# This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2020 Lucian Copeland for Adafruit Industries # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import csv import sys # Use: parse_af_csf.py Filename.csv -pins-only # Designed for use with .csv files from Micropython, or in identical format # created via Datasheet peripheral tables with a Sheets program. # # See examples/stm32f405.csv for example formatting. # Most peripherals (SPI, I2C) output 3 values: # peripheral index, alt function, pin string def evaluate_periph(inper, inlist, periph, subtype, altfn, pin): # ex) SPI1_SCK,SPI3_SCK/I2S3_CK # Clean anything after a '\' due to SPI/I2S mixing if not inper.find('/') == -1: inper = inper[:inper.find('/')] if inper[:len(periph)] == periph and inper[-len(subtype):] == subtype: inlist.append([inper[len(periph):len(periph)+1], altfn, pin]) # Timers (TIM) are a special case with 4 values # timer index, alt function, channel, pin string def evaluate_tim(inper, inlist, altfn, pin): # ex) TIM2_CH1/TIM2_ETR, TIM5_CH1 # Clean anything after a '\' to filter ETR if not inper.find('/') == -1: inper = inper[:inper.find('/')] if inper[:3] == "TIM" and inper[5:7] == "CH" and inper[-1:] != 'N': inlist.append([inper[3:4],altfn,inper[-1:],pin]) elif inper[:3] == "TIM" and inper[6:8] == "CH" and inper[-1:] != 'N': inlist.append([inper[3:5],altfn,inper[-1:],pin]) # Open target file with open(sys.argv[1]) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 if sys.argv[2] != "-pins-only": # List of peripheral pin types to read todo = [ ["I2C","SDA"], ["I2C","SCL"], ["SPI","SCK"], ["SPI","MOSI"], ["SPI","MISO"], ["UART","TX"], ["UART","RX"]] # Make a list of empty lists to populate outlist = [] for items in todo: empty = [] outlist.append(empty) # TIM empty = [] outlist.append(empty) # Each line is a list of strings for row in csv_reader: altfn = 0 pin = row[1] if len(pin) < 4: pin = pin[:2] + '0' + pin[2:] for col in row: array_index = 0 # Evaluate the string for every possible todo entry for item in todo: evaluate_periph(col, outlist[array_index], item[0], item[1], altfn - 2, pin) # UART special case, run again for USART variant if item[0] == "UART": evaluate_periph(col, outlist[array_index], "USART", item[1], altfn - 2, pin) array_index += 1 # TIM special case evaluate_tim(col, outlist[-1], altfn - 2, pin) altfn += 1 line_count += 1 # Print formatted output for i in range(len(todo)): ins = (todo[i][0]).lower() + '_' + (todo[i][1]).lower() + '_' # const mcu_i2c_sda_obj_t mcu_i2c_sda_list[4] = { print("const mcu_periph_obj_t mcu_" + ins + "list[" + str(len(outlist[i])) + "] = {") for row in outlist[i]: print(" PERIPH(" + row[0] + ", " + str(row[1]) + ", &pin_" + row[2] + "),") print("};") # Timer special case: print("const mcu_tim_pin_obj_t mcu_tim_pin_list[" + str(len(outlist[-1])) + "] = {") for row in outlist[-1]: print(" TIM(" + row[0] + ", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) + ", &pin_" + row[3] + "),") print("};") else: # Format all viable pins listed # ex) const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_PE02 = PIN(4, 2, NO_ADC); # ex 2) extern const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_PE02; # TODO: add ADC detection outlist = [] for row in csv_reader: altfn = 0 pin = row[1] if len(pin) < 4: pin = pin[:2] + '0' + pin[2:] outlist.append([pin, str(ord(row[1][1:2]) - 65), row[1][2:4]]) line_count += 1 for line in outlist: print("const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_" + line[0] + " = PIN(" + line[1] + ", " + line[2] + ", NO_ADC);") for line in outlist: print("extern const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_" + line[0] + ";") print(f'Processed {line_count} lines.')