# This file is part of the Micro Python project, http://micropython.org/ # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2017 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # This helper generates the pinout tables in ../README.rst. import os import os.path pins = ["PA00", "PA01", "PA02", "PA03", "PB08", "PB09", "PA04", "PA05", "PA06", "PA07", "PA08", "PA09", "PA10", "PA11", "PB10", "PB11", "PA12", "PA13", "PA14", "PA15", "PA16", "PA17", "PA18", "PA19", "PA20", "PA21", "PA22", "PA23", "PA24", "PA25", "PB22", "PB23", "PA27", "PA28", "PA29", "PA30", "PA31", "PB02", "PB03"] # Dictionary keys: [board][pin] = list of pin names mapping = {} QSTR = " { MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_" for board in os.listdir("boards"): if not os.path.isdir("boards/" + board): continue mapping[board] = {} with open("boards/" + board + "/pins.c", "r") as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(QSTR): board_name, _, pin = line.split(")") board_name = board_name[len(QSTR):] pin = pin[-8:-4] if pin not in mapping[board]: mapping[board][pin] = [] mapping[board][pin].append(board_name) column_width = {} for board in mapping: column_width[board] = len(board) for pin in mapping[board]: l = len(" / ".join("``" + x + "``" for x in mapping[board][pin])) column_width[board] = max(l, column_width[board]) first_column_width = len("`microcontroller.pin`") print("=" * first_column_width, end="") total_board_width = -2 for board in column_width: column = " " + "=" * column_width[board] total_board_width += len(column) print(column, end="") print() print("`microcontroller.pin` `board`") print("-" * first_column_width + " " + "-" * total_board_width) print("Datasheet".ljust(first_column_width), end="") for board in column_width: print(" " + board.ljust(column_width[board]), end="") print() print("=" * first_column_width, end="") for board in column_width: column = " " + "=" * column_width[board] print(column, end="") print() for pin in pins: print(pin.ljust(first_column_width), end="") for board in column_width: if pin in mapping[board]: names = " / ".join("``" + x + "``" for x in mapping[board][pin]) print(" " + names.ljust(column_width[board]), end="") else: print(" " * (column_width[board] + 2), end="") print() print("=" * first_column_width, end="") for board in column_width: column = " " + "=" * column_width[board] print(column, end="") print() print() print() # Generate pin capabilities too. ALL_BUT_USB = list(pins) ALL_BUT_USB.remove("PA24") ALL_BUT_USB.remove("PA25") # dictionary is [module][class] = [pins] capabilities = { "analogio" : { "AnalogIn" : ["PA02", "PA03", "PB08", "PB09", "PA04", "PA05", "PA06", "PA07", "PA08", "PA09", "PA10", "PA11", "PB02", "PB03"], "AnalogOut": ["PA02"] }, "audioio" : { "AudioOut": ["PA02"] }, "bitbangio": { "I2C": ALL_BUT_USB, "OneWire": ALL_BUT_USB, "SPI": ALL_BUT_USB }, "busio": { "I2C - SDA": ["PA00", "PB08", "PA08", "PA12", "PA16", "PA22", "PB02"], # SERCOM pad 0 "I2C - SCL": ["PA01", "PB09", "PA09", "PA13", "PA17", "PA23", "PB03"], # SERCOM pad 1 "OneWire": ALL_BUT_USB, "SPI - MISO": ["PA00", "PA01", "PB08", "PB09", "PA04", "PA05", "PA06", "PA07", "PA08", "PA09", "PA10", "PA11", "PB10", "PB11", "PA12", "PA13", "PA14", "PA15", "PA16", "PA17", "PA18", "PA19", "PA20", "PA21", "PA22", "PA23", "PB22", "PB23", "PA30", "PA31", "PB02", "PB03"], # any SERCOM pad "SPI - MOSI": ["PA00", "PB08", "PA04", "PA06", "PA08", "PA10", "PA11", "PB10", "PB11", "PA14", "PA15", "PA16", "PA18", "PA19", "PA20", "PA21", "PA22", "PB22", "PB23", "PA30", "PA31", "PB02"], # any pad but 1 "SPI - SCK": ["PA01", "PB09", "PA05", "PA07", "PA09", "PA11", "PB11", "PA13", "PA15", "PA17", "PA19", "PA21", "PA23", "PB23", "PA31", "PB03"], # 1 or 3 "UART - RX": ["PA00", "PA01", "PB08", "PB09", "PA04", "PA05", "PA06", "PA07", "PA08", "PA09", "PA10", "PA11", "PB10", "PB11", "PA12", "PA13", "PA14", "PA15", "PA16", "PA17", "PA18", "PA19", "PA20", "PA21", "PA22", "PA23", "PB22", "PB23", "PA30", "PA31", "PB02", "PB03"], # any pad "UART - TX": ["PA00", "PB08", "PA04", "PA06", "PA08", "PA10", "PB10", "PA12", "PA14", "PA16", "PA18", "PA20", "PA22", "PB22", "PA30", "PB02"] # pad 0 or 2 }, "digitalio": { "DigitalInOut": ALL_BUT_USB }, "pulseio": { "PulseIn": ALL_BUT_USB, "PWMOut": ["PA01", "PB09", "PA04", "PA05", "PA06", "PA07", "PA08", "PA09", "PA10", "PA11", "PB10", "PB11", "PA12", "PA13", "PA14", "PA15", "PA16", "PA17", "PA18", "PA19", "PA20", "PA21", "PA22", "PA23", "PA30", "PA31"] }, "touchio": { "TouchIn": ["PA02", "PA03", "PB08", "PB09", "PA04", "PA05", "PA06", "PA07", "PB02", "PB03"] } } column_width = {} for module in capabilities: for c in capabilities[module]: column_width[module + c] = max(len("**Yes**"), len(c)) module_width = {} for module in capabilities: module_width[module] = 0 for c in capabilities[module]: module_width[module] += column_width[module + c] + 2 module_width[module] -= 2 if module_width[module] < (len(module) + 2): column_width[module + c] += (len(module) + 2 - module_width[module]) module_width[module] = len(module) + 2 first_column_width = len("`microcontroller.pin`") print("=" * first_column_width, end="") for module in capabilities: for c in capabilities[module]: print(" " + "=" * column_width[module + c], end="") print() print("`microcontroller.pin`", end="") for module in capabilities: print(" " + ("`" + module + "`").ljust(module_width[module]), end="") print() print("-" * first_column_width, end="") for module in capabilities: print(" " + "-" * module_width[module], end="") print() print("Datasheet".ljust(first_column_width), end="") for module in capabilities: for c in capabilities[module]: print(" " + c.ljust(column_width[module + c]), end="") print() print("=" * first_column_width, end="") for module in capabilities: for c in capabilities[module]: print(" " + "=" * column_width[module + c], end="") print() for pin in pins: print(pin.ljust(first_column_width), end="") for module in capabilities: for c in capabilities[module]: if pin in capabilities[module][c]: print(" " + "**Yes**".ljust(column_width[module + c]), end="") else: print(" " * (column_width[module + c] + 2), end="") print() print("=" * first_column_width, end="") for module in capabilities: for c in capabilities[module]: print(" " + "=" * column_width[module + c], end="") print()