# Test waiting on a task try: import uasyncio as asyncio except ImportError: try: import asyncio except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit import time if hasattr(time, "ticks_ms"): ticks = time.ticks_ms ticks_diff = time.ticks_diff else: ticks = lambda: int(time.time() * 1000) ticks_diff = lambda t1, t0: t1 - t0 async def task(t): print("task", t) async def delay_print(t, s): await asyncio.sleep(t) print(s) async def task_raise(): print("task_raise") raise ValueError async def main(): print("start") # Wait on a task t = asyncio.create_task(task(1)) await t # Wait on a task that's already done t = asyncio.create_task(task(2)) await asyncio.sleep(0.001) await t # Wait again on same task await t print("----") # Create 2 tasks ts1 = asyncio.create_task(delay_print(0.2, "hello")) ts2 = asyncio.create_task(delay_print(0.4, "world")) # Time how long the tasks take to finish, they should execute in parallel print("start") t0 = ticks() await ts1 t1 = ticks() await ts2 t2 = ticks() print("took {} {}".format(round(ticks_diff(t1, t0), -2), round(ticks_diff(t2, t1), -2))) # Wait on a task that raises an exception t = asyncio.create_task(task_raise()) try: await t except ValueError: print("ValueError") asyncio.run(main())