import sys import uerrno try: import uos_vfs as uos open = uos.vfs_open except ImportError: import uos try: uos.VfsFat except AttributeError: print("SKIP") sys.exit() class RAMFS: SEC_SIZE = 512 def __init__(self, blocks): = bytearray(blocks * self.SEC_SIZE) def readblocks(self, n, buf): #print("readblocks(%s, %x(%d))" % (n, id(buf), len(buf))) for i in range(len(buf)): buf[i] =[n * self.SEC_SIZE + i] def writeblocks(self, n, buf): #print("writeblocks(%s, %x)" % (n, id(buf))) for i in range(len(buf)):[n * self.SEC_SIZE + i] = buf[i] def ioctl(self, op, arg): #print("ioctl(%d, %r)" % (op, arg)) if op == 4: # BP_IOCTL_SEC_COUNT return len( // self.SEC_SIZE if op == 5: # BP_IOCTL_SEC_SIZE return self.SEC_SIZE try: bdev = RAMFS(50) except MemoryError: print("SKIP") sys.exit() uos.VfsFat.mkfs(bdev) vfs = uos.VfsFat(bdev) uos.mount(vfs, '/ramdisk') uos.chdir('/ramdisk') # file IO f = open("foo_file.txt", "w") print(str(f)[:17], str(f)[-1:]) f.write("hello!") f.flush() f.close() f.close() # allowed try: f.write("world!") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EINVAL) try: except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EINVAL) try: f.flush() except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EINVAL) try: open("foo_file.txt", "x") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EEXIST) with open("foo_file.txt", "a") as f: f.write("world!") with open("foo_file.txt") as f2: print( print(f2.tell()), 0) # SEEK_SET print(, 1) # SEEK_CUR print( try:, 1) # SEEK_END except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EOPNOTSUPP), 2) # SEEK_END print( # using constructor of FileIO type to open a file # no longer working with new VFS sub-system #FileIO = type(f) #with FileIO("/ramdisk/foo_file.txt") as f: # print( # dirs vfs.mkdir("foo_dir") try: vfs.rmdir("foo_file.txt") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == 20) # uerrno.ENOTDIR try: vfs.mkdir("foo_dir") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EEXIST) try: vfs.remove("foo_dir") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EISDIR) try: vfs.remove("no_file.txt") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.ENOENT) try: vfs.rename("foo_dir", "/null/file") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.ENOENT) # file in dir with open("foo_dir/file-in-dir.txt", "w+t") as f: f.write("data in file") with open("foo_dir/file-in-dir.txt", "r+b") as f: print( with open("foo_dir/sub_file.txt", "w") as f: f.write("subdir file") # directory not empty try: vfs.rmdir("foo_dir") except OSError as e: print(e.args[0] == uerrno.EACCES) # trim full path vfs.rename("foo_dir/file-in-dir.txt", "foo_dir/file.txt") print(vfs.listdir("foo_dir")) vfs.rename("foo_dir/file.txt", "moved-to-root.txt") print(vfs.listdir()) # check that renaming to existing file will overwrite it with open("temp", "w") as f: f.write("new text") vfs.rename("temp", "moved-to-root.txt") print(vfs.listdir()) with open("moved-to-root.txt") as f: print( # valid removes vfs.remove("foo_dir/sub_file.txt") vfs.remove("foo_file.txt") vfs.rmdir("foo_dir") print(vfs.listdir()) # disk full try: bsize = vfs.statvfs("/ramdisk")[0] free = vfs.statvfs("/ramdisk")[2] + 1 f = open("large_file.txt", "wb") f.write(bytearray(bsize * free)) except OSError as e: print("ENOSPC:", e.args[0] == 28) # uerrno.ENOSPC