:mod:`ucollections` -- collection and container types ===================================================== .. include:: ../templates/unsupported_in_circuitpython.inc .. module:: ucollections :synopsis: collection and container types |see_cpython_module| :mod:`cpython:collections`. This module implements advanced collection and container types to hold/accumulate various objects. Classes ------- .. function:: namedtuple(name, fields) This is factory function to create a new namedtuple type with a specific name and set of fields. A namedtuple is a subclass of tuple which allows to access its fields not just by numeric index, but also with an attribute access syntax using symbolic field names. Fields is a sequence of strings specifying field names. For compatibility with CPython it can also be a a string with space-separated field named (but this is less efficient). Example of use:: from ucollections import namedtuple MyTuple = namedtuple("MyTuple", ("id", "name")) t1 = MyTuple(1, "foo") t2 = MyTuple(2, "bar") print(t1.name) assert t2.name == t2[1] .. function:: OrderedDict(...) ``dict`` type subclass which remembers and preserves the order of keys added. When ordered dict is iterated over, keys/items are returned in the order they were added:: from ucollections import OrderedDict # To make benefit of ordered keys, OrderedDict should be initialized # from sequence of (key, value) pairs. d = OrderedDict([("z", 1), ("a", 2)]) # More items can be added as usual d["w"] = 5 d["b"] = 3 for k, v in d.items(): print(k, v) Output:: z 1 a 2 w 5 b 3