#! /usr/bin/env python3 import os import subprocess import sys import platform import argparse import inspect import re from glob import glob import multiprocessing from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import threading import tempfile # Maximum time to run a PC-based test, in seconds. TEST_TIMEOUT = 30 # See stackoverflow.com/questions/2632199: __file__ nor sys.argv[0] # are guaranteed to always work, this one should though. BASEPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda: None))) def base_path(*p): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(BASEPATH, *p)).replace("\\", "/") # Tests require at least CPython 3.3. If your default python3 executable # is of lower version, you can point MICROPY_CPYTHON3 environment var # to the correct executable. if os.name == "nt": CPYTHON3 = os.getenv("MICROPY_CPYTHON3", "python") MICROPYTHON = os.getenv( "MICROPY_MICROPYTHON", base_path("../ports/windows/build-standard/micropython.exe") ) # mpy-cross is only needed if --via-mpy command-line arg is passed MPYCROSS = os.getenv("MICROPY_MPYCROSS", base_path("../mpy-cross/build/mpy-cross.exe")) else: CPYTHON3 = os.getenv("MICROPY_CPYTHON3", "python3") MICROPYTHON = os.getenv( "MICROPY_MICROPYTHON", base_path("../ports/unix/build-standard/micropython") ) # mpy-cross is only needed if --via-mpy command-line arg is passed MPYCROSS = os.getenv("MICROPY_MPYCROSS", base_path("../mpy-cross/build/mpy-cross")) # Use CPython options to not save .pyc files, to only access the core standard library # (not site packages which may clash with u-module names), and improve start up time. CPYTHON3_CMD = [CPYTHON3, "-BS"] # For diff'ing test output DIFF = os.getenv("MICROPY_DIFF", "diff -u") # Set PYTHONIOENCODING so that CPython will use utf-8 on systems which set another encoding in the locale os.environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "utf-8" # Code to allow a target MicroPython to import an .mpy from RAM injected_import_hook_code = """\ import sys, os, io class __File(io.IOBase): def __init__(self): self.off = 0 def ioctl(self, request, arg): return 0 def readinto(self, buf): buf[:] = memoryview(__buf)[self.off:self.off + len(buf)] self.off += len(buf) return len(buf) class __FS: def mount(self, readonly, mkfs): pass def umount(self): pass def chdir(self, path): pass def stat(self, path): if path == '__injected_test.mpy': return tuple(0 for _ in range(10)) else: raise OSError(-2) # ENOENT def open(self, path, mode): return __File() os.mount(__FS(), '/__vfstest') os.chdir('/__vfstest') __import__('__injected_test') """ def rm_f(fname): if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) # unescape wanted regex chars and escape unwanted ones def convert_regex_escapes(line): cs = [] escape = False for c in str(line, "utf8"): if escape: escape = False cs.append(c) elif c == "\\": escape = True elif c in ("(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", ".", "*", "+", "^", "$"): cs.append("\\" + c) else: cs.append(c) # accept carriage-return(s) before final newline if cs[-1] == "\n": cs[-1] = "\r*\n" return bytes("".join(cs), "utf8") def prepare_script_for_target(args, *, script_filename=None, script_text=None, force_plain=False): if force_plain or (not args.via_mpy and args.emit == "bytecode"): if script_filename is not None: with open(script_filename, "rb") as f: script_text = f.read() elif args.via_mpy: tempname = tempfile.mktemp(dir="") mpy_filename = tempname + ".mpy" if script_filename is None: script_filename = tempname + ".py" cleanup_script_filename = True with open(script_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(script_text) else: cleanup_script_filename = False try: subprocess.check_output( [MPYCROSS] + args.mpy_cross_flags.split() + ["-o", mpy_filename, "-X", "emit=" + args.emit, script_filename], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er: return True, b"mpy-cross crash\n" + er.output with open(mpy_filename, "rb") as f: script_text = b"__buf=" + bytes(repr(f.read()), "ascii") + b"\n" rm_f(mpy_filename) if cleanup_script_filename: rm_f(script_filename) script_text += bytes(injected_import_hook_code, "ascii") else: print("error: using emit={} must go via .mpy".format(args.emit)) sys.exit(1) return False, script_text def run_script_on_remote_target(pyb, args, test_file, is_special): had_crash, script = prepare_script_for_target( args, script_filename=test_file, force_plain=is_special ) if had_crash: return True, script try: had_crash = False pyb.enter_raw_repl() output_mupy = pyb.exec_(script) except pyboard.PyboardError as e: had_crash = True if not is_special and e.args[0] == "exception": output_mupy = e.args[1] + e.args[2] + b"CRASH" else: output_mupy = bytes(e.args[0], "ascii") + b"\nCRASH" return had_crash, output_mupy def run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file, is_special=False): special_tests = ( "micropython/meminfo.py", "basics/bytes_compare3.py", "basics/builtin_help.py", "thread/thread_exc2.py", "esp32/partition_ota.py", ) had_crash = False if pyb is None: # run on PC if ( test_file.startswith(("cmdline/", base_path("feature_check/"))) or test_file in special_tests ): # special handling for tests of the unix cmdline program is_special = True if is_special: # check for any cmdline options needed for this test args = [MICROPYTHON] with open(test_file, "rb") as f: line = f.readline() if line.startswith(b"# cmdline:"): # subprocess.check_output on Windows only accepts strings, not bytes args += [str(c, "utf-8") for c in line[10:].strip().split()] # run the test, possibly with redirected input try: if "repl_" in test_file: # Need to use a PTY to test command line editing try: import pty except ImportError: # in case pty module is not available, like on Windows return b"SKIP\n" import select # Even though these might have the pty module, it's unlikely to function. if sys.platform in ["win32", "msys", "cygwin"]: return b"SKIP\n" def get(required=False): rv = b"" while True: ready = select.select([master], [], [], 0.02) if ready[0] == [master]: rv += os.read(master, 1024) else: if not required or rv: return rv def send_get(what): os.write(master, what) return get() with open(test_file, "rb") as f: # instead of: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args, stdin=f) master, slave = pty.openpty() p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0 ) banner = get(True) output_mupy = banner + b"".join(send_get(line) for line in f) send_get(b"\x04") # exit the REPL, so coverage info is saved # At this point the process might have exited already, but trying to # kill it 'again' normally doesn't result in exceptions as Python and/or # the OS seem to try to handle this nicely. When running Linux on WSL # though, the situation differs and calling Popen.kill after the process # terminated results in a ProcessLookupError. Just catch that one here # since we just want the process to be gone and that's the case. try: p.kill() except ProcessLookupError: pass os.close(master) os.close(slave) else: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output( args + [test_file], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return b"CRASH" else: # a standard test run on PC # create system command cmdlist = [os.path.abspath(MICROPYTHON), "-X", "emit=" + args.emit] if args.heapsize is not None: cmdlist.extend(["-X", "heapsize=" + args.heapsize]) if sys.platform == "darwin": cmdlist.extend(["-X", "realtime"]) cwd = os.path.dirname(test_file) # if running via .mpy, first compile the .py file if args.via_mpy: mpy_filename = tempfile.mktemp(dir=cwd, suffix=".mpy") subprocess.check_output( [MPYCROSS] + args.mpy_cross_flags.split() + ["-o", mpy_filename, "-X", "emit=" + args.emit, test_file] ) mpy_modname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mpy_filename))[0] cmdlist.extend(["-m", mpy_modname]) else: cmdlist.append(os.path.abspath(test_file)) # run the actual test try: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output( cmdlist, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=TEST_TIMEOUT, cwd=cwd ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er: had_crash = True output_mupy = er.output + b"CRASH" except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as er: had_crash = True output_mupy = (er.output or b"") + b"TIMEOUT" # clean up if we had an intermediate .mpy file if args.via_mpy: rm_f(mpy_filename) else: # run via pyboard interface had_crash, output_mupy = run_script_on_remote_target(pyb, args, test_file, is_special) # canonical form for all ports/platforms is to use \n for end-of-line output_mupy = output_mupy.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") # don't try to convert the output if we should skip this test if had_crash or output_mupy in (b"SKIP\n", b"CRASH"): return output_mupy # skipped special tests will output "SKIP" surrounded by other interpreter debug output if is_special and not had_crash and b"\nSKIP\n" in output_mupy: return b"SKIP\n" if is_special or test_file in special_tests: # convert parts of the output that are not stable across runs with open(test_file + ".exp", "rb") as f: lines_exp = [] for line in f.readlines(): if line == b"########\n": line = (line,) else: line = (line, re.compile(convert_regex_escapes(line))) lines_exp.append(line) lines_mupy = [line + b"\n" for line in output_mupy.split(b"\n")] if output_mupy.endswith(b"\n"): lines_mupy = lines_mupy[:-1] # remove erroneous last empty line i_mupy = 0 for i in range(len(lines_exp)): if lines_exp[i][0] == b"########\n": # 8x #'s means match 0 or more whole lines line_exp = lines_exp[i + 1] skip = 0 while i_mupy + skip < len(lines_mupy) and not line_exp[1].match( lines_mupy[i_mupy + skip] ): skip += 1 if i_mupy + skip >= len(lines_mupy): lines_mupy[i_mupy] = b"######## FAIL\n" break del lines_mupy[i_mupy : i_mupy + skip] lines_mupy.insert(i_mupy, b"########\n") i_mupy += 1 else: # a regex if lines_exp[i][1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy]): lines_mupy[i_mupy] = lines_exp[i][0] else: # print("don't match: %r %s" % (lines_exp[i][1], lines_mupy[i_mupy])) # DEBUG pass i_mupy += 1 if i_mupy >= len(lines_mupy): break output_mupy = b"".join(lines_mupy) return output_mupy def run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, test_file): if pyb is not None and test_file.startswith("repl_"): # REPL feature tests will not run via pyboard because they require prompt interactivity return b"" return run_micropython(pyb, args, base_path("feature_check", test_file), is_special=True) class ThreadSafeCounter: def __init__(self, start=0): self._value = start self._lock = threading.Lock() def increment(self): self.add(1) def add(self, to_add): with self._lock: self._value += to_add def append(self, arg): self.add([arg]) @property def value(self): return self._value def run_tests(pyb, tests, args, result_dir, num_threads=1): test_count = ThreadSafeCounter() testcase_count = ThreadSafeCounter() passed_count = ThreadSafeCounter() failed_tests = ThreadSafeCounter([]) skipped_tests = ThreadSafeCounter([]) skip_tests = set() skip_native = False skip_int_big = False skip_bytearray = False skip_set_type = False skip_slice = False skip_async = False skip_const = False skip_revops = False skip_io_module = False skip_fstring = False skip_endian = False has_complex = True has_coverage = False upy_float_precision = 32 # If we're asked to --list-tests, we can't assume that there's a # connection to target, so we can't run feature checks usefully. if not (args.list_tests or args.write_exp): # Even if we run completely different tests in a different directory, # we need to access feature_checks from the same directory as the # run-tests.py script itself so use base_path. # Check if micropython.native is supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "native_check.py") if output != b"native\n": skip_native = True # Check if arbitrary-precision integers are supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "int_big.py") if output != b"1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n": skip_int_big = True # Check if bytearray is supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "bytearray.py") if output != b"bytearray\n": skip_bytearray = True # Check if set type (and set literals) is supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "set_check.py") if output != b"{1}\n": skip_set_type = True # Check if slice is supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "slice.py") if output != b"slice\n": skip_slice = True # Check if async/await keywords are supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "async_check.py") if output != b"async\n": skip_async = True # Check if const keyword (MicroPython extension) is supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "const.py") if output != b"1\n": skip_const = True # Check if __rOP__ special methods are supported, and skip such tests if it's not output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "reverse_ops.py") if output == b"TypeError\n": skip_revops = True # Check if io module exists, and skip such tests if it doesn't output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "io_module.py") if output != b"io\n": skip_io_module = True # Check if fstring feature is enabled, and skip such tests if it doesn't output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "fstring.py") if output != b"a=1\n": skip_fstring = True # Check if emacs repl is supported, and skip such tests if it's not t = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "repl_emacs_check.py") if "True" not in str(t, "ascii"): skip_tests.add("cmdline/repl_emacs_keys.py") # Check if words movement in repl is supported, and skip such tests if it's not t = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "repl_words_move_check.py") if "True" not in str(t, "ascii"): skip_tests.add("cmdline/repl_words_move.py") upy_byteorder = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "byteorder.py") upy_float_precision = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "float.py") try: upy_float_precision = int(upy_float_precision) except ValueError: upy_float_precision = 0 has_complex = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "complex.py") == b"complex\n" has_coverage = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, "coverage.py") == b"coverage\n" cpy_byteorder = subprocess.check_output( CPYTHON3_CMD + [base_path("feature_check/byteorder.py")] ) skip_endian = upy_byteorder != cpy_byteorder # These tests don't test slice explicitly but rather use it to perform the test misc_slice_tests = ( "builtin_range", "class_super", "containment", "errno1", "fun_str", "generator1", "globals_del", "memoryview1", "memoryview_gc", "object1", "python34", "struct_endian", ) # Some tests shouldn't be run on GitHub Actions if os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true": skip_tests.add("thread/stress_schedule.py") # has reliability issues if upy_float_precision == 0: skip_tests.add("extmod/uctypes_le_float.py") skip_tests.add("extmod/uctypes_native_float.py") skip_tests.add("extmod/uctypes_sizeof_float.py") skip_tests.add("extmod/json_dumps_float.py") skip_tests.add("extmod/json_loads_float.py") skip_tests.add("extmod/random_extra_float.py") skip_tests.add("misc/rge_sm.py") if upy_float_precision < 32: skip_tests.add( "float/float2int_intbig.py" ) # requires fp32, there's float2int_fp30_intbig.py instead skip_tests.add( "float/string_format.py" ) # requires fp32, there's string_format_fp30.py instead skip_tests.add("float/bytes_construct.py") # requires fp32 skip_tests.add("float/bytearray_construct.py") # requires fp32 if upy_float_precision < 64: skip_tests.add("float/float_divmod.py") # tested by float/float_divmod_relaxed.py instead skip_tests.add("float/float2int_doubleprec_intbig.py") skip_tests.add("float/float_format_ints_doubleprec.py") skip_tests.add("float/float_parse_doubleprec.py") if not has_complex: skip_tests.add("float/complex1.py") skip_tests.add("float/complex1_intbig.py") skip_tests.add("float/complex_reverse_op.py") skip_tests.add("float/complex_special_methods.py") skip_tests.add("float/int_big_float.py") skip_tests.add("float/true_value.py") skip_tests.add("float/types.py") skip_tests.add("float/complex_dunder.py") if not has_coverage: skip_tests.add("cmdline/cmd_parsetree.py") skip_tests.add("cmdline/repl_sys_ps1_ps2.py") skip_tests.add("extmod/ssl_poll.py") # Some tests shouldn't be run on a PC if args.target == "unix": # unix build does not have the GIL so can't run thread mutation tests for t in tests: if t.startswith("thread/mutate_"): skip_tests.add(t) # Some tests shouldn't be run on pyboard if args.target != "unix": skip_tests.add("basics/exception_chain.py") # warning is not printed skip_tests.add("micropython/meminfo.py") # output is very different to PC output skip_tests.add("extmod/machine_mem.py") # raw memory access not supported if args.target == "wipy": skip_tests.add("misc/print_exception.py") # requires error reporting full skip_tests.update( { "extmod/uctypes_%s.py" % t for t in "bytearray le native_le ptr_le ptr_native_le sizeof sizeof_native array_assign_le array_assign_native_le".split() } ) # requires uctypes skip_tests.add("extmod/zlibd_decompress.py") # requires zlib skip_tests.add("extmod/heapq1.py") # heapq not supported by WiPy skip_tests.add("extmod/random_basic.py") # requires random skip_tests.add("extmod/random_extra.py") # requires random elif args.target == "esp8266": skip_tests.add("misc/rge_sm.py") # too large elif args.target == "minimal": skip_tests.add("basics/class_inplace_op.py") # all special methods not supported skip_tests.add( "basics/subclass_native_init.py" ) # native subclassing corner cases not support skip_tests.add("misc/rge_sm.py") # too large skip_tests.add("micropython/opt_level.py") # don't assume line numbers are stored elif args.target == "nrf": skip_tests.add("basics/memoryview1.py") # no item assignment for memoryview skip_tests.add("extmod/random_basic.py") # unimplemented: random.seed skip_tests.add("micropython/opt_level.py") # no support for line numbers skip_tests.add("misc/non_compliant.py") # no item assignment for bytearray for t in tests: if t.startswith("basics/io_"): skip_tests.add(t) elif args.target == "renesas-ra": skip_tests.add( "extmod/time_time_ns.py" ) # RA fsp rtc function doesn't support nano sec info elif args.target == "qemu-arm": skip_tests.add("misc/print_exception.py") # requires sys stdfiles # Some tests are known to fail on 64-bit machines if pyb is None and platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit": pass # Some tests use unsupported features on Windows if os.name == "nt": skip_tests.add("import/import_file.py") # works but CPython prints forward slashes # Some tests are known to fail with native emitter # Remove them from the below when they work if args.emit == "native": skip_tests.update( {"basics/%s.py" % t for t in "gen_yield_from_close generator_name".split()} ) # require raise_varargs, generator name skip_tests.update( {"basics/async_%s.py" % t for t in "with with2 with_break with_return".split()} ) # require async_with skip_tests.update( {"basics/%s.py" % t for t in "try_reraise try_reraise2".split()} ) # require raise_varargs skip_tests.add("basics/annotate_var.py") # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add("basics/del_deref.py") # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add("basics/del_local.py") # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add("basics/exception_chain.py") # raise from is not supported skip_tests.add("basics/fun_name.py") # requires proper names for native functions skip_tests.add("basics/scope_implicit.py") # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add("basics/sys_tracebacklimit.py") # requires traceback info skip_tests.add("basics/try_finally_return2.py") # requires raise_varargs skip_tests.add("basics/unboundlocal.py") # requires checking for unbound local skip_tests.add("extmod/uasyncio_event.py") # unknown issue skip_tests.add("extmod/uasyncio_lock.py") # requires async with skip_tests.add("extmod/uasyncio_micropython.py") # unknown issue skip_tests.add("extmod/uasyncio_wait_for.py") # unknown issue skip_tests.add("misc/features.py") # requires raise_varargs skip_tests.add( "misc/print_exception.py" ) # because native doesn't have proper traceback info skip_tests.add("misc/sys_exc_info.py") # sys.exc_info() is not supported for native skip_tests.add("misc/sys_settrace_features.py") # sys.settrace() not supported skip_tests.add("misc/sys_settrace_generator.py") # sys.settrace() not supported skip_tests.add("misc/sys_settrace_loop.py") # sys.settrace() not supported skip_tests.add( "micropython/emg_exc.py" ) # because native doesn't have proper traceback info skip_tests.add( "micropython/heapalloc_traceback.py" ) # because native doesn't have proper traceback info skip_tests.add( "micropython/opt_level_lineno.py" ) # native doesn't have proper traceback info skip_tests.add("micropython/schedule.py") # native code doesn't check pending events skip_tests.add("stress/bytecode_limit.py") # bytecode specific test def run_one_test(test_file): test_file = test_file.replace("\\", "/") if args.filters: # Default verdict is the opposit of the first action verdict = "include" if args.filters[0][0] == "exclude" else "exclude" for action, pat in args.filters: if pat.search(test_file): verdict = action if verdict == "exclude": return test_basename = test_file.replace("..", "_").replace("./", "").replace("/", "_") test_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(test_file))[0] is_native = ( test_name.startswith("native_") or test_name.startswith("viper_") or args.emit == "native" ) is_endian = test_name.endswith("_endian") is_int_big = test_name.startswith("int_big") or test_name.endswith("_intbig") is_bytearray = test_name.startswith("bytearray") or test_name.endswith("_bytearray") is_set_type = test_name.startswith(("set_", "frozenset")) or test_name.endswith("_set") is_slice = test_name.find("slice") != -1 or test_name in misc_slice_tests is_async = test_name.startswith(("async_", "uasyncio_")) is_const = test_name.startswith("const") is_io_module = test_name.startswith("io_") is_fstring = test_name.startswith("string_fstring") skip_it = test_file in skip_tests skip_it |= skip_native and is_native skip_it |= skip_endian and is_endian skip_it |= skip_int_big and is_int_big skip_it |= skip_bytearray and is_bytearray skip_it |= skip_set_type and is_set_type skip_it |= skip_slice and is_slice skip_it |= skip_async and is_async skip_it |= skip_const and is_const skip_it |= skip_revops and "reverse_op" in test_name skip_it |= skip_io_module and is_io_module skip_it |= skip_fstring and is_fstring if args.list_tests: if not skip_it: print(test_file) return if skip_it: print("skip ", test_file) skipped_tests.append(test_name) return # get expected output test_file_expected = test_file + ".exp" if os.path.isfile(test_file_expected): # expected output given by a file, so read that in with open(test_file_expected, "rb") as f: output_expected = f.read() else: # run CPython to work out expected output try: output_expected = subprocess.check_output( CPYTHON3_CMD + [os.path.abspath(test_file)], cwd=os.path.dirname(test_file) ) if args.write_exp: with open(test_file_expected, "wb") as f: f.write(output_expected) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output_expected = b"CPYTHON3 CRASH" # canonical form for all host platforms is to use \n for end-of-line output_expected = output_expected.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") if args.write_exp: return # run MicroPython output_mupy = run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file) if output_mupy == b"SKIP\n": print("skip ", test_file) skipped_tests.append(test_name) return testcase_count.add(len(output_expected.splitlines())) filename_expected = os.path.join(result_dir, test_basename + ".exp") filename_mupy = os.path.join(result_dir, test_basename + ".out") if output_expected == output_mupy: print("pass ", test_file) passed_count.increment() rm_f(filename_expected) rm_f(filename_mupy) else: with open(filename_expected, "wb") as f: f.write(output_expected) with open(filename_mupy, "wb") as f: f.write(output_mupy) print("FAIL ", test_file) failed_tests.append(test_name) test_count.increment() if pyb or args.list_tests: num_threads = 1 if num_threads > 1: pool = ThreadPool(num_threads) pool.map(run_one_test, tests) else: for test in tests: run_one_test(test) if args.list_tests: return True print( "{} tests performed ({} individual testcases)".format( test_count.value, testcase_count.value ) ) print("{} tests passed".format(passed_count.value)) skipped_tests = sorted(skipped_tests.value) if len(skipped_tests) > 0: print("{} tests skipped: {}".format(len(skipped_tests), " ".join(skipped_tests))) failed_tests = sorted(failed_tests.value) if len(failed_tests) > 0: print("{} tests failed: {}".format(len(failed_tests), " ".join(failed_tests))) return False # all tests succeeded return True class append_filter(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): super().__init__(option_strings, dest, default=[], **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, args, value, option): if not hasattr(args, self.dest): args.filters = [] if option.startswith(("-e", "--e")): option = "exclude" else: option = "include" args.filters.append((option, re.compile(value))) def main(): cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="""Run and manage tests for MicroPython. Tests are discovered by scanning test directories for .py files or using the specified test files. If test files nor directories are specified, the script expects to be ran in the tests directory (where this file is located) and the builtin tests suitable for the target platform are ran. When running tests, run-tests.py compares the MicroPython output of the test with the output produced by running the test through CPython unless a .exp file is found, in which case it is used as comparison. If a test fails, run-tests.py produces a pair of .out and .exp files in the result directory with the MicroPython output and the expectations, respectively. """, epilog="""\ Options -i and -e can be multiple and processed in the order given. Regex "search" (vs "match") operation is used. An action (include/exclude) of the last matching regex is used: run-tests.py -i async - exclude all, then include tests containing "async" anywhere run-tests.py -e '/big.+int' - include all, then exclude by regex run-tests.py -e async -i async_foo - include all, exclude async, yet still include async_foo """, ) cmd_parser.add_argument("--target", default="unix", help="the target platform") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--device", default="/dev/ttyACM0", help="the serial device or the IP address of the pyboard", ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "-b", "--baudrate", default=115200, help="the baud rate of the serial device" ) cmd_parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", default="micro", help="the telnet login username") cmd_parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", default="python", help="the telnet login password") cmd_parser.add_argument( "-d", "--test-dirs", nargs="*", help="input test directories (if no files given)" ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "-r", "--result-dir", default=base_path("results"), help="directory for test results" ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", action=append_filter, metavar="REGEX", dest="filters", help="exclude test by regex on path/name.py", ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--include", action=append_filter, metavar="REGEX", dest="filters", help="include test by regex on path/name.py", ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "--write-exp", action="store_true", help="use CPython to generate .exp files to run tests w/o CPython", ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "--list-tests", action="store_true", help="list tests instead of running them" ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "--emit", default="bytecode", help="MicroPython emitter to use (bytecode or native)" ) cmd_parser.add_argument("--heapsize", help="heapsize to use (use default if not specified)") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--via-mpy", action="store_true", help="compile .py files to .mpy first" ) cmd_parser.add_argument("--mpy-cross-flags", default="", help="flags to pass to mpy-cross") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--keep-path", action="store_true", help="do not clear MICROPYPATH when running tests" ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "-j", "--jobs", default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), metavar="N", type=int, help="Number of tests to run simultaneously", ) cmd_parser.add_argument("files", nargs="*", help="input test files") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--print-failures", action="store_true", help="print the diff of expected vs. actual output for failed tests and exit", ) cmd_parser.add_argument( "--clean-failures", action="store_true", help="delete the .exp and .out files from failed tests and exit", ) args = cmd_parser.parse_args() if args.print_failures: for exp in glob(os.path.join(args.result_dir, "*.exp")): testbase = exp[:-4] print() print("FAILURE {0}".format(testbase)) os.system("{0} {1}.exp {1}.out".format(DIFF, testbase)) sys.exit(0) if args.clean_failures: for f in glob(os.path.join(args.result_dir, "*.exp")) + glob( os.path.join(args.result_dir, "*.out") ): os.remove(f) sys.exit(0) LOCAL_TARGETS = ( "unix", "qemu-arm", ) EXTERNAL_TARGETS = ( "pyboard", "wipy", "esp8266", "esp32", "minimal", "nrf", "renesas-ra", "rp2", ) if args.list_tests: pyb = None elif args.target in LOCAL_TARGETS: pyb = None if not args.mpy_cross_flags: if args.target == "unix": args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=host" elif args.target == "qemu-arm": args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=armv7m" elif args.target in EXTERNAL_TARGETS: global pyboard sys.path.append(base_path("../tools")) import pyboard if not args.mpy_cross_flags: if args.target == "esp8266": args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=xtensa" elif args.target == "esp32": args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=xtensawin" elif args.target == "rp2": args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=armv6m" elif args.target == "pyboard": args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=armv7emsp" else: args.mpy_cross_flags = "-march=armv7m" pyb = pyboard.Pyboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password) pyb.enter_raw_repl() else: raise ValueError("target must be one of %s" % ", ".join(LOCAL_TARGETS + EXTERNAL_TARGETS)) if len(args.files) == 0: if args.test_dirs is None: test_dirs = ( "basics", "micropython", "misc", "extmod", ) if args.target == "pyboard": # run pyboard tests test_dirs += ("float", "stress", "pyb", "inlineasm") elif args.target in ("renesas-ra"): test_dirs += ("float", "inlineasm", "renesas-ra") elif args.target == "rp2": test_dirs += ("float", "stress", "inlineasm") elif args.target in ("esp8266", "esp32", "minimal", "nrf"): test_dirs += ("float",) elif args.target == "wipy": # run WiPy tests test_dirs += ("wipy",) elif args.target == "unix": # run PC tests test_dirs += ( "float", "import", "io", "stress", "unicode", "unix", "cmdline", ) elif args.target == "qemu-arm": if not args.write_exp: raise ValueError("--target=qemu-arm must be used with --write-exp") # Generate expected output files for qemu run. # This list should match the test_dirs tuple in tinytest-codegen.py. test_dirs += ( "float", "inlineasm", "qemu-arm", ) else: # run tests from these directories test_dirs = args.test_dirs tests = sorted( test_file for test_files in (glob("{}/*.py".format(dir)) for dir in test_dirs) for test_file in test_files ) else: # tests explicitly given tests = args.files if not args.keep_path: # clear search path to make sure tests use only builtin modules and those in extmod os.environ["MICROPYPATH"] = ".frozen" + os.pathsep + base_path("../extmod") try: os.makedirs(args.result_dir, exist_ok=True) res = run_tests(pyb, tests, args, args.result_dir, args.jobs) finally: if pyb: pyb.close() if not res: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()