#include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "misc.h" #include "mpconfig.h" #include "qstr.h" #include "obj.h" #include "runtime0.h" // approximatelly doubling primes; made with Mathematica command: Table[Prime[Floor[(1.7)^n]], {n, 3, 24}] // prefixed with zero for the empty case. STATIC int doubling_primes[] = {0, 7, 19, 43, 89, 179, 347, 647, 1229, 2297, 4243, 7829, 14347, 26017, 47149, 84947, 152443, 273253, 488399, 869927, 1547173, 2745121, 4861607}; STATIC int get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(int x) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(doubling_primes) / sizeof(int); i++) { if (doubling_primes[i] >= x) { return doubling_primes[i]; } } // ran out of primes in the table! // return something sensible, at least make it odd return x | 1; } /******************************************************************************/ /* map */ void mp_map_init(mp_map_t *map, int n) { if (n == 0) { map->alloc = 0; map->table = NULL; } else { map->alloc = n; map->table = m_new0(mp_map_elem_t, map->alloc); } map->used = 0; map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1; map->table_is_fixed_array = 0; } void mp_map_init_fixed_table(mp_map_t *map, int n, const mp_obj_t *table) { map->alloc = n; map->used = n; map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1; map->table_is_fixed_array = 1; map->table = (mp_map_elem_t*)table; } mp_map_t *mp_map_new(int n) { mp_map_t *map = m_new(mp_map_t, 1); mp_map_init(map, n); return map; } // Differentiate from mp_map_clear() - semantics is different void mp_map_deinit(mp_map_t *map) { if (!map->table_is_fixed_array) { m_del(mp_map_elem_t, map->table, map->alloc); } map->used = map->alloc = 0; } void mp_map_free(mp_map_t *map) { mp_map_deinit(map); m_del_obj(mp_map_t, map); } void mp_map_clear(mp_map_t *map) { if (!map->table_is_fixed_array) { m_del(mp_map_elem_t, map->table, map->alloc); } map->alloc = 0; map->used = 0; map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1; map->table_is_fixed_array = 0; map->table = NULL; } STATIC void mp_map_rehash(mp_map_t *map) { int old_alloc = map->alloc; mp_map_elem_t *old_table = map->table; map->alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(map->alloc + 1); map->used = 0; map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 1; map->table = m_new0(mp_map_elem_t, map->alloc); for (int i = 0; i < old_alloc; i++) { if (old_table[i].key != MP_OBJ_NULL && old_table[i].key != MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) { mp_map_lookup(map, old_table[i].key, MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND)->value = old_table[i].value; } } m_del(mp_map_elem_t, old_table, old_alloc); } // MP_MAP_LOOKUP behaviour: // - returns NULL if not found, else the slot it was found in with key,value non-null // MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND behaviour: // - returns slot, with key non-null and value=MP_OBJ_NULL if it was added // MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND behaviour: // - returns NULL if not found, else the slot if was found in with key null and value non-null mp_map_elem_t* mp_map_lookup(mp_map_t *map, mp_obj_t index, mp_map_lookup_kind_t lookup_kind) { // if the map is a fixed array then we must do a brute force linear search if (map->table_is_fixed_array) { if (lookup_kind != MP_MAP_LOOKUP) { return NULL; } for (mp_map_elem_t *elem = &map->table[0], *top = &map->table[map->used]; elem < top; elem++) { if (elem->key == index || (!map->all_keys_are_qstrs && mp_obj_equal(elem->key, index))) { return elem; } } return NULL; } // map is a hash table (not a fixed array), so do a hash lookup if (map->alloc == 0) { if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) { mp_map_rehash(map); } else { return NULL; } } machine_uint_t hash = mp_obj_hash(index); uint pos = hash % map->alloc; uint start_pos = pos; mp_map_elem_t *avail_slot = NULL; for (;;) { mp_map_elem_t *slot = &map->table[pos]; if (slot->key == MP_OBJ_NULL) { // found NULL slot, so index is not in table if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) { map->used += 1; if (avail_slot == NULL) { avail_slot = slot; } slot->key = index; slot->value = MP_OBJ_NULL; if (!MP_OBJ_IS_QSTR(index)) { map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 0; } return slot; } else { return NULL; } } else if (slot->key == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) { // found deleted slot, remember for later if (avail_slot == NULL) { avail_slot = slot; } } else if (slot->key == index || (!map->all_keys_are_qstrs && mp_obj_equal(slot->key, index))) { // found index // Note: CPython does not replace the index; try x={True:'true'};x[1]='one';x if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND) { // delete element in this slot map->used--; if (map->table[(pos + 1) % map->alloc].key == MP_OBJ_NULL) { // optimisation if next slot is empty slot->key = MP_OBJ_NULL; } else { slot->key = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL; } // keep slot->value so that caller can access it if needed } return slot; } // not yet found, keep searching in this table pos = (pos + 1) % map->alloc; if (pos == start_pos) { // search got back to starting position, so index is not in table if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) { if (avail_slot != NULL) { // there was an available slot, so use that map->used++; avail_slot->key = index; avail_slot->value = MP_OBJ_NULL; if (!MP_OBJ_IS_QSTR(index)) { map->all_keys_are_qstrs = 0; } return avail_slot; } else { // not enough room in table, rehash it mp_map_rehash(map); // restart the search for the new element start_pos = pos = hash % map->alloc; } } else { return NULL; } } } } /******************************************************************************/ /* set */ void mp_set_init(mp_set_t *set, int n) { set->alloc = n; set->used = 0; set->table = m_new0(mp_obj_t, set->alloc); } STATIC void mp_set_rehash(mp_set_t *set) { int old_alloc = set->alloc; mp_obj_t *old_table = set->table; set->alloc = get_doubling_prime_greater_or_equal_to(set->alloc + 1); set->used = 0; set->table = m_new0(mp_obj_t, set->alloc); for (int i = 0; i < old_alloc; i++) { if (old_table[i] != MP_OBJ_NULL && old_table[i] != MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) { mp_set_lookup(set, old_table[i], MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND); } } m_del(mp_obj_t, old_table, old_alloc); } mp_obj_t mp_set_lookup(mp_set_t *set, mp_obj_t index, mp_map_lookup_kind_t lookup_kind) { if (set->alloc == 0) { if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) { mp_set_rehash(set); } else { return NULL; } } machine_uint_t hash = mp_obj_hash(index); uint pos = hash % set->alloc; uint start_pos = pos; mp_obj_t *avail_slot = NULL; for (;;) { mp_obj_t elem = set->table[pos]; if (elem == MP_OBJ_NULL) { // found NULL slot, so index is not in table if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) { if (avail_slot == NULL) { avail_slot = &set->table[pos]; } set->used++; *avail_slot = index; return index; } else { return MP_OBJ_NULL; } } else if (elem == MP_OBJ_SENTINEL) { // found deleted slot, remember for later if (avail_slot == NULL) { avail_slot = &set->table[pos]; } } else if (mp_obj_equal(elem, index)) { // found index if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_REMOVE_IF_FOUND) { // delete element set->used--; if (set->table[(pos + 1) % set->alloc] == MP_OBJ_NULL) { // optimisation if next slot is empty set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_NULL; } else { set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL; } } return elem; } // not yet found, keep searching in this table pos = (pos + 1) % set->alloc; if (pos == start_pos) { // search got back to starting position, so index is not in table if (lookup_kind & MP_MAP_LOOKUP_ADD_IF_NOT_FOUND) { if (avail_slot != NULL) { // there was an available slot, so use that set->used++; *avail_slot = index; return index; } else { // not enough room in table, rehash it mp_set_rehash(set); // restart the search for the new element start_pos = pos = hash % set->alloc; } } else { return MP_OBJ_NULL; } } } } mp_obj_t mp_set_remove_first(mp_set_t *set) { for (uint pos = 0; pos < set->alloc; pos++) { if (MP_SET_SLOT_IS_FILLED(set, pos)) { mp_obj_t elem = set->table[pos]; // delete element set->used--; if (set->table[(pos + 1) % set->alloc] == MP_OBJ_NULL) { // optimisation if next slot is empty set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_NULL; } else { set->table[pos] = MP_OBJ_SENTINEL; } return elem; } } return MP_OBJ_NULL; } void mp_set_clear(mp_set_t *set) { m_del(mp_obj_t, set->table, set->alloc); set->alloc = 0; set->used = 0; set->table = NULL; } #if DEBUG_PRINT void mp_map_dump(mp_map_t *map) { for (int i = 0; i < map->alloc; i++) { if (map->table[i].key != NULL) { mp_obj_print(map->table[i].key, PRINT_REPR); } else { printf("(nil)"); } printf(": %p\n", map->table[i].value); } printf("---\n"); } #endif