file-name) LIBS := -L $(dir $(LIBM_FILE_NAME)) -lm LIBS += -L $(dir $(LIBC_FILE_NAME)) -lc LIBS += -L $(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)) -lgcc SRC_NRFX = $(addprefix nrfx/,\ drivers/src/nrfx_power.c \ drivers/src/nrfx_spim.c \ drivers/src/nrfx_twim.c \ drivers/src/nrfx_uart.c \ ) SRC_C += \ mphalport.c \ fatfs_port.c \ tick.c \ background.c \ internal_flash.c \ drivers/bluetooth/ble_drv.c \ drivers/bluetooth/ble_uart.c \ boards/$(BOARD)/board.c \ nrfx/mdk/system_$(MCU_SUB_VARIANT).c \ nrfx/hal/nrf_nvmc.c \ device/$(MCU_VARIANT)/startup_$(MCU_SUB_VARIANT).c \ lib/oofatfs/ff.c \ lib/oofatfs/option/ccsbcs.c \ lib/timeutils/timeutils.c \ lib/utils/buffer_helper.c \ lib/utils/context_manager_helpers.c \ lib/utils/pyexec.c \ lib/utils/interrupt_char.c \ lib/utils/stdout_helpers.c \ lib/utils/sys_stdio_mphal.c \ lib/libc/string0.c \ lib/mp-readline/readline.c \ supervisor/shared/memory.c DRIVERS_SRC_C += $(addprefix modules/,\ ubluepy/modubluepy.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_peripheral.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_service.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_characteristic.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_uuid.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_delegate.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_constants.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_descriptor.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_scanner.c \ ubluepy/ubluepy_scan_entry.c \ ) SRC_COMMON_HAL += \ board/__init__.c \ digitalio/__init__.c \ digitalio/DigitalInOut.c \ microcontroller/__init__.c \ microcontroller/Pin.c \ microcontroller/Processor.c \ neopixel_write/__init__.c \ os/__init__.c \ time/__init__.c \ analogio/__init__.c \ analogio/AnalogIn.c \ analogio/AnalogOut.c \ busio/__init__.c\ busio/I2C.c \ busio/SPI.c \ busio/UART.c \ pulseio/__init__.c \ pulseio/PulseIn.c \ pulseio/PulseOut.c \ pulseio/PWMOut.c \ storage/__init__.c \ supervisor/__init__.c \ supervisor/Runtime.c \ ifneq ($(SD), ) SRC_COMMON_HAL += \ bleio/__init__.c \ bleio/Adapter.c endif # These don't have corresponding files in each port but are still located in # shared-bindings to make it clear what the contents of the modules are. SRC_BINDINGS_ENUMS = \ busio/OneWire.c \ digitalio/Direction.c \ digitalio/DriveMode.c \ digitalio/Pull.c \ microcontroller/RunMode.c \ help.c \ math/__init__.c \ util.c SRC_COMMON_HAL_EXPANDED = $(addprefix shared-bindings/, $(SRC_COMMON_HAL)) \ $(addprefix shared-bindings/, $(SRC_BINDINGS_ENUMS)) \ $(addprefix common-hal/, $(SRC_COMMON_HAL)) SRC_SHARED_MODULE = \ os/__init__.c \ random/__init__.c \ storage/__init__.c \ struct/__init__.c \ gamepad/__init__.c \ gamepad/GamePad.c \ bitbangio/__init__.c \ bitbangio/I2C.c \ bitbangio/OneWire.c \ bitbangio/SPI.c \ busio/OneWire.c \ # uheap/__init__.c \ ustack/__init__.c SRC_SHARED_BINDINGS = \ struct/__init__.c \ gamepad/__init__.c \ gamepad/GamePad.c \ bitbangio/__init__.c \ bitbangio/I2C.c \ bitbangio/SPI.c \ bitbangio/OneWire.c \ random/__init__.c \ # USB source files for nrf52840 ifeq ($(MCU_SUB_VARIANT),nrf52840) SRC_C += \ usb/usb.c \ usb/usb_msc_flash.c \ usb/usb_desc.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/portable/nordic/nrf5x/dcd_nrf5x.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/portable/nordic/nrf5x/hal_nrf5x.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/common/tusb_fifo.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/device/usbd.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/class/msc/msc_device.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/class/cdc/cdc_device.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/class/hid/hid_device.c \ lib/tinyusb/src/tusb.c \ SRC_COMMON_HAL += \ usb_hid/__init__.c \ usb_hid/Device.c \ endif SRC_SHARED_MODULE_EXPANDED = $(addprefix shared-bindings/, $(SRC_SHARED_BINDINGS)) \ $(addprefix shared-module/, $(SRC_SHARED_MODULE)) SRC_S = supervisor/cpu.s FROZEN_MPY_PY_FILES := $(shell find -L $(FROZEN_MPY_DIR) -type f -name '*.py') FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES := $(addprefix $(BUILD)/,$(FROZEN_MPY_PY_FILES:.py=.mpy)) OBJ += $(PY_O) $(SUPERVISOR_O) $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o)) OBJ += $(BUILD)/pins_gen.o OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_NRFX:.c=.o)) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(DRIVERS_SRC_C:.c=.o)) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_COMMON_HAL_EXPANDED:.c=.o)) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_SHARED_MODULE_EXPANDED:.c=.o)) OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_S:.s=.o)) $(BUILD)/$(FATFS_DIR)/ff.o: COPT += -Os $(filter $(PY_BUILD)/../extmod/vfs_fat_%.o, $(PY_O)): COPT += -Os .phony: all flash sd binary hex all: binary hex uf2 OUTPUT_FILENAME = firmware ## Create binary .bin file from the .out file binary: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).bin $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).bin: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ ## Create binary .hex file from the .out file hex: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).elf $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@ ## Create uf2 file uf2: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex $(ECHO) "Create $(OUTPUT_FILENAME).uf2" $(PYTHON2) $(TOP)/tools/uf2/utils/uf2conv.py -f 0xADA52840 -c -o "$(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).uf2" $^ ##################### # Flash with debugger ##################### FLASHER ?