# Test asyncio stream readexactly() method using TCP server/client try: import asyncio except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit PORT = 8000 async def handle_connection(reader, writer): writer.write(b"a") await writer.drain() # Split the first 2 bytes up so the client must wait for the second one await asyncio.sleep(0.1) writer.write(b"b") await writer.drain() writer.write(b"c") await writer.drain() writer.write(b"d") await writer.drain() print("close") writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() print("done") ev.set() async def tcp_server(): global ev ev = asyncio.Event() server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_connection, "", PORT) print("server running") multitest.next() async with server: await asyncio.wait_for(ev.wait(), 10) async def tcp_client(): reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(IP, PORT) print(await reader.readexactly(2)) print(await reader.readexactly(0)) print(await reader.readexactly(1)) try: print(await reader.readexactly(2)) except EOFError as er: print("EOFError") print(await reader.readexactly(0)) def instance0(): multitest.globals(IP=multitest.get_network_ip()) asyncio.run(tcp_server()) def instance1(): multitest.next() asyncio.run(tcp_client())