/* * This file is part of the Micro Python project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Damien P. George * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include "py/objint.h" #include "py/pfenv.h" #if MICROPY_FLOAT_IMPL == MICROPY_FLOAT_IMPL_DOUBLE #include <stdio.h> #endif #if MICROPY_PY_BUILTINS_FLOAT #include "py/formatfloat.h" #endif static const char pad_spaces[] = " "; static const char pad_zeroes[] = "0000000000000000"; void pfenv_vstr_add_strn(void *data, const char *str, mp_uint_t len) { vstr_add_strn(data, str, len); } int pfenv_print_strn(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *str, mp_uint_t len, int flags, char fill, int width) { int left_pad = 0; int right_pad = 0; int pad = width - len; int pad_size; int total_chars_printed = 0; const char *pad_chars; if (!fill || fill == ' ' ) { pad_chars = pad_spaces; pad_size = sizeof(pad_spaces) - 1; } else if (fill == '0') { pad_chars = pad_zeroes; pad_size = sizeof(pad_zeroes) - 1; } else { // Other pad characters are fairly unusual, so we'll take the hit // and output them 1 at a time. pad_chars = &fill; pad_size = 1; } if (flags & PF_FLAG_CENTER_ADJUST) { left_pad = pad / 2; right_pad = pad - left_pad; } else if (flags & PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST) { right_pad = pad; } else { left_pad = pad; } if (left_pad > 0) { total_chars_printed += left_pad; while (left_pad > 0) { int p = left_pad; if (p > pad_size) { p = pad_size; } pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, pad_chars, p); left_pad -= p; } } if (len) { pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, str, len); total_chars_printed += len; } if (right_pad > 0) { total_chars_printed += right_pad; while (right_pad > 0) { int p = right_pad; if (p > pad_size) { p = pad_size; } pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, pad_chars, p); right_pad -= p; } } return total_chars_printed; } // 32-bits is 10 digits, add 3 for commas, 1 for sign, 1 for terminating null // We can use 16 characters for 32-bit and 32 characters for 64-bit #define INT_BUF_SIZE (sizeof(mp_int_t) * 4) // This function is used by stmhal port to implement printf. // It needs to be a separate function to pfenv_print_mp_int, since converting to a mp_int looses the MSB. int pfenv_print_int(const pfenv_t *pfenv, mp_uint_t x, int sgn, int base, int base_char, int flags, char fill, int width) { char sign = 0; if (sgn) { if ((mp_int_t)x < 0) { sign = '-'; x = -x; } else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) { sign = '+'; } else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) { sign = ' '; } } char buf[INT_BUF_SIZE]; char *b = buf + INT_BUF_SIZE; if (x == 0) { *(--b) = '0'; } else { do { int c = x % base; x /= base; if (c >= 10) { c += base_char - 10; } else { c += '0'; } *(--b) = c; } while (b > buf && x != 0); } char prefix_char = '\0'; if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_PREFIX) { if (base == 2) { prefix_char = base_char + 'b' - 'a'; } else if (base == 8) { prefix_char = base_char + 'o' - 'a'; } else if (base == 16) { prefix_char = base_char + 'x' - 'a'; } } int len = 0; if (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) { if (sign) { len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &sign, 1, flags, fill, 1); width--; } if (prefix_char) { len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "0", 1, flags, fill, 1); len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &prefix_char, 1, flags, fill, 1); width -= 2; } } else { if (prefix_char && b > &buf[1]) { *(--b) = prefix_char; *(--b) = '0'; } if (sign && b > buf) { *(--b) = sign; } } len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, b, buf + INT_BUF_SIZE - b, flags, fill, width); return len; } int pfenv_print_mp_int(const pfenv_t *pfenv, mp_obj_t x, int base, int base_char, int flags, char fill, int width, int prec) { if (!MP_OBJ_IS_INT(x)) { // This will convert booleans to int, or raise an error for // non-integer types. x = MP_OBJ_NEW_SMALL_INT(mp_obj_get_int(x)); } if ((flags & (PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST | PF_FLAG_CENTER_ADJUST)) == 0 && fill == '0') { if (prec > width) { width = prec; } prec = 0; } char prefix_buf[4]; char *prefix = prefix_buf; if (mp_obj_int_is_positive(x)) { if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) { *prefix++ = '+'; } else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) { *prefix++ = ' '; } } if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_PREFIX) { if (base == 2) { *prefix++ = '0'; *prefix++ = base_char + 'b' - 'a'; } else if (base == 8) { *prefix++ = '0'; if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_OCTAL_LETTER) { *prefix++ = base_char + 'o' - 'a'; } } else if (base == 16) { *prefix++ = '0'; *prefix++ = base_char + 'x' - 'a'; } } *prefix = '\0'; int prefix_len = prefix - prefix_buf; prefix = prefix_buf; char comma = '\0'; if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_COMMA) { comma = ','; } // The size of this buffer is rather arbitrary. If it's not large // enough, a dynamic one will be allocated. char stack_buf[sizeof(mp_int_t) * 4]; char *buf = stack_buf; mp_uint_t buf_size = sizeof(stack_buf); mp_uint_t fmt_size = 0; char *str; if (prec > 1) { flags |= PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN; } char sign = '\0'; if (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) { // We add the pad in this function, so since the pad goes after // the sign & prefix, we format without a prefix str = mp_obj_int_formatted(&buf, &buf_size, &fmt_size, x, base, NULL, base_char, comma); if (*str == '-') { sign = *str++; fmt_size--; } } else { str = mp_obj_int_formatted(&buf, &buf_size, &fmt_size, x, base, prefix, base_char, comma); } int spaces_before = 0; int spaces_after = 0; if (prec > 1) { // If prec was specified, then prec specifies the width to zero-pad the // the number to. This zero-padded number then gets left or right // aligned in width characters. int prec_width = fmt_size; // The digits if (prec_width < prec) { prec_width = prec; } if (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) { if (sign) { prec_width++; } prec_width += prefix_len; } if (prec_width < width) { if (flags & PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST) { spaces_after = width - prec_width; } else { spaces_before = width - prec_width; } } fill = '0'; flags &= ~PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST; } int len = 0; if (spaces_before) { len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "", 0, 0, ' ', spaces_before); } if (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) { // pad after sign implies pad after prefix as well. if (sign) { len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &sign, 1, 0, 0, 1); width--; } if (prefix_len) { len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, prefix, prefix_len, 0, 0, 1); width -= prefix_len; } } if (prec > 1) { width = prec; } len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, str, fmt_size, flags, fill, width); if (spaces_after) { len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "", 0, 0, ' ', spaces_after); } if (buf != stack_buf) { m_del(char, buf, buf_size); } return len; } #if MICROPY_PY_BUILTINS_FLOAT int pfenv_print_float(const pfenv_t *pfenv, mp_float_t f, char fmt, int flags, char fill, int width, int prec) { char buf[32]; char sign = '\0'; int chrs = 0; if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) { sign = '+'; } else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) { sign = ' '; } int len; #if MICROPY_FLOAT_IMPL == MICROPY_FLOAT_IMPL_FLOAT len = mp_format_float(f, buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, prec, sign); #elif MICROPY_FLOAT_IMPL == MICROPY_FLOAT_IMPL_DOUBLE char fmt_buf[6]; char *fmt_s = fmt_buf; *fmt_s++ = '%'; if (sign) { *fmt_s++ = sign; } *fmt_s++ = '.'; *fmt_s++ = '*'; *fmt_s++ = fmt; *fmt_s = '\0'; len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt_buf, prec, f); if (len < 0) { len = 0; } #else #error Unknown MICROPY FLOAT IMPL #endif char *s = buf; if ((flags & PF_FLAG_ADD_PERCENT) && (size_t)(len + 1) < sizeof(buf)) { buf[len++] = '%'; buf[len] = '\0'; } // buf[0] < '0' returns true if the first character is space, + or - if ((flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) && buf[0] < '0') { // We have a sign character s++; if (*s <= '9' || (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_NAN_INF)) { // We have a number, or we have a inf/nan and PAD_NAN_INF is set // With '{:06e}'.format(float('-inf')) you get '-00inf' chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &buf[0], 1, 0, 0, 1); width--; len--; } } if (*s > 'A' && (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_NAN_INF) == 0) { // We have one of the inf or nan variants, suppress zero fill. // With printf, if you use: printf("%06e", -inf) then you get " -inf" // so suppress the zero fill. fill = ' '; } chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, s, len, flags, fill, width); return chrs; } #endif