""" LSM6DSOX STMicro driver for MicroPython based on LSM9DS1: Source repo: https://github.com/hoihu/projects/tree/master/raspi-hat The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2021 Damien P. George Copyright (c) 2021 Ibrahim Abdelkader Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Basic example usage: import time from lsm6dsox import LSM6DSOX from machine import Pin, I2C lsm = LSM6DSOX(I2C(0, scl=Pin(13), sda=Pin(12))) while (True): print('Accelerometer: x:{:>8.3f} y:{:>8.3f} z:{:>8.3f}'.format(*lsm.read_accel())) print('Gyroscope: x:{:>8.3f} y:{:>8.3f} z:{:>8.3f}'.format(*lsm.read_gyro())) print("") time.sleep_ms(100) """ import array from micropython import const class LSM6DSOX: _CTRL3_C = const(0x12) _CTRL1_XL = const(0x10) _CTRL8_XL = const(0x17) _CTRL9_XL = const(0x18) _CTRL2_G = const(0x11) _CTRL7_G = const(0x16) _OUTX_L_G = const(0x22) _OUTX_L_XL = const(0x28) _MLC_STATUS = const(0x38) _DEFAULT_ADDR = const(0x6A) _WHO_AM_I_REG = const(0x0F) _FUNC_CFG_ACCESS = const(0x01) _FUNC_CFG_BANK_USER = const(0) _FUNC_CFG_BANK_HUB = const(1) _FUNC_CFG_BANK_EMBED = const(2) _MLC0_SRC = const(0x70) _MLC_INT1 = const(0x0D) _TAP_CFG0 = const(0x56) _EMB_FUNC_EN_A = const(0x04) _EMB_FUNC_EN_B = const(0x05) def __init__( self, i2c, address=_DEFAULT_ADDR, gyro_odr=104, accel_odr=104, gyro_scale=2000, accel_scale=4, ucf=None, ): """Initalizes Gyro and Accelerator. accel_odr: (0, 1.6Hz, 3.33Hz, 6.66Hz, 12.5Hz, 26Hz, 52Hz, 104Hz, 208Hz, 416Hz, 888Hz) gyro_odr: (0, 1.6Hz, 3.33Hz, 6.66Hz, 12.5Hz, 26Hz, 52Hz, 104Hz, 208Hz, 416Hz, 888Hz) gyro_scale: (245dps, 500dps, 1000dps, 2000dps) accel_scale: (+/-2g, +/-4g, +/-8g, +-16g) ucf: MLC program to load. """ self.i2c = i2c self.address = address # check the id of the Accelerometer/Gyro if self.__read_reg(_WHO_AM_I_REG) != 108: raise OSError("No LSM6DS device was found at address 0x%x" % (self.address)) # allocate scratch buffer for efficient conversions and memread op's self.scratch_int = array.array("h", [0, 0, 0]) SCALE_GYRO = {250: 0, 500: 1, 1000: 2, 2000: 3} SCALE_ACCEL = {2: 0, 4: 2, 8: 3, 16: 1} # XL_HM_MODE = 0 by default. G_HM_MODE = 0 by default. ODR = { 0: 0x00, 1.6: 0x08, 3.33: 0x09, 6.66: 0x0A, 12.5: 0x01, 26: 0x02, 52: 0x03, 104: 0x04, 208: 0x05, 416: 0x06, 888: 0x07, } gyro_odr = round(gyro_odr, 2) accel_odr = round(accel_odr, 2) # Sanity checks if not gyro_odr in ODR: raise ValueError("Invalid sampling rate: %d" % accel_odr) if not gyro_scale in SCALE_GYRO: raise ValueError("invalid gyro scaling: %d" % gyro_scale) if not accel_odr in ODR: raise ValueError("Invalid sampling rate: %d" % accel_odr) if not accel_scale in SCALE_ACCEL: raise ValueError("invalid accelerometer scaling: %d" % accel_scale) # Soft-reset the device. self.reset() # Load and configure MLC if UCF file is provided if ucf != None: self.load_mlc(ucf) # Set Gyroscope datarate and scale. # Note output from LPF2 second filtering stage is selected. See Figure 18. self.__write_reg(_CTRL1_XL, (ODR[accel_odr] << 4) | (SCALE_ACCEL[accel_scale] << 2) | 2) # Enable LPF2 and HPF fast-settling mode, ODR/4 self.__write_reg(_CTRL8_XL, 0x09) # Set Gyroscope datarate and scale. self.__write_reg(_CTRL2_G, (ODR[gyro_odr] << 4) | (SCALE_GYRO[gyro_scale] << 2) | 0) self.gyro_scale = 32768 / gyro_scale self.accel_scale = 32768 / accel_scale def __read_reg(self, reg, size=1): buf = self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, reg, size) if size == 1: return int(buf[0]) return [int(x) for x in buf] def __write_reg(self, reg, val): self.i2c.writeto_mem(self.address, reg, bytes([val])) def reset(self): self.__write_reg(_CTRL3_C, self.__read_reg(_CTRL3_C) | 0x1) for i in range(0, 10): if (self.__read_reg(_CTRL3_C) & 0x01) == 0: return time.sleep_ms(10) raise OSError("Failed to reset LSM6DS device.") def set_mem_bank(self, bank): cfg = self.__read_reg(_FUNC_CFG_ACCESS) & 0x3F self.__write_reg(_FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, cfg | (bank << 6)) def set_embedded_functions(self, enable, emb_ab=None): self.set_mem_bank(_FUNC_CFG_BANK_EMBED) if enable: self.__write_reg(_EMB_FUNC_EN_A, emb_ab[0]) self.__write_reg(_EMB_FUNC_EN_B, emb_ab[1]) else: emb_a = self.__read_reg(_EMB_FUNC_EN_A) emb_b = self.__read_reg(_EMB_FUNC_EN_B) self.__write_reg(_EMB_FUNC_EN_A, (emb_a & 0xC7)) self.__write_reg(_EMB_FUNC_EN_B, (emb_b & 0xE6)) emb_ab = (emb_a, emb_b) self.set_mem_bank(_FUNC_CFG_BANK_USER) return emb_ab def load_mlc(self, ucf): # Load MLC config from file with open(ucf, "r") as ucf_file: for l in ucf_file: if l.startswith("Ac"): v = [int(v, 16) for v in l.strip().split(" ")[1:3]] self.__write_reg(v[0], v[1]) emb_ab = self.set_embedded_functions(False) # Disable I3C interface self.__write_reg(_CTRL9_XL, self.__read_reg(_CTRL9_XL) | 0x01) # Enable Block Data Update self.__write_reg(_CTRL3_C, self.__read_reg(_CTRL3_C) | 0x40) # Route signals on interrupt pin 1 self.set_mem_bank(_FUNC_CFG_BANK_EMBED) self.__write_reg(_MLC_INT1, self.__read_reg(_MLC_INT1) & 0x01) self.set_mem_bank(_FUNC_CFG_BANK_USER) # Configure interrupt pin mode self.__write_reg(_TAP_CFG0, self.__read_reg(_TAP_CFG0) | 0x41) self.set_embedded_functions(True, emb_ab) def read_mlc_output(self): buf = None if self.__read_reg(_MLC_STATUS) & 0x1: self.__read_reg(0x1A, size=12) self.set_mem_bank(_FUNC_CFG_BANK_EMBED) buf = self.__read_reg(_MLC0_SRC, 8) self.set_mem_bank(_FUNC_CFG_BANK_USER) return buf def read_gyro(self): """Returns gyroscope vector in degrees/sec.""" mv = memoryview(self.scratch_int) f = self.gyro_scale self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, _OUTX_L_G, mv) return (mv[0] / f, mv[1] / f, mv[2] / f) def read_accel(self): """Returns acceleration vector in gravity units (9.81m/s^2).""" mv = memoryview(self.scratch_int) f = self.accel_scale self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.address, _OUTX_L_XL, mv) return (mv[0] / f, mv[1] / f, mv[2] / f)