//***************************************************************************** // osi.h // // MACRO and Function prototypes for TI-RTOS and Free-RTOS API calls // // Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ // // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // // Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list zof conditions and the following disclaimer. // // Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // // Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of // its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __OSI_H__ #define __OSI_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define OSI_WAIT_FOREVER (0xFFFFFFFF) #define OSI_NO_WAIT (0) typedef enum { OSI_OK = 0, OSI_FAILURE = -1, OSI_OPERATION_FAILED = -2, OSI_ABORTED = -3, OSI_INVALID_PARAMS = -4, OSI_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE = -5, OSI_TIMEOUT = -6, OSI_EVENTS_IN_USE = -7, OSI_EVENT_OPEARTION_FAILURE = -8 }OsiReturnVal_e; //#define ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION osi_EnterCritical() //#define EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION osi_ExitCritical() typedef void* OsiMsgQ_t; /*! \brief type definition for a time value \note On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, pointer to structure etc. */ //typedef unsigned int OsiTime_t; typedef unsigned int OsiTime_t; /*! \brief type definition for a sync object container Sync object is object used to synchronize between two threads or thread and interrupt handler. One thread is waiting on the object and the other thread send a signal, which then release the waiting thread. The signal must be able to be sent from interrupt context. This object is generally implemented by binary semaphore or events. \note On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, structure etc. */ //typedef unsigned int OsiSyncObj_t; typedef void * OsiSyncObj_t; /*! \brief type definition for a locking object container Locking object are used to protect a resource from mutual accesses of two or more threads. The locking object should support re-entrant locks by a signal thread. This object is generally implemented by mutex semaphore \note On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, structure etc. */ //typedef unsigned int OsiLockObj_t; typedef void * OsiLockObj_t; /*! \brief type definition for a spawn entry callback the spawn mechanism enable to run a function on different context. This mechanism allow to transfer the execution context from interrupt context to thread context or changing the context from an unknown user thread to general context. The implementation of the spawn mechanism depends on the user's system requirements and could varies from implementation of serialized execution using single thread to creating thread per call \note The stack size of the execution thread must be at least of TBD bytes! */ typedef void (*P_OSI_SPAWN_ENTRY)(void* pValue); typedef void (*P_OSI_EVENT_HANDLER)(void* pValue); typedef void (*P_OSI_TASK_ENTRY)(void* pValue); typedef void (*P_OSI_INTR_ENTRY)(void); typedef void* OsiTaskHandle; /*! \brief This function registers an interrupt in NVIC table The sync object is used for synchronization between different thread or ISR and a thread. \param iIntrNum - Interrupt number to register \param pEntry - Pointer to the interrupt handler \return upon successful creation the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_InterruptRegister(int iIntrNum,P_OSI_INTR_ENTRY pEntry,unsigned char ucPriority); /*! \brief This function De-registers an interrupt in NVIC table \param iIntrNum - Interrupt number to register \param pEntry - Pointer to the interrupt handler \return upon successful creation the function should return Positive number Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ void osi_InterruptDeRegister(int iIntrNum); /*! \brief This function creates a sync object The sync object is used for synchronization between different thread or ISR and a thread. \param pSyncObj - pointer to the sync object control block \return upon successful creation the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_SyncObjCreate(OsiSyncObj_t* pSyncObj); /*! \brief This function deletes a sync object \param pSyncObj - pointer to the sync object control block \return upon successful deletion the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_SyncObjDelete(OsiSyncObj_t* pSyncObj); /*! \brief This function generates a sync signal for the object. All suspended threads waiting on this sync object are resumed \param pSyncObj - pointer to the sync object control block \return upon successful signalling the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note the function could be called from ISR context \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_SyncObjSignal(OsiSyncObj_t* pSyncObj); /*! \brief This