:mod:`uzlib` -- zlib decompression ================================== .. module:: uzlib :synopsis: zlib decompression |see_cpython_module| :mod:`python:zlib`. This module allows to decompress binary data compressed with `DEFLATE algorithm <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFLATE>`_ (commonly used in zlib library and gzip archiver). Compression is not yet implemented. Functions --------- .. function:: decompress(data, wbits=0, bufsize=0, /) Return decompressed *data* as bytes. *wbits* is DEFLATE dictionary window size used during compression (8-15, the dictionary size is power of 2 of that value). Additionally, if value is positive, *data* is assumed to be zlib stream (with zlib header). Otherwise, if it's negative, it's assumed to be raw DEFLATE stream. *bufsize* parameter is for compatibility with CPython and is ignored. .. class:: DecompIO(stream, wbits=0, /) Create a `stream` wrapper which allows transparent decompression of compressed data in another *stream*. This allows to process compressed streams with data larger than available heap size. In addition to values described in :func:`decompress`, *wbits* may take values 24..31 (16 + 8..15), meaning that input stream has gzip header. .. admonition:: Difference to CPython :class: attention This class is MicroPython extension. It's included on provisional basis and may be changed considerably or removed in later versions.