try: from collections import namedtuple except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit T = namedtuple("Tup", ["foo", "bar"]) # CPython prints fully qualified name, what we don't bother to do so far #print(T) for t in T(1, 2), T(bar=1, foo=2): print(t) print(t[0], t[1]) print(, print(len(t)) print(bool(t)) print(t + t) print(t * 3) print([f for f in t]) print(isinstance(t, tuple)) # Check tuple can compare equal to namedtuple with same elements print(t == (t[0], t[1]), (t[0], t[1]) == t) # Create using positional and keyword args print(T(3, bar=4)) try: t[0] = 200 except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: = 200 except AttributeError: print("AttributeError") try: t = T(1) except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: t = T(1, 2, 3) except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: t = T(foo=1) except TypeError: print("TypeError") try: t = T(1, foo=1) except TypeError: print("TypeError") # enough args, but kw is wrong try: t = T(1, baz=3) except TypeError: print("TypeError") # bad argument for member spec try: namedtuple('T', 1) except TypeError: print("TypeError") # Try tuple T4 = namedtuple("TupTuple", ("foo", "bar")) t = T4(1, 2) print(, # Try single string with comma field separator # Not implemented so far #T2 = namedtuple("TupComma", "foo,bar") #t = T2(1, 2) # Creating an empty namedtuple should not segfault T5 = namedtuple("TupEmpty", []) t = T5() print(t)