function generates a sync signal for the object. from ISR context. All suspended threads waiting on this sync object are resumed \param pSyncObj - pointer to the sync object control block \return upon successful signalling the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note the function is called from ISR context \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_SyncObjSignalFromISR(OsiSyncObj_t* pSyncObj); /*! \brief This function waits for a sync signal of the specific sync object \param pSyncObj - pointer to the sync object control block \param Timeout - numeric value specifies the maximum number of mSec to stay suspended while waiting for the sync signal Currently, the simple link driver uses only two values: - OSI_WAIT_FOREVER - OSI_NO_WAIT \return upon successful reception of the signal within the timeout window return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_SyncObjWait(OsiSyncObj_t* pSyncObj , OsiTime_t Timeout); /*! \brief This function clears a sync object \param pSyncObj - pointer to the sync object control block \return upon successful clearing the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_SyncObjClear(OsiSyncObj_t* pSyncObj); /*! \brief This function creates a locking object. The locking object is used for protecting a shared resources between different threads. \param pLockObj - pointer to the locking object control block \return upon successful creation the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_LockObjCreate(OsiLockObj_t* pLockObj); /*! \brief This function deletes a locking object. \param pLockObj - pointer to the locking object control block \return upon successful deletion the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_LockObjDelete(OsiLockObj_t* pLockObj); /*! \brief This function locks a locking object. All other threads that call this function before this thread calls the osi_LockObjUnlock would be suspended \param pLockObj - pointer to the locking object control block \param Timeout - numeric value specifies the maximum number of mSec to stay suspended while waiting for the locking object Currently, the simple link driver uses only two values: - OSI_WAIT_FOREVER - OSI_NO_WAIT \return upon successful reception of the locking object the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_LockObjLock(OsiLockObj_t* pLockObj , OsiTime_t Timeout); /*! \brief This function unlock a locking object. \param pLockObj - pointer to the locking object control block \return upon successful unlocking the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_LockObjUnlock(OsiLockObj_t* pLockObj); /*! \brief This function call the pEntry callback from a different context \param pEntry - pointer to the entry callback function \param pValue - pointer to any type of memory structure that would be passed to pEntry callback from the execution thread. \param flags - execution flags - reserved for future usage \return upon successful registration of the spawn the function should return 0 (the function is not blocked till the end of the execution of the function and could be returned before the execution is actually completed) Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ /*! \brief This function creates a Task. Creates a new Task and add it to the last of tasks that are ready to run \param pEntry - pointer to the Task Function \param pcName - Task Name String \param usStackDepth - Stack Size Stack Size in 32-bit long words \param pvParameters - pointer to structure to be passed to the Task Function \param uxPriority - Task Priority \return upon successful unlocking the function should return 0 Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_TaskCreate(P_OSI_TASK_ENTRY pEntry,const signed char * const pcName,unsigned short usStackDepth,void *pvParameters,unsigned long uxPriority,OsiTaskHandle *pTaskHandle); /*! \brief This function Deletes a Task. Deletes a Task and remove it from list of running task \param pTaskHandle - Task Handle \note \warning */ void osi_TaskDelete(OsiTaskHandle* pTaskHandle); /*! \brief This function call the pEntry callback from a different context \param pEntry - pointer to the entry callback function \param pValue - pointer to any type of memory structure that would be passed to pEntry callback from the execution thread. \param flags - execution flags - reserved for future usage \return upon successful registration of the spawn the function should return 0 (the function is not blocked till the end of the execution of the function and could be returned before the execution is actually completed) Otherwise, a negative value indicating the error code shall be returned \note \warning */ OsiReturnVal_e osi_Spawn(P_OSI_SPAWN_ENTRY pEntry , void* pValue , unsigned long flags); /******************************************************************************* This function creates a message