import sys import pathlib import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET SIGNALS = { "LPI2C": ["SDA", "SCL"], "LPSPI": ["SCK", "SDO", "SDI"], "LPUART": ["RX", "TX", "RTS", "CTS"], "I2S": ["RX_DATA0", "RX_SYNC", "TX_BCLK", "TX_DATA0", "TX_SYNC", "MCLK"], "MQS": ["LEFT", "RIGHT"], } SIGNAL_RENAME = { "CTS_B": "CTS", "RTS_B": "RTS", "RXD": "RX", "TXD": "TX", "TX_DATA00": "TX_DATA0", "RX_DATA00": "RX_DATA0", "TX_DATA": "TX_DATA0", "RX_DATA": "RX_DATA0", } SKIP_LPSR = True svd_folder = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1]) # Download and extract config tools data from config_data_folder = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[2]) devices = sys.argv[3:] peripherals_dir = pathlib.Path("peripherals/mimxrt10xx") copyright = """/* * This file is part of the MicroPython project, * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019 Lucian Copeland for Adafruit Industries * Copyright (c) 2019 Artur Pacholec * Copyright (c) 2023 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ """ autogen_warning_template = """/* * This file is autogenerated! Do NOT hand edit it. Instead, edit tools/ and * then rerun the script. You'll need to 1) clone * and 2) download and extract config tools data from * * Run `python tools/ {}` to update this file. */ """ for device in devices: print(device) autogen_warning = autogen_warning_template.format(device) svd_fn = svd_folder / device / (device + ".xml") if not svd_fn.exists(): svd_fn = svd_folder / device / (device + "_cm7.xml") pin_to_analog = {} out_dir = peripherals_dir / device largest_signals = None for signal_file in config_data_folder.glob( f"{device}*ConfigTools_data*/**/signal_configuration.xml" ): if largest_signals is None or signal_file.stat().st_size > largest_signals.stat().st_size: largest_signals = signal_file # Use the signal file to find analog connections signal_tree = ET.parse(largest_signals) signal_root = signal_tree.getroot() for connection in signal_root.iter("connections"): if "name_part" not in connection.attrib or not connection.attrib["name_part"].startswith( "ADC" ): continue name_part = connection.attrib["name_part"] try: assign = next(connection.iter("assign")) except StopIteration: continue split_pin = assign.attrib["register"].split("_") pin_name = "_".join(split_pin[split_pin.index("GPIO") :]) adc_instance, adc_channel = name_part.split("_") try: adc_channel = int(adc_channel[2:]) except ValueError: continue pin_to_analog[pin_name] = (adc_instance, adc_channel) # Find USB pins usb_pins = [] all_pins = set() for pin in signal_root.iter("pin"): pin_name = pin.get("name") if SKIP_LPSR and "LPSR" in pin_name: continue all_pins.add(pin_name) if not pin_name.startswith("USB_OTG"): continue if not pin_name.endswith(("DN", "DP")): continue usb_pins.append(pin_name) # Find peripherals all_peripherals = {} for peripheral in signal_root.iter("peripheral"): ptype = peripheral.get("peripheral_type") if ptype not in all_peripherals: all_peripherals[ptype] = [] all_peripherals[ptype].append(peripheral.get("id")) print(svd_fn) tree = ET.parse(svd_fn) root = tree.getroot() pin_number = 0 last_gpio_base = None mux_register_base = None pins_h = [ copyright, autogen_warning, "#pragma once", "", "#define FORMAT_PIN(pin_name) extern const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_##pin_name;", '#include "pin_names.h"', "#undef FORMAT_PIN", ] pins_c = [ copyright, autogen_warning, '#include "py/obj.h"', '#include "py/mphal.h"', '#include "mimxrt10xx/pins.h"', "", ] pin_names_h = [copyright, "", "// define FORMAT_PIN(pin_name) and then include this file."] mux_registers_by_pin = {} peripheral_inputs = {} pwm_outputs = [] for register in root.iter("register"): name = register.find("name").text if name.endswith("SELECT_INPUT"): name_split = name.split("_") instance = name_split[0] signal = "_".join(name_split[1:-2]) signal = SIGNAL_RENAME.get(signal, signal) if instance not in peripheral_inputs: peripheral_inputs[instance] = {} if signal not in peripheral_inputs[instance]: peripheral_inputs[instance][signal] = {} for evalue in register.iter("enumeratedValue"): ename = evalue.find("name").text.strip("_") if "_ALT" in ename: pin_name, alt = ename.rsplit("_", maxsplit=1) else: pin_name = ename alt = evalue.find("description").text.rsplit(maxsplit=1)[1] if SKIP_LPSR and "LPSR" in pin_name: continue alt = int(alt[3:]) value = int(evalue.find("value").text, 0) peripheral_inputs[instance][signal][pin_name] = [alt, name, value] # Mux registers come before PAD registers. elif name.startswith("SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_GPIO"): address_offset = int(register.find("addressOffset").text, 16) if mux_register_base is None: mux_register_base = address_offset split_pin = name.split("_") pin_name = "_".join(split_pin[4:]) if pin_name not in all_pins: print("skip", pin_name) continue gpio_base = "_".join(split_pin[4:-1]) mux_registers_by_pin[pin_name] = register if last_gpio_base != gpio_base: pin_names_h.append("") last_gpio_base = gpio_base pin_number += 1 pin_names_h.append(f"FORMAT_PIN({pin_name})") elif name.startswith("SW_PAD_CTL_PAD_GPIO"): split_pin = name.split("_") pin_name = "_".join(split_pin[4:]) if pin_name not in all_pins: continue mux_register = mux_registers_by_pin[pin_name] mux_reset = int(mux_register.find("resetValue").text, 16) pad_reset = int(register.find("resetValue").text, 16) # Look through alt modes to find GPIO. mux_field = mux_register.find("fields").find("field") assert mux_field.find("name").text == "MUX_MODE" for alt in mux_field.iter("enumeratedValue"): desc = alt.find("description").text if "FLEXPWM" in desc: desc_split = desc.split() alt = desc_split[3] connection = desc_split[6] pwm_instance = int(connection[7:8]) if connection.count("_") == 1: # Form: FLEXPWM#_PWMC## channel = connection[-3:-2] module = int(connection[-2:]) else: # two _ # Form: FLEXPWM#_PWM#_C channel = connection[-1:] module = int(connection[-3:-2]) pwm_outputs.append((pwm_instance, module, channel, connection, pin_name)) elif "GPIO" in desc: alt_name = desc.split()[-4] # The 117x has a GPIO mux between GPIOn and CM7_GPIOn. For now, # we use the the slow, default GPIOn. if alt_name.startswith("GPIO_MUX"): alt_name = alt_name.replace("GPIO_MUX", "GPIO") gpio_instance, gpio_number = alt_name.split("_") if gpio_instance == "GPIOMUX": gpio_instance = "GPIO1" gpio_number = int(gpio_number[2:]) else: desc_split = desc.split() alt = desc_split[3] connection = desc_split[6] alt = int(alt[3:]) if "_" not in connection: print("skipping", pin_name, connection) continue instance, signal = connection.split("_", maxsplit=1) signal = SIGNAL_RENAME.get(signal, signal) if instance not in peripheral_inputs: peripheral_inputs[instance] = {} if signal not in peripheral_inputs[instance]: peripheral_inputs[instance][signal] = {} peripheral_inputs[instance][signal][pin_name] = [alt, None, 0] if pin_name in pin_to_analog: adc_instance, adc_channel = pin_to_analog[pin_name] else: adc_instance = "NO_ADC" adc_channel = 0 