import sys import os import os.path import datetime import argparse from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring from log import Log from texparser import TexParser from latexparser import LatexParser from gettexfile import file_has_suffix from gettexfile import get_tex_file from xiwi.common.misc import buildFileList from xiwi.common import arxivid from xiwi.common.stats import Statistics def str_contains(s1, s2): return s1.find(s2) != -1 def str_contains_one_of(st, st_list): for st2 in st_list: if str_contains(st, st2): return True return False def detect_file_kind(file_obj): """Simple detection of kind of source file.""" kind = 'unknown' firstline = file_obj.readline() while firstline.isspace(): firstline = file_obj.readline() if firstline.startswith('%!PS'): kind = 'PS' elif firstline.startswith('%auto-ignore'): kind = 'auto-ignore' else: for line in file_obj: if str_contains(line, '\\def'): # might be tex, if we don't find anything else kind = 'tex' if str_contains(line, '\\input'): # might be tex, if we don't find anything else kind = 'tex' if str_contains(line, 'amstex') or str_contains(line, 'harvmac'): # definitely tex kind = 'tex' break if str_contains(line, '\\documentclass'): # definitely latex kind = 'latex' break if str_contains(line, '\\documentstyle'): # could be tex or latex if str_contains(line, 'amsppt'): kind = 'tex' break else: kind = 'latex' break return kind class WithdrawnPaper(object): def __init__(self): pass def __getitem__(self, item): if item == 'refs': return [] elif item == 'success': return True def parse(self): pass def process_article(filename): """Returns TexParserBase derived object on success, None on failure.""" # get the tex file filename, file_obj, tarfile_obj = get_tex_file(filename) if file_obj is None: return None # detect the type of file kind = detect_file_kind(file_obj) # act on the type of file parser = None if kind == 'PS': print('skipping postscript file') elif kind == 'auto-ignore': print('asked to ignore file, most likely it was withdrawn') parser = WithdrawnPaper() if kind == 'tex': print('parsing as TeX') parser = TexParser(filename, file_obj, tarfile_obj) elif kind == 'latex': print('parsing as LaTeX') parser = LatexParser(filename, file_obj, tarfile_obj) else: print('cannot determine kind of file') # attempt to parse the document try: if parser is not None: parser.parse() except Exception as e: print('exception while trying to parse file:') print(str(e)) parser = None # close the files file_obj.close() if tarfile_obj is not None: tarfile_obj.close() # return the parsed document return parser arxiv_classes = [ 'acc-phys', 'adap-org', 'alg-geom', 'ao-sci', 'astro-ph', 'atom-ph', 'bayes-an', 'chao-dyn', 'chem-ph', 'cmp-lg', 'comp-gas', 'cond-mat', 'cs', 'dg-ga', 'funct-an', 'gr-qc', 'hep-ex', 'hep-lat', 'hep-ph', 'hep-th', 'math', 'math-ph', 'mtrl-th', 'nlin', 'nucl-ex', 'nucl-th', 'patt-sol', 'physics', 'plasm-ph', 'q-alg', 'q-bio', 'quant-ph', 'solv-int', 'supr-con' ] def do_single_file(file_name, print_xml, write_xml_dir): arxiv_id, arxiv_version = arxivid.filenameToArxivAndVersion(file_name) if arxiv_id is None: print('WARN: could not determine arXiv identifier for', file_name) arxiv_id = '' arxiv_version = 0 Log.reset() Statistics.begin_item(arxiv_id) if file_has_suffix(file_name, '.pdf'): Statistics.count('1) pdf') succ = True else: Statistics.count('2) processed') parser = process_article(file_name) if parser is not None : succ = parser['success'] bib_refs = parser['refs'] else : succ = False bib_refs = [] if str_contains_one_of(arxiv_id, ['gr-qc', 'hep-']): Statistics.count('hep-processed') if succ: Statistics.count('hep-success') if succ: print('-success--------') Statistics.count('3) success') else: print('-fail-----------') Statistics.count('4) fail') show_ref = False if succ and show_ref: for bib_ref in bib_refs: print(bib_ref.key, 'with', bib_ref.cite_count, 'citations in paper') if len(bib_ref.bib_info) == 0: print('no reference') else: print(bib_ref.bib_info_as_str(keep_comments=True)) if succ and (print_xml or write_xml_dir): xml = Element('article') SubElement(xml, 'id').text = arxiv_id if arxiv_version > 0: SubElement(xml, 'version').text = str(arxiv_version) refs = SubElement(xml, 'refs') for bib_ref in bib_refs: bib_text = bib_ref.bib_info_as_str(keep_comments=True) if len(bib_text) != 0: ncites = bib_ref.cite_count if ncites < 1: ncites = 1 ref = SubElement(refs, 'ref', order=str(bib_ref.ref_order_num), freq=str(ncites)) ref.text = bib_text if print_xml: print(tostring(xml)) if isinstance(write_xml_dir, str): if arxiv_id != '': xml_file_name = os.path.join(write_xml_dir, arxiv_id.replace('/', '') + '.xml') else: fname = os.path.split(file_name)[1] if fname.rfind('.') > 0: fname = fname[:fname.rfind('.')] xml_file_name = write_xml_dir + '/' + fname + '.xml' file_obj = open(xml_file_name, 'wb') file_obj.write(tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8')) file_obj.close() Statistics.end_item() return succ summaryStrs = [] if __name__ == "__main__": cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parse TeX/LaTeX to find references.') cmd_parser.add_argument('--filelist', action='store_true', help='file names on the command line each contain a list of files to process') cmd_parser.add_argument('--print-xml', action='store_true', help='print XML output to stdout') cmd_parser.add_argument('--write-xml', metavar='', help='destination directory to write XML output files') cmd_parser.add_argument('--failed', metavar='', help='output file to write list of failed files') cmd_parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help='input files') args = cmd_parser.parse_args() # print date stamp timeStart = print('[ptex] started processing at', str(timeStart)) print('given', len(args.files), 'files, first file:', args.files[0]) print('================') Statistics.clear('article') # build list of files to process file_list = buildFileList(args.filelist, args.files) # ensure the destination directory exists if args.write_xml is not None and os.path.exists(args.write_xml): try: os.makedirs(args.write_xml) except: pass # process the files failed_files = [] for file_name in file_list: success = do_single_file(file_name, args.print_xml, args.write_xml) if not success: failed_files.append(file_name) # write the failed files to an output file, if requested if args.failed is not None: file_obj = open(args.failed, 'w') file_obj.writelines(f + '\n' for f in failed_files) file_obj.close() print('================') Statistics.show_detail('fail') #Statistics.show_detail('cite-range') #Statistics.show_detail('bad-ascii') #Statistics.show_detail('non-ascii') print('================') # print date stamp timeEnd = print('[ptex] finished processing at', str(timeEnd)) # print summary for email summaryStrs.extend(Statistics.get_summary()) summaryStrs.insert(0, 'started processing at %s, took %.1f minutes' % (timeStart.strftime('%H:%M'), (timeEnd - timeStart).total_seconds() / 60)) for s in summaryStrs: print('**SUMMARY** [ptex]', s)