# test waiting within "async for" aiter/anext functions import sys if sys.implementation.name in ('micropython', 'circuitpython'): # uPy allows normal generators to be awaitables coroutine = lambda f: f else: import types coroutine = types.coroutine @coroutine def f(x): print('f start:', x) yield x + 1 yield x + 2 return x + 3 class ARange: def __init__(self, high): print('init') self.cur = 0 self.high = high async def __aiter__(self): print('aiter') print('f returned:', await f(10)) return self async def __anext__(self): print('anext') print('f returned:', await f(20)) if self.cur < self.high: val = self.cur self.cur += 1 return val else: raise StopAsyncIteration async def coro(): async for x in ARange(4): print('x', x) o = coro() try: while True: print('coro yielded:', o.send(None)) except StopIteration: print('finished')