pins_c.append( f"const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_{pin_name} = PIN({gpio_instance}, {gpio_number}, {pin_name}, {adc_instance}, {adc_channel}, 0x{mux_reset:08X}, 0x{pad_reset:08X});" ) if usb_pins: pins_c.append("") for pin_name in sorted(usb_pins): pin_names_h.append(f"FORMAT_PIN({pin_name})") pins_c.append(f"const mcu_pin_obj_t pin_{pin_name} = {{ {{ &mcu_pin_type }}, }};") pin_names_h.append("") pins_c.append("") pins_h.append("") pins_h.append("// Pads can be reset. Other pins like USB cannot be.") pins_h.append(f"#define PAD_COUNT ({pin_number})") pins_h.append(f"#define PIN_COUNT (PAD_COUNT + {len(usb_pins)})") pins_h.append(f"extern const mcu_pin_obj_t mcu_pin_list[PIN_COUNT];") pins_h.append("") out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) (out_dir / "pin_names.h").write_text("\n".join(pin_names_h)) (out_dir / "pins.h").write_text("\n".join(pins_h)) (out_dir / "pins.c").write_text("\n".join(pins_c)) periph_h = [copyright, autogen_warning, "#pragma once"] periph_c = [ copyright, autogen_warning, '#include "py/obj.h"', '#include "py/mphal.h"', '#include "mimxrt10xx/periph.h"', "", ] for ptype in SIGNALS: instances = all_peripherals[ptype] short_name = ptype.lower() if short_name.startswith("lp"): short_name = short_name[2:] # Only one MQS exists and it is related to SAI3 if ptype != "MQS": periph_h.append( f"extern {ptype}_Type *const mcu_{short_name}_banks[{len(instances)}];" ) joined_instances = ", ".join(instances) periph_c.append( f"{ptype}_Type *const mcu_{short_name}_banks[{len(instances)}] = {{ {joined_instances} }};" ) periph_c.append("") for signal in SIGNALS[ptype]: pin_count = 0 for instance in instances: if instance not in peripheral_inputs or signal not in peripheral_inputs[instance]: continue pin_count += len(peripheral_inputs[instance][signal]) periph_h.append( f"extern const mcu_periph_obj_t mcu_{short_name}_{signal.lower()}_list[{pin_count}];" ) periph_c.append( f"const mcu_periph_obj_t mcu_{short_name}_{signal.lower()}_list[{pin_count}] = {{" ) for instance in instances: if instance not in peripheral_inputs or signal not in peripheral_inputs[instance]: continue # MQS is tied to SAI3 if instance == "MQS": instance_number = 3 else: instance_number = int(instance[len(ptype) :]) if instance_number > 1: periph_c.append("") pins = peripheral_inputs[instance][signal] pin_names = list(pins.keys()) pin_names.sort(key=lambda x: pins[x][-1]) for pin_name in pin_names: alt, select_input, input_value = pins[pin_name] if select_input: select_input = f"kIOMUXC_{select_input}" else: select_input = "0" periph_c.append( f" PERIPH_PIN({instance_number}, {alt}, {select_input}, {input_value}, &pin_{pin_name})," ) periph_c.append(f"}};") periph_c.append(f"") periph_h.append("") pwm_outputs.sort(key=lambda x: x[:3]) periph_c.append(f"const mcu_pwm_obj_t mcu_pwm_list[{len(pwm_outputs)}] = {{") periph_h.append(f"extern const mcu_pwm_obj_t mcu_pwm_list[{len(pwm_outputs)}];") last_channel = None for pwm_instance, module, channel, connection, pin_name in pwm_outputs: this_channel = (pwm_instance, module, channel) if last_channel is not None and last_channel != this_channel: periph_c.append("") last_channel = this_channel periph_c.append( f" PWM_PIN(PWM{pwm_instance}, kPWM_Module_{module}, kPWM_Pwm{channel}, IOMUXC_{pin_name}_{connection}, &pin_{pin_name})," ) periph_c.append(f"}};") periph_c.append("") periph_h.append("") (out_dir / "periph.h").write_text("\n".join(periph_h)) (out_dir / "periph.c").write_text("\n".join(periph_c))