# tests for things that are not implemented, or have non-compliant behaviour try: import array import struct except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit # when super can't find self try: exec('def f(): super()') except SyntaxError: print('SyntaxError') # store to exception attribute is not allowed try: ValueError().x = 0 except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') # array deletion not implemented try: a = array.array('b', (1, 2, 3)) del a[1] except TypeError: print('TypeError') # slice with step!=1 not implemented try: a = array.array('b', (1, 2, 3)) print(a[3:2:2]) except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # containment, looking for integer not implemented try: print(1 in array.array('B', b'12')) except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # uPy raises TypeError, shold be ValueError try: '%c' % b'\x01\x02' except (TypeError, ValueError): print('TypeError, ValueError') # attributes/subscr not implemented try: print('{a[0]}'.format(a=[1, 2])) except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # str(...) with keywords not implemented try: str(b'abc', encoding='utf8') except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # str.rsplit(None, n) not implemented try: 'a a a'.rsplit(None, 1) except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # str.endswith(s, start) not implemented try: 'abc'.endswith('c', 1) except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # str subscr with step!=1 not implemented try: print('abc'[1:2:3]) except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # bytes(...) with keywords not implemented try: bytes('abc', encoding='utf8') except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # bytes subscr with step!=1 not implemented try: b'123'[0:3:2] except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # tuple load with step!=1 not implemented try: ()[2:3:4] except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # list store with step!=1 not implemented try: [][2:3:4] = [] except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # list delete with step!=1 not implemented try: del [][2:3:4] except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # struct pack with too many args, not checked by uPy print(struct.pack('bb', 1, 2, 3)) # struct pack with too few args, not checked by uPy print(struct.pack('bb', 1)) # array slice assignment with unsupported RHS try: bytearray(4)[0:1] = [1, 2] except NotImplementedError: print('NotImplementedError') # can't assign attributes to a function def f(): pass try: f.x = 1 except AttributeError: print('AttributeError')