""" This script processes the output from the C preprocessor and extracts all qstr. Each qstr is transformed into a qstr definition of the form 'Q(...)'. This script works with Python 3.x (CIRCUITPY-CHANGE: not 2.x) """ from __future__ import print_function import io import os import re import subprocess import sys import multiprocessing, multiprocessing.dummy from html.entities import name2codepoint # add some custom names to map characters that aren't in HTML name2codepoint["hyphen"] = ord("-") name2codepoint["space"] = ord(" ") name2codepoint["squot"] = ord("'") name2codepoint["comma"] = ord(",") name2codepoint["dot"] = ord(".") name2codepoint["colon"] = ord(":") name2codepoint["semicolon"] = ord(";") name2codepoint["slash"] = ord("/") name2codepoint["percent"] = ord("%") name2codepoint["hash"] = ord("#") name2codepoint["paren_open"] = ord("(") name2codepoint["paren_close"] = ord(")") name2codepoint["bracket_open"] = ord("[") name2codepoint["bracket_close"] = ord("]") name2codepoint["brace_open"] = ord("{") name2codepoint["brace_close"] = ord("}") name2codepoint["star"] = ord("*") name2codepoint["bang"] = ord("!") name2codepoint["backslash"] = ord("\\") name2codepoint["plus"] = ord("+") name2codepoint["dollar"] = ord("$") name2codepoint["equals"] = ord("=") name2codepoint["question"] = ord("?") name2codepoint["at_sign"] = ord("@") name2codepoint["caret"] = ord("^") name2codepoint["pipe"] = ord("|") name2codepoint["tilde"] = ord("~") # These are just vexing! del name2codepoint["and"] del name2codepoint["or"] del name2codepoint["not"] # Extract MP_QSTR_FOO macros. _MODE_QSTR = "qstr" # Extract MP_COMPRESSED_ROM_TEXT("") macros. (Which come from MP_ERROR_TEXT) _MODE_COMPRESS = "compress" # Extract MP_REGISTER_(EXTENSIBLE_)MODULE(...) macros. _MODE_MODULE = "module" # Extract MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER(...) macros. _MODE_ROOT_POINTER = "root_pointer" def is_c_source(fname): return os.path.splitext(fname)[1] in [".c"] def is_cxx_source(fname): return os.path.splitext(fname)[1] in [".cc", ".cp", ".cxx", ".cpp", ".CPP", ".c++", ".C"] def preprocess(): if any(src in args.dependencies for src in args.changed_sources): sources = args.sources elif any(args.changed_sources): sources = args.changed_sources else: sources = args.sources csources = [] cxxsources = [] for source in sources: if is_cxx_source(source): cxxsources.append(source) elif is_c_source(source): csources.append(source) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.output[0])) except OSError: pass def pp(flags): def run(files): completed = subprocess.run(args.pp + flags + files, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if completed.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError() return completed.stdout return run try: cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: cpus = 1 p = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(cpus) with open(args.output[0], "wb") as out_file: for flags, sources in ( (args.cflags, csources), (args.cxxflags, cxxsources), ): batch_size = (len(sources) + cpus - 1) // cpus chunks = [sources[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(sources), batch_size or 1)] for output in p.imap(pp(flags), chunks): out_file.write(output) def write_out(fname, output): if output: for m, r in [("/", "__"), ("\\", "__"), (":", "@"), ("..", "@@")]: fname = fname.replace(m, r) with open(args.output_dir + "/" + fname + "." + args.mode, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(output) + "\n") def qstr_unescape(qstr): for name in name2codepoint: if "__" + name + "__" in qstr: continue if "_" + name + "_" in qstr: qstr = qstr.replace("_" + name + "_", str(chr(name2codepoint[name]))) return qstr def process_file(f): # match gcc-like output (# n "file") and msvc-like output (#line n "file") re_line = re.compile(r"^#(?:line)?