queue that is typically used for inter thread communication. Parameters: pMsgQ - pointer to the message queue control block pMsgQName - pointer to the name of the message queue MsgSize - the size of the message. NOTICE: THE MESSGAE SIZE MUST BE SMALLER THAN 16 MaxMsgs - maximum number of messages. Please note that this function allocates the entire memory required for the maximum number of messages (MsgSize * MaxMsgs). ********************************************************************************/ OsiReturnVal_e osi_MsgQCreate(OsiMsgQ_t* pMsgQ , char* pMsgQName, unsigned long MsgSize, unsigned long MaxMsgs); /******************************************************************************* This function deletes a specific message queue. All threads suspended waiting for a message from this queue are resumed with an error return value. Parameters: pMsgQ - pointer to the message queue control block ********************************************************************************/ OsiReturnVal_e osi_MsgQDelete(OsiMsgQ_t* pMsgQ); /******************************************************************************* This function writes a message to a specific message queue. Notice that the message is copied to the queue from the memory area specified by pMsg pointer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS FUNCTION COULD BE CALLED FROM ISR AS LONG AS THE TIMEOUT PARAMETER IS SET TO "OSI_NO_WAIT" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters: pMsgQ - pointer to the message queue control block pMsg - pointer to the message Timeout - numeric value specifies the maximum number of mSec to stay suspended while waiting for available space for the message ********************************************************************************/ OsiReturnVal_e osi_MsgQWrite(OsiMsgQ_t* pMsgQ, void* pMsg , OsiTime_t Timeout); /******************************************************************************* This function retrieves a message from the specified message queue. The retrieved message is copied from the queue into the memory area specified by the pMsg pointer Parameters: pMsgQ - pointer to the message queue control block pMsg - pointer that specify the location where to copy the message Timeout - numeric value specifies the maximum number of mSec to stay suspended while waiting for a message to be available ********************************************************************************/ OsiReturnVal_e osi_MsgQRead(OsiMsgQ_t* pMsgQ, void* pMsg , OsiTime_t Timeout); /*! \brief This function starts the OS Scheduler \param - void \return - void \note \warning */ void osi_start(); /*! \brief Allocates Memory on Heap \param Size - Size of the Buffer to be allocated \sa \note \warning */ void * mem_Malloc(unsigned long Size); /*! \brief Deallocates Memory \param pMem - Pointer to the Buffer to be freed \return void \sa \note \warning */ void mem_Free(void *pMem); /*! \brief Set Memory \param pBuf - Pointer to the Buffer \param Val - Value to be set \param Size - Size of the memory to be set \sa \note \warning */ void mem_set(void *pBuf,int Val,size_t Size); /*! \brief Copy Memory \param pDst - Pointer to the Destination Buffer \param pSrc - Pointer to the Source Buffer \param Size - Size of the memory to be copied \return void \note \warning */ void mem_copy(void *pDst, void *pSrc,size_t Size); /*! \brief Enter Critical Section \sa \note \warning */ void osi_EnterCritical(void); /*! \brief Exit Critical Section \sa \note \warning */ void osi_ExitCritical(void); /*! \brief This function used to save the os context before sleep \param void \return void \note \warning */ void osi_ContextSave(); /*! \brief This function used to retrieve the context after sleep \param void \return void \note \warning */ void osi_ContextRestore(); /*! \brief This function used to suspend the task for the specified number of milli secs \param MilliSecs - Time in millisecs to suspend the task \return void \note \warning */ void osi_Sleep(unsigned int MilliSecs); /*! \brief This function used to disable the tasks \param - void \return - Key with the suspended tasks \note \warning */ unsigned long osi_TaskDisable(void); /*! \brief This function used to enable all tasks \param unsigned long \return - void \note \warning */ void osi_TaskEnable(unsigned long); /*! \brief structure definition for simple link spawn message \note On each porting or platform the type could be whatever is needed - integer, pointer to structure etc. */ typedef struct { P_OSI_SPAWN_ENTRY pEntry; void* pValue; }tSimpleLinkSpawnMsg; /* The queue used to send message to simple link spawn task. */ extern void* xSimpleLinkSpawnQueue; /* API for SL Task*/ OsiReturnVal_e VStartSimpleLinkSpawnTask(unsigned long uxPriority); void VDeleteSimpleLinkSpawnTask( void ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // __cplusplus #endif