import requests import zipfile import os.path import shutil import sys import subprocess for chip in ["samd21", "samd51"]: r = None filename = chip + ".zip" if not os.path.isfile(filename): with open("tools/" + chip + ".json", "r") as project_json: headers = {"content-type": "text/plain"} r = "[make]&file_name_base=My%20Project", headers=headers, data=project_json, ) if not r.ok: # Double check that the JSON is minified. If its not, you'll get a 404. print(r.text) sys.exit(1) with open(filename, "wb") as out: out.write(r.content) # Extract to a temporary location and patch it before replacing the existing location. z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename) tmp_dir = "asf4/" + chip + "_vanilla" z.extractall(tmp_dir) # Remove all carriage returns. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(tmp_dir): for fn in filenames: fn = os.path.join(dirpath, fn)["sed", "-i", "s/\r//g", fn]) # Move files to match SAMD51 structure. if chip == "samd21": shutil.move("asf4/samd21_vanilla/samd21a/include", "asf4/samd21_vanilla") shutil.move("asf4/samd21_vanilla/samd21a/gcc/gcc", "asf4/samd21_vanilla/gcc") shutil.move("asf4/samd21_vanilla/samd21a/gcc/system_samd21.c", "asf4/samd21_vanilla/gcc") ok = True for patch in os.listdir("asf4/patches/" + chip): patch = "patches/" + chip + "/" + patch print(patch) result = ["patch", "-l", "-F", "10", "-u", "-p", "1", "-d", tmp_dir, "-i", "../" + patch] ) ok = ok and result.returncode == 0 print() if ok: real_dir = "asf4/" + chip shutil.rmtree(real_dir) shutil.move(tmp_dir, real_dir) # delete the zip on success os.remove(filename) else: print("A patch failed!")