try: import ure as re except ImportError: try: import re except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit r = re.compile(".+") m = r.match("abc") print( try: except IndexError: print("IndexError") # conversion of re and match to string str(r) str(m) r = re.compile("(.+)1") m = r.match("xyz781") print( print( try: except IndexError: print("IndexError") r = re.compile("[a-cu-z]") m = r.match("a") print( m = r.match("z") print( m = r.match("d") print(m) m = r.match("A") print(m) print("===") r = re.compile("[^a-cu-z]") m = r.match("a") print(m) m = r.match("z") print(m) m = r.match("d") print( m = r.match("A") print( print("===") # '-' character within character class block print(re.match("[-a]+", "-a]d").group(0)) print(re.match("[a-]+", "-a]d").group(0)) print("===") r = re.compile("o+") m ="foobar") print( try: except IndexError: print("IndexError") m = re.match(".*", "foo") print( m ="w.r", "hello world") print( m = re.match('a+?', 'ab'); print( m = re.match('a*?', 'ab'); print( m = re.match('^ab$', 'ab'); print( m = re.match('a|b', 'b'); print( m = re.match('a|b|c', 'c'); print( # Case where anchors fail to match r = re.compile("^b|b$") m ="abc") print(m) try: re.compile("*") except: print("Caught invalid regex") # bytes objects m = re.match(rb'a+?', b'ab'); print( print("===") # escaping m = re.match(r'a\.c', 'a.c'); print( if m else '') m = re.match(r'a\.b', 'abc'); print(m is None) m = re.match(r'a\.b', 'a\\bc'); print(m is None) m = re.match(r'[a\-z]', 'abc'); print( m = re.match(r'[.\]]*', '.].]a'); print( m = re.match(r'[.\]+]*', '.]+.]a'); print( m = re.match(r'[a-f0-9x\-yz]*', 'abxcd1-23'); print( m = re.match(r'[a\\b]*', 'a\\aa\\bb\\bbab'); print( m ='[a\-z]', '-'); print( m ='[a\-z]', 'f'); print(m is None) m ='[a\]z]', 'a'); print( print(re.compile(r'[-a]').split('foo-bar')) print(re.compile(r'[a-]').split('foo-bar')) print(re.compile(r'[ax\-]').split('foo-bar')) print(re.compile(r'[a\-x]').split('foo-bar')) print(re.compile(r'[\-ax]').split('foo-bar')) print("===")