= ifeq ($(FLASHER),) # Also update to bootloader settting to validate application and skip checksum ( app valid = 0x0001, crc = 0x0000 ) flash: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex nrfjprog --program $< --sectorerase -f $(MCU_VARIANT) nrfjprog --erasepage $(BOOT_SETTING_ADDR) -f $(MCU_VARIANT) nrfjprog --memwr $(BOOT_SETTING_ADDR) --val 0x00000001 -f $(MCU_VARIANT) nrfjprog --reset -f $(MCU_VARIANT) sd: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex nrfjprog --eraseall -f $(MCU_VARIANT) nrfjprog --program $(SOFTDEV_HEX) -f $(MCU_VARIANT) nrfjprog --program $< --sectorerase -f $(MCU_VARIANT) nrfjprog --reset -f $(MCU_VARIANT) else ifeq ($(FLASHER), pyocd) flash: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex pyocd-flashtool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) $< --sector_erase pyocd-tool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) erase $(BOOT_SETTING_ADDR) pyocd-tool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) write32 $(BOOT_SETTING_ADDR) 0x00000001 pyocd-tool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) reset sd: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex pyocd-flashtool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) --chip_erase pyocd-flashtool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) $(SOFTDEV_HEX) pyocd-flashtool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) $< --sector_erase pyocd-tool -t $(MCU_SUB_VARIANT) reset $(BOOT_SETTING_ADDR) endif ##################### # Flash with DFU ##################### .phony: dfu-gen dfu-flash NRFUTIL = adafruit-nrfutil ifeq ($(MCU_SUB_VARIANT),nrf52840) DFU_TOUCH = --touch 1200 else DFU_TOUCH = endif check_defined = \ $(strip $(foreach 1,$1, \ $(call __check_defined,$1,$(strip $(value 2))))) __check_defined = \ $(if $(value $1),, \ $(error Undefined make flag: $1$(if $2, ($2)))) ## Flash with DFU serial dfu-flash: $(BUILD)/dfu-package.zip @:$(call check_defined, SERIAL, example: SERIAL=/dev/ttyUSB0) $(NRFUTIL) --verbose dfu serial --package $^ -p $(SERIAL) -b 115200 --singlebank $(DFU_TOUCH) ## Create DFU package file dfu-gen: $(BUILD)/dfu-package.zip $(BUILD)/dfu-package.zip: $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).hex $(NRFUTIL) dfu genpkg --sd-req 0xFFFE --dev-type 0x0052 --application $^ $(BUILD)/dfu-package.zip $(BUILD)/$(OUTPUT_FILENAME).elf: $(OBJ) $(ECHO) "LINK $@" $(Q)$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJ) -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group $(Q)$(SIZE) $@ # List of sources for qstr extraction SRC_QSTR += $(SRC_C) $(SRC_SUPERVISOR) $(SRC_MOD) $(DRIVERS_SRC_C) $(SRC_COMMON_HAL_EXPANDED) $(SRC_SHARED_MODULE_EXPANDED) # Append any auto-generated sources that are needed by sources listed in # SRC_QSTR SRC_QSTR_AUTO_DEPS += # Making OBJ use an order-only depenedency on the generated pins.h file # has the side effect of making the pins.h file before we actually compile # any of the objects. The normal dependency generation will deal with the # case when pins.h is modified. But when it doesn't exist, we don't know # which source files might need it. $(OBJ): | $(HEADER_BUILD)/pins.h # Use a pattern rule here so that make will only call make-pins.py once to make # both pins_g.c and pins.h $(BUILD)/%_gen.c $(HEADER_BUILD)/%.h $(BUILD)/%_qstr.h: boards/$(BOARD)/%.csv $(MAKE_PINS) $(AF_FILE) $(PREFIX_FILE) | $(HEADER_BUILD) $(ECHO) "Create $@" $(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MAKE_PINS) --board $(BOARD_PINS) --af $(AF_FILE) --prefix $(PREFIX_FILE) --hdr $(GEN_PINS_HDR) --qstr $(GEN_PINS_QSTR) > $(GEN_PINS_SRC) $(BUILD)/pins_gen.o: $(BUILD)/pins_gen.c $(call compile_c) MAKE_PINS = boards/make-pins.py BOARD_PINS = boards/$(BOARD)/pins.csv AF_FILE = $(MCU_VARIANT)_af.csv PREFIX_FILE = boards/$(MCU_VARIANT)_prefix.c GEN_PINS_SRC = $(BUILD)/pins_gen.c GEN_PINS_HDR = $(HEADER_BUILD)/pins.h GEN_PINS_QSTR = $(BUILD)/pins_qstr.h ifneq ($(FROZEN_DIR),) # To use frozen source modules, put your .py files in a subdirectory (eg scripts/) # and then invoke make with FROZEN_DIR=scripts (be sure to build from scratch). CFLAGS += -DMICROPY_MODULE_FROZEN_STR endif ifneq ($(FROZEN_MPY_DIR),) # To use frozen bytecode, put your .py files in a subdirectory (eg frozen/) and # then invoke make with FROZEN_MPY_DIR=frozen (be sure to build from scratch). CFLAGS += -DMICROPY_QSTR_EXTRA_POOL=mp_qstr_frozen_const_pool CFLAGS += -DMICROPY_MODULE_FROZEN_MPY endif include $(TOP)/py/mkrules.mk