#! /usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys from glob import glob from re import sub def escape(s): lookup = { '\0': '\\0', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n\"\n\"', '\r': '\\r', '\\': '\\\\', '\"': '\\\"', } return "\"\"\n\"{}\"".format(''.join([lookup[x] if x in lookup else x for x in s])) def chew_filename(t): return { 'func': "test_{}_fn".format(sub(r'/|\.|-', '_', t)), 'desc': t.split('/')[1] } def script_to_map(t): r = { 'name': chew_filename(t)['func'] } with open(t) as f: r['script'] = escape(''.join(f.readlines())) return r test_function = ( "void {name}(void* data) {{\n" " const char * pystr = {script};\n" " do_str(pystr);\n" "}}" ) testcase_struct = ( "struct testcase_t {name}_tests[] = {{\n{body}\n END_OF_TESTCASES\n}};" ) testcase_member = ( " {{ \"{desc}\", {func}, TT_ENABLED_, 0, 0 }}," ) testgroup_struct = ( "struct testgroup_t groups[] = {{\n{body}\n END_OF_GROUPS\n}};" ) testgroup_member = ( " {{ \"{name}/\", {name}_tests }}," ) ## XXX: may be we could have `--without ` argument... # currently these tests are selected because they pass on qemu-arm test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'extmod', 'inlineasm') # 'float', 'import', 'io', 'misc') exclude_tests = ( 'inlineasm/asmfpaddsub.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpcmp.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpldrstr.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpmuldiv.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpsqrt.py', 'extmod/time_ms_us.py', 'extmod/ujson_dumps_float.py', 'extmod/ujson_loads_float.py', 'extmod/uctypes_native_float.py', 'extmod/uctypes_le_float.py', 'extmod/machine_pinbase.py', 'extmod/machine_pulse.py', 'extmod/vfs_fat_ramdisk.py', 'extmod/vfs_fat_fileio.py', ) output = [] for group in test_dirs: tests = [test for test in glob('{}/*.py'.format(group)) if test not in exclude_tests] output.extend([test_function.format(**script_to_map(test)) for test in tests]) testcase_members = [testcase_member.format(**chew_filename(test)) for test in tests] output.append(testcase_struct.format(name=group, body='\n'.join(testcase_members))) testgroup_members = [testgroup_member.format(name=group) for group in test_dirs] output.append(testgroup_struct.format(body='\n'.join(testgroup_members))) ## XXX: may be we could have `--output ` argument... print('\n\n'.join(output))