USB_VID = 0x30A4 USB_PID = 0x02 USB_PRODUCT = "Swan R5" USB_MANUFACTURER = "Blues Inc." INTERNAL_FLASH_FILESYSTEM = 1 MCU_SERIES = L4 MCU_VARIANT = STM32L4R5xx MCU_PACKAGE = WLCSP144 LD_COMMON = boards/common_default.ld LD_DEFAULT = boards/STM32L4R5_default.ld # UF2 boot option LD_BOOT = boards/STM32L4R5_boot.ld UF2_OFFSET = 0x8010000 UF2_BOOTLOADER ?= 1 # Turn all of the below off while trying to get the thing to run # These modules are implemented in ports//common-hal: # Typically the first module to create CIRCUITPY_MICROCONTROLLER = 1 CIRCUITPY_ALARM = 1 # Typically the second module to create CIRCUITPY_DIGITALIO = 1 # Other modules: CIRCUITPY_OS = 1 CIRCUITPY_STORAGE = 1 CIRCUITPY_USB_MSC = 1 CIRCUITPY_UDB_CDC = 1 CIRCUITPY_USB_VENDOR = 1 CIRCUITPY_NVM = 0 CIRCUITPY_ANALOGIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_BUSIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_NEOPIXEL_WRITE = 0 CIRCUITPY_PULSEIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_PWMIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_AUDIOPWMIO = 1 CIRCUITPY_CANIO = 0 CIRCUITPY_AUDIOBUSIO = 0 CIRCUITPY_I2CPERIPHERAL = 0 # Requires SPI, PulseIO (stub ok): CIRCUITPY_DISPLAYIO = 0 # These modules are implemented in shared-module/ - they can be included in # any port once their prerequisites in common-hal are complete. # Requires DigitalIO: CIRCUITPY_BITBANGIO = 1 # Requires neopixel_write or SPI (dotstar) CIRCUITPY_PIXELBUF = 0 # Requires OS CIRCUITPY_RANDOM = 1 # Requires Microcontroller CIRCUITPY_TOUCHIO = 1 # Requires USB CIRCUITPY_USB_HID = 0 CIRCUITPY_USB_MIDI = 0 # Does nothing without I2C CIRCUITPY_REQUIRE_I2C_PULLUPS = 0 # No requirements, but takes extra flash CIRCUITPY_ULAB = 1 # requires SPI CIRCUITPY_SDCARDIO = 0 CIRCUITPY_BLEIO_HCI = 0 CIRCUITPY_BLEIO = 0 CIRCUITPY_BUSDEVICE = 0 CIRCUITPY_KEYPAD = 1 CIRCUITPY_RGBMATRIX = 0