:mod:`gc` -- control the garbage collector

.. module:: gc
   :synopsis: control the garbage collector

|see_cpython_module| :mod:`python:gc`.


.. function:: enable()

   Enable automatic garbage collection.

.. function:: disable()

   Disable automatic garbage collection.  Heap memory can still be allocated,
   and garbage collection can still be initiated manually using :meth:`gc.collect`.

.. function:: collect()

   Run a garbage collection.

.. function:: mem_alloc()

   Return the number of bytes of heap RAM that are allocated.

   .. admonition:: Difference to CPython
      :class: attention

      This function is MicroPython extension.

.. function:: mem_free()

   Return the number of bytes of available heap RAM, or -1 if this amount
   is not known.

   .. admonition:: Difference to CPython
      :class: attention

      This function is MicroPython extension.

.. function:: threshold([amount])

   Set or query the additional GC allocation threshold. Normally, a collection
   is triggered only when a new allocation cannot be satisfied, i.e. on an
   out-of-memory (OOM) condition. If this function is called, in addition to
   OOM, a collection will be triggered each time after *amount* bytes have been
   allocated (in total, since the previous time such an amount of bytes
   have been allocated). *amount* is usually specified as less than the
   full heap size, with the intention to trigger a collection earlier than when the
   heap becomes exhausted, and in the hope that an early collection will prevent
   excessive memory fragmentation. This is a heuristic measure, the effect
   of which will vary from application to application, as well as
   the optimal value of the *amount* parameter.

   Calling the function without argument will return the current value of
   the threshold. A value of -1 means a disabled allocation threshold.

   .. admonition:: Difference to CPython
      :class: attention

      This function is a MicroPython extension. CPython has a similar
      function - ``set_threshold()``, but due to different GC
      implementations, its signature and semantics are different.