# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 MicroPython & CircuitPython contributors (https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/graphs/contributors) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import sys import json # Map start block to current allocation info. current_heap = {} allocation_history = [] root = {} def change_root(trace, size): level = root for frame in reversed(trace): file_location = frame[1] if file_location not in level: level[file_location] = {"blocks": 0, "file": file_location, "function": frame[2], "subcalls": {}} level[file_location]["blocks"] += size level = level[file_location]["subcalls"] total_actions = 0 non_single_block_streak = 0 max_nsbs = 0 last_action = None last_total_actions = 0 count = 0 actions = {} last_ticks_ms = 0 ticks_ms = 0 block_sizes = {} allocation_sources = {} with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f: for line in f: if not line.strip(): break for line in f: action = None if line.startswith("Breakpoint 2"): break next(f) # throw away breakpoint code line # print(next(f)) # first frame block = 0 size = 0 trace = [] for line in f: # print(line.strip()) if line[0] == "#": frame = line.strip().split() if frame[1].startswith("0x"): trace.append((frame[1], frame[-1], frame[3])) else: trace.append(("0x0", frame[-1], frame[1])) elif line[0] == "$": #print(line.strip().split()[-1]) block = int(line.strip().split()[-1][2:], 16) next_line = next(f) size = int(next_line.strip().split()[-1][2:], 16) # next_line = next(f) # ticks_ms = int(next_line.strip().split()[-1][2:], 16) if not line.strip(): break action = "unknown" if block not in current_heap: current_heap[block] = {"start_block": block, "size": size, "start_trace": trace, "start_time": total_actions} action = "alloc" if size == 1: max_nsbs = max(max_nsbs, non_single_block_streak) non_single_block_streak = 0 else: non_single_block_streak += 1 #change_root(trace, size) if size not in block_sizes: block_sizes[size] = 0 source = trace[-1][-1] if source not in allocation_sources: print(trace) allocation_sources[source] = 0 allocation_sources[source] += 1 block_sizes[size] += 1 else: alloc = current_heap[block] alloc["end_trace"] = trace alloc["end_time"] = total_actions change_root(alloc["start_trace"], -1 * alloc["size"]) if size > 0: action = "realloc" current_heap[block] = {"start_block": block, "size": size, "start_trace": trace, "start_time": total_actions} #change_root(trace, size) else: action = "free" if trace[0][2] == "gc_sweep": action = "sweep" non_single_block_streak = 0 if (trace[3][2] == "py_gc_collect" or (trace[3][2] == "gc_deinit" and count > 1)) and last_action != "sweep": print(ticks_ms - last_ticks_ms, total_actions - last_total_actions, "gc.collect", max_nsbs) print(actions) print(block_sizes) print(allocation_sources) actions = {} block_sizes = {} allocation_sources = {} if count % 2 == 0: print() count += 1 last_total_actions = total_actions last_ticks_ms = ticks_ms max_nsbs = 0 del current_heap[block] alloc["end_cause"] = action allocation_history.append(alloc) if action not in actions: actions[action] = 0 actions[action] += 1 last_action = action #print(total_actions, non_single_block_streak, action, block, size) total_actions += 1 print(actions) print(max_nsbs) print() for alloc in current_heap.values(): alloc["end_trace"] = "" alloc["end_time"] = total_actions allocation_history.append(alloc) def print_frame(frame, indent=0): for key in sorted(frame): if not frame[key]["blocks"] or key.startswith("../py/malloc.c") or key.startswith("../py/gc.c"): continue print(" " * (indent - 1), key, frame[key]["function"], frame[key]["blocks"], "blocks") print_frame(frame[key]["subcalls"], indent + 2) # print_frame(root) # total_blocks = 0 # for key in sorted(root): # total_blocks += root[key]["blocks"] # print(total_blocks, "total blocks") # with open("allocation_history.json", "w") as f: # json.dump(allocation_history, f)