# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Shawn Hymel for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT print("pins test") """ `adafruit_boardtest.boardtest_gpio` ==================================================== Toggles all available GPIO on a board. Verify their operation with an LED, multimeter, another microcontroller, etc. Run this script as its own main.py to individually run the test, or compile with mpy-cross and call from separate test script. * Author(s): Shawn Hymel for Adafruit Industries Implementation Notes -------------------- **Software and Dependencies:** * Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards: https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/releases """ import time import board import digitalio import supervisor __version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0" __repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BoardTest.git" # Constants LED_ON_DELAY_TIME = 0.2 # Seconds LED_OFF_DELAY_TIME = 0.2 # Seconds LED_PIN_NAMES = ["L", "LED", "RED_LED", "GREEN_LED", "BLUE_LED"] # Test result strings PASS = "PASS" FAIL = "FAIL" NA = "N/A" # Determine if given value is a number def _is_number(val): try: float(val) return True except ValueError: return False # Release pins def _deinit_pins(gpios): for g in gpios: g.deinit() # Toggle IO pins while waiting for answer def _toggle_wait(pin_gpios): timestamp = time.monotonic() led_state = False failed = [] for pg in pin_gpios: (pin, gpio) = pg print("Is pin %s toggling? [y/n]" % pin) done = False while not done: if led_state: if time.monotonic() > timestamp + LED_ON_DELAY_TIME: led_state = False timestamp = time.monotonic() else: if time.monotonic() > timestamp + LED_OFF_DELAY_TIME: led_state = True timestamp = time.monotonic() gpio.value = led_state if supervisor.runtime.serial_bytes_available: answer = input() if bool(answer == "y"): done = True elif (bool(answer == "n")): failed += pin done = True return failed def buildPin(pin): gpio = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin) return gpio def run_test(pins): """ Toggles all available GPIO on and off repeatedly. :param list[str] pins: list of pins to run the test on :return: tuple(str, list[str]): test result followed by list of pins tested """ # Create a list of analog GPIO pins analog_pins = [p for p in pins if p[0] == "A" and _is_number(p[1])] # Create a list of digital GPIO digital_pins = [p for p in pins if p[0] == "D" and _is_number(p[1])] # Toggle LEDs if we find any gpio_pins = analog_pins + digital_pins if gpio_pins: # Print out the LEDs found print("GPIO pins found:", end=" ") for pin in gpio_pins: print(pin, end=" ") print("\n") # Create a list of IO objects for us to toggle gpios = [buildPin(getattr(board, p)) for p in gpio_pins] print("built GPIOs") # Set all IO to output for gpio in gpios: gpio.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT # Toggle pins while waiting for user to verify LEDs blinking result = _toggle_wait(zip(gpio_pins, gpios)) # Release pins _deinit_pins(gpios) if result: return FAIL, gpio_pins return PASS, gpio_pins # Else (no pins found) print("No GPIO pins found") return NA, [] run_test([p for p in dir(board)])