\s+\d+\s\"([^\"]+)\"") if args.mode == _MODE_QSTR: re_match = re.compile(r"MP_QSTR_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+") elif args.mode == _MODE_COMPRESS: re_match = re.compile(r'MP_COMPRESSED_ROM_TEXT\("([^"]*)"\)') elif args.mode == _MODE_MODULE: re_match = re.compile( r"(?:MP_REGISTER_MODULE|MP_REGISTER_EXTENSIBLE_MODULE|MP_REGISTER_MODULE_DELEGATION)\(.*?,\s*.*?\);" ) elif args.mode == _MODE_ROOT_POINTER: re_match = re.compile(r"MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER\(.*?\);") re_translate = re.compile(r"MP_COMPRESSED_ROM_TEXT\(\"((?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?)\"\)") output = [] last_fname = None for line in f: if line.isspace(): continue m = re_line.match(line) if m: fname = m.group(1) if not is_c_source(fname) and not is_cxx_source(fname): continue if fname != last_fname: write_out(last_fname, output) output = [] last_fname = fname continue for match in re_match.findall(line): if args.mode == _MODE_QSTR: name = match.replace("MP_QSTR_", "") # CIRCUITPY-CHANGE: undo character escapes in qstrs in C code output.append("Q(" + qstr_unescape(name) + ")") elif args.mode in (_MODE_COMPRESS, _MODE_MODULE, _MODE_ROOT_POINTER): output.append(match) for match in re_translate.findall(line): output.append('TRANSLATE("' + match[0] + '")') if last_fname: write_out(last_fname, output) return "" def cat_together(): import glob import hashlib hasher = hashlib.md5() all_lines = [] outf = open(args.output_dir + "/out", "wb") for fname in glob.glob(args.output_dir + "/*." + args.mode): with open(fname, "rb") as f: lines = f.readlines() all_lines += lines all_lines.sort() all_lines = b"\n".join(all_lines) outf.write(all_lines) outf.close() hasher.update(all_lines) new_hash = hasher.hexdigest() # print(new_hash) old_hash = None try: with open(args.output_file + ".hash") as f: old_hash = f.read() except IOError: pass mode_full = "QSTR" if args.mode == _MODE_COMPRESS: mode_full = "Compressed data" elif args.mode == _MODE_MODULE: mode_full = "Module registrations" elif args.mode == _MODE_ROOT_POINTER: mode_full = "Root pointer registrations" if old_hash != new_hash: print(mode_full, "updated") try: # rename below might fail if file exists os.remove(args.output_file) except: pass os.rename(args.output_dir + "/out", args.output_file) with open(args.output_file + ".hash", "w") as f: f.write(new_hash) else: print(mode_full, "not updated") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 6: print("usage: %s command mode input_filename output_dir output_file" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(2) class Args: pass args = Args() args.command = sys.argv[1] if args.command == "pp": named_args = { s: [] for s in [ "pp", "output", "cflags", "cxxflags", "sources", "changed_sources", "dependencies", ] } for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg in named_args: current_tok = arg else: named_args[current_tok].append(arg) if not named_args["pp"] or len(named_args["output"]) != 1: print("usage: %s %s ..." % (sys.argv[0], " ... ".join(named_args))) sys.exit(2) for k, v in named_args.items(): setattr(args, k, v) preprocess() sys.exit(0) args.mode = sys.argv[2] args.input_filename = sys.argv[3] # Unused for command=cat args.output_dir = sys.argv[4] args.output_file = None if len(sys.argv) == 5 else sys.argv[5] # Unused for command=split if args.mode not in (_MODE_QSTR, _MODE_COMPRESS, _MODE_MODULE, _MODE_ROOT_POINTER): print("error: mode %s unrecognised" % sys.argv[2]) sys.exit(2) try: os.makedirs(args.output_dir) except OSError: pass if args.command == "split": with io.open(args.input_filename, encoding="utf-8") as infile: process_file(infile) if args.command == "cat": cat_together()