:mod:`uhashlib` -- hashing algorithms ===================================== .. include:: ../templates/unsupported_in_circuitpython.inc .. module:: uhashlib :synopsis: hashing algorithms |see_cpython_module| :mod:`cpython:hashlib`. This module implements binary data hashing algorithms. The exact inventory of available algorithms depends on a board. Among the algorithms which may be implemented: * SHA256 - The current generation, modern hashing algorithm (of SHA2 series). It is suitable for cryptographically-secure purposes. Included in the MicroPython core and any board is recommended to provide this, unless it has particular code size constraints. * SHA1 - A previous generation algorithm. Not recommended for new usages, but SHA1 is a part of number of Internet standards and existing applications, so boards targeting network connectivity and interoperatiability will try to provide this. * MD5 - A legacy algorithm, not considered cryptographically secure. Only selected boards, targeting interoperatibility with legacy applications, will offer this. Constructors ------------ .. class:: uhashlib.sha256([data]) Create an SHA256 hasher object and optionally feed ``data`` into it. .. class:: uhashlib.sha1([data]) Create an SHA1 hasher object and optionally feed ``data`` into it. .. class:: uhashlib.md5([data]) Create an MD5 hasher object and optionally feed ``data`` into it. Methods ------- .. method:: hash.update(data) Feed more binary data into hash. .. method:: hash.digest() Return hash for all data passed through hash, as a bytes object. After this method is called, more data cannot be fed into the hash any longer. .. method:: hash.hexdigest() This method is NOT implemented. Use ``ubinascii.hexlify(hash.digest())`` to achieve a similar effect.