""" OneWire library ported to MicroPython by Jason Hildebrand. TODO: * implement and test parasite-power mode (as an init option) * port the crc checks The original upstream copyright and terms follow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2007, Jim Studt (original old version - many contributors since) OneWire has been maintained by Paul Stoffregen (paul@pjrc.com) since January 2010. 26 Sept 2008 -- Robin James Jim Studt's original library was modified by Josh Larios. Tom Pollard, pollard@alum.mit.edu, contributed around May 20, 2008 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Much of the code was inspired by Derek Yerger's code, though I don't think much of that remains. In any event that was.. (copyleft) 2006 by Derek Yerger - Free to distribute freely. """ import pyb from pyb import disable_irq from pyb import enable_irq class OneWire: def __init__(self, pin): """ Pass the data pin connected to your one-wire device(s), for example Pin('X1'). The one-wire protocol allows for multiple devices to be attached. """ self.data_pin = pin self.write_delays = (1, 40, 40, 1) self.read_delays = (1, 1, 40) # cache a bunch of methods and attributes. This is necessary in _write_bit and # _read_bit to achieve the timing required by the OneWire protocol. self.cache = (pin.init, pin.value, pin.OUT_PP, pin.IN, pin.PULL_UP) pin.init(pin.IN, pin.PULL_UP) def reset(self): """ Perform the onewire reset function. Returns 1 if a device asserted a presence pulse, 0 otherwise. If you receive 0, then check your wiring and make sure you are providing power and ground to your devices. """ retries = 25 self.data_pin.init(self.data_pin.IN, self.data_pin.PULL_UP) # We will wait up to 250uS for # the bus to come high, if it doesn't then it is broken or shorted # and we return a 0; # wait until the wire is high... just in case while True: if self.data_pin.value(): break retries -= 1 if retries == 0: raise OSError("OneWire pin didn't go high") pyb.udelay(10) # pull the bus low for at least 480us self.data_pin.low() self.data_pin.init(self.data_pin.OUT_PP) pyb.udelay(480) # If there is a slave present, it should pull the bus low within 60us i = pyb.disable_irq() self.data_pin.init(self.data_pin.IN, self.data_pin.PULL_UP) pyb.udelay(70) presence = not self.data_pin.value() pyb.enable_irq(i) pyb.udelay(410) return presence def write_bit(self, value): """ Write a single bit. """ pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP = self.cache self._write_bit(value, pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP) def _write_bit(self, value, pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP): """ Write a single bit - requires cached methods/attributes be passed as arguments. See also write_bit() """ d0, d1, d2, d3 = self.write_delays udelay = pyb.udelay if value: # write 1 i = disable_irq() pin_value(0) pin_init(Pin_OUT_PP) udelay(d0) pin_value(1) enable_irq(i) udelay(d1) else: # write 0 i = disable_irq() pin_value(0) pin_init(Pin_OUT_PP) udelay(d2) pin_value(1) enable_irq(i) udelay(d3) def write_byte(self, value): """ Write a byte. The pin will go tri-state at the end of the write to avoid heating in a short or other mishap. """ pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP = self.cache for i in range(8): self._write_bit(value & 1, pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP) value >>= 1 pin_init(Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) def write_bytes(self, bytestring): """ Write a sequence of bytes. """ for byte in bytestring: self.write_byte(byte) def _read_bit(self, pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP): """ Read a single bit - requires cached methods/attributes be passed as arguments. See also read_bit() """ d0, d1, d2 = self.read_delays udelay = pyb.udelay pin_init(Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) # TODO why do we need this? i = disable_irq() pin_value(0) pin_init(Pin_OUT_PP) udelay(d0) pin_init(Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) udelay(d1) value = pin_value() enable_irq(i) udelay(d2) return value def read_bit(self): """ Read a single bit. """ pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP = self.cache return self._read_bit(pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) def read_byte(self): """ Read a single byte and return the value as an integer. See also read_bytes() """ pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP = self.cache value = 0 for i in range(8): bit = self._read_bit(pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) value |= bit << i return value def read_bytes(self, count): """ Read a sequence of N bytes. The bytes are returned as a bytearray. """ s = bytearray(count) for i in range(count): s[i] = self.read_byte() return s def select_rom(self, rom): """ Select a specific device to talk to. Pass in rom as a bytearray (8 bytes). """ assert len(rom) == 8, "ROM must be 8 bytes" self.reset() self.write_byte(0x55) # ROM MATCH self.write_bytes(rom) def read_rom(self): """ Read the ROM - this works if there is only a single device attached. """ self.reset() self.write_byte(0x33) # READ ROM rom = self.read_bytes(8) # TODO: check CRC of the ROM return rom def skip_rom(self): """ Send skip-rom command - this works if there is only one device attached. """ self.write_byte(0xCC) # SKIP ROM def depower(self): self.data_pin.init(self.data_pin.IN, self.data_pin.PULL_NONE) def scan(self): """ Return a list of ROMs for all attached devices. Each ROM is returned as a bytes object of 8 bytes. """ devices = [] self._reset_search() while True: rom = self._search() if not rom: return devices devices.append(rom) def _reset_search(self): self.last_discrepancy = 0 self.last_device_flag = False self.last_family_discrepancy = 0 self.rom = bytearray(8) def _search(self): # initialize for search id_bit_number = 1 last_zero = 0 rom_byte_number = 0 rom_byte_mask = 1 search_result = 0 pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP = self.cache # if the last call was not the last one if not self.last_device_flag: # 1-Wire reset if not self.reset(): self._reset_search() return None # issue the search command self.write_byte(0xF0) # loop to do the search while rom_byte_number < 8: # loop until through all ROM bytes 0-7 # read a bit and its complement id_bit = self._read_bit(pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) cmp_id_bit = self._read_bit(pin_init, pin_value, Pin_OUT_PP, Pin_IN, Pin_PULL_UP) # check for no devices on 1-wire if (id_bit == 1) and (cmp_id_bit == 1): break else: # all devices coupled have 0 or 1 if (id_bit != cmp_id_bit): search_direction = id_bit # bit write value for search else: # if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy # on a previous next then pick the same as last time if (id_bit_number < self.last_discrepancy): search_direction = (self.rom[rom_byte_number] & rom_byte_mask) > 0 else: # if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0 search_direction = (id_bit_number == self.last_discrepancy) # if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero if search_direction == 0: last_zero = id_bit_number # check for Last discrepancy in family if last_zero < 9: self.last_family_discrepancy = last_zero # set or clear the bit in the ROM byte rom_byte_number # with mask rom_byte_mask if search_direction == 1: self.rom[rom_byte_number] |= rom_byte_mask else: self.rom[rom_byte_number] &= ~rom_byte_mask # serial number search direction write bit #print('sd', search_direction) self.write_bit(search_direction) # increment the byte counter id_bit_number # and shift the mask rom_byte_mask id_bit_number += 1 rom_byte_mask <<= 1 # if the mask is 0 then go to new SerialNum byte rom_byte_number and reset mask if rom_byte_mask == 0x100: rom_byte_number += 1 rom_byte_mask = 1 # if the search was successful then if not (id_bit_number < 65): # search successful so set last_discrepancy,last_device_flag,search_result self.last_discrepancy = last_zero # check for last device if self.last_discrepancy == 0: self.last_device_flag = True search_result = True # if no device found then reset counters so next 'search' will be like a first if not search_result or not self.rom[0]: self._reset_search() return None else: return bytes(